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An Ordinance Relative To Sidewalks

An Ordinance Relative To Sidewalks image
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n {}¦¦' mayor, recorder, and aliltpm-n, o( Ifa citjf oí Aun Arbot on i. W henever oommoo counetl of tin city ! Aun Arbur siiall üeternnut ' :iai public o ii vn :'!)' anti necwwity requirv that ;!.¦. iiJ waid ahall le eonstructed, re' paire! ¦! r. hin Die lumU of ftald haii h3 pftMfted hy sald couii. iie t$raded, as may lf , .tik: LI "t the .¦ mik ie, iib for the ("nKirintln, rapalnn 'r nMiewtriK ' Hfreol üh may be deeinod ntresnary, ui oriieriijk and requlnng the owner orownersol tlie i"i oi Lot himI preiolfiea Hdlnoent l ind abutMng ujM'ii tl lln ( HJiid nldwalk, toKradt mslrtict, ruMti roi p ¦ w H at p.r ol ucti tolhelotur lotftaixl promtses ' owri'il by theni rpeoUvely, of the wdili bihI tl anl jm th mauner prescrtbed Insurh ii wlihin thlity nay aftei Oia "f a e of the paitsage oi kiuji rowtluiion. auti h oopy oí the hhida. Ttn chairinati of th' Milt-walk ¦N oi Mih otht-t penofl u muy have i oí the HiU'walkH oi van clty.ftliall ¦ SUili renolut Ion :¦ ¦ i i"tN ahuli II nol !¦ sliall v, j [ 'V "1 tlle resolulltui illi'-rt IngMoch sidt-walk to begraded. consti ¦ . I i tialf "I Ita luiop. tion, ; whoin mi ri-tM ¦ i.k RhaM nol thin thlrtv tlt' Wil i r rei).'--1 b th. fhittrinMii il sitie walk coui umi ! ütined ti ilrsliinatwl 1 -otniiiuii counoll, and ih.ii Uit expense üwn-ni ha 11 b (twMi'-.i .-i npeclikl KBUcannnonl apon ¦non loi oi kil be ftdded t the amotitit oi tlie pMieiml city tx on uon lot or nniniiM. prcniíae. i n. jilee hall beaarred by Uie olty marsIihI or by oik' ol lila ritput ten by del! veringa r ,j.v I hei t-ol lo e, ,ui-iMil Uu' lois, or prera)e8 Huaitlng on inch sldewalk, hikI Ir Mll'll OWI1IT 'l oWIIIMS l'HIUKil I' lilUlld WltlliU BAid city, Uien a -opy ol toob nol l.r shall he lelt with the occupant ol mi h lot or preinlaea or wil ti aune member r bis nunlly of suitahle mje, and dteoreUon ; and If anjr ol tuoti lois or (tuin sis símil if nnoeoapled. and 1 1 1 owuer thereof ciiii nol be fuund In laid ¦ 1 1 y . (hen said nol iiiüll beMrvtd i y poeilng a eopy therent In conaplououa pUftoe on iuoB lul or j 'in tsen. i m the expiración ol thirty days !! t liillr (il ol mmi ii"tif tlo clialrniHii ol itdewalk oomrolttee ahall witli all daedillKanoe rade oonalruol r.-palr or renew socb ui ld itdewvlk a have nt been (zradcd. oon8truo6d repatrad ur renewed in nooordaoo wliii uld rwolutlon and noiicc; and upon oompltHlon ol MWb work Iih snáll lnak a report In wrllinj lo tliw oommon oooooll ol saiu dty givlrtg the dekorlptlon Ol fltOb iol or t lnlmn in tronl ol wiiich MiOh vtcwitlk wivs mili oi repalred, and thp mhiih' ol ttit'ownci and oecnpADl thereof, and tbfl OOSt Oi Krailini;. coiinI t ut1! i iiü, it-pairin or reoewlog tuoii Kliitwalk in ironi of guli OIK' Ol hlM'tl 1 IM Ol pi ('llllNi Jb skiiov i. Tnecominon oonnoll "f saldTlty shllll lins-l thi'cosl ol UI riflllii:. convt i ut-IlllK. repairing or [eavwlng Mion BlUwalu to if paid oni ol i ten. Tal rund. and shall by molotloD charwe and aueaa to eaeb "i sani i"is and premliiea the coul of tirndniK, oon¦trucUntc, repairlng or rt-n-wiiii; -o nnn-h ol ¦ald ldewalk as Is adjaoeul to, and In front ol Mild lol and pramlaM. SKi-rioN 5. Ou or heforc the eoond Monday of November of Tfih yeaf the city recorder shall inake a report, and oertlAoate to Ihe supervisor ol the dislricl in wllich the lol 'l lois, and pieinifccs adjacenl 10 whu-li Baid sidewalkn shall ln e been oonstrnotad, i puned i r i.ncw.(i,.ue located,aeUlng fsrtn adesorlptlou oi Mild lot or lou and premuna, togel her wlth khe ii.ui i the owiifi or ownersand oAonpunís, il known, and furtlier anowiDg the amoiini ¦ninamirl loeacb ol .said lotsaud premies, wliich oertlOoate shall uottfy.and ruqolre said snp'rvis(ïr to levy the sevpral sumik so aaaeaaed iy la npon the lol or lot and premi¦ei io wnlcb they are retvpectfuliy aHsessed, and add the H.mic tf hls district tax ruil for ihai year miUss oiherwlse dlrecled by tlie oommon counril. ski iihn 'i. ('pon rect?lvinn sakl e.ert;p said supervisor shall levy the snins ihercin mcnlioncd upon Ihe lot or lotsand prcmiscs x '" ''¦ 'JI on wc t or lotmand L, Kil"?:.?".""1 theowneror owncs ihereof oWl ,lny..niU for ihe currept vear I ¦in ,i. cd wlth and in tin iimnrifcr as Ihe tax to wllich It Is added ttliU wheu ooltected ihall !"¦ pai.l Into the city treaa ury to the oredti oi tbe genexal fund SK(no. ",. In .asc Ihe lax ass. ssc.l on anv inch lot or lolt and preinlm ohargfd wlth Ihe . ns. oi gradina, oonatruoilng. n-palring or renewlng nldewalka as provlded bj tnlioidlnanee sh.ill Ooi hy paid or collecled. and any snch loi or Iota anti preralasi shall be relamed (ur aon-puymeatol Hoblual llieelly treaioob loi oi lois and areralaeB onlaM H Ier redccined, shall besol, therelor hv 111.ootinty treasurer at ihp nnnnai sale of landa lor dellnqoenl laxes and in Ihe saine nimmer - aa prortded hy luw skction k. No new sidewalk' shall be oontrucU)d imless npon ihe applloatlon in writtng of :. ruajorlty of il ihe owuera or ooonpanta ol Uio real eslaU' vhleb may be Dbjeol to asesnient hrneh Kldewalk. daoTloa ¦ UnaMer ihree of the revlsed ordlnuioeaol I8W ,ii ihe city oí Aun Arhore,,tiiied, au ordlnanoe relatlve to iniiirovlni ndewalka" and ail amendinenta tberelo, and an onii nance cniiticd, ¦' mi ordlnanoe relatlve t rsnalrlng and renewlng ol tldewalka," paaiied 8epteniher I, 187, and an ordtnam n'iil., 1, "an ordmance relHtive lo sidewalks,'' passed July 14, 1879. are hereliy reoeak-d.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News