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riianwry Salo. o ATB OF MICHIGAN -The Clrcnil ('ourt lor 5 uuutj 'l K wbtenaw. In cüMliC'Ty. Kuardlan o! Mry Co-te l and I ug ¦¦' mhium, complainantei v -John u Coi-tvllu, s. Ureeory, nul .) 11. Kvaiií. dottudaui. und !y vu lui' ol a "I "aid aud euwr. .1 in ti,, r entii ¦ ,ru..ry, A. l. ISKl. uollce l her.-1'v -Iven Umi I itihatx bidder ¦ May. I). Boon t the ,..t front duor ui He - üm ArlM'i .-au. i "-' ""' : :n -at,! ie : loHii-blpa oi Sclo „, id w villaje mili oud itc of the barn I, i!nir privilege and appurte . ,1,1 Vlll:l(i iKHUluroüf, at i.r [hu Aun Arutir theuce h nineteen di gn-ori Iouk th. center oi 'a" ,. Imk-, loa.take; udfuity-svemluuiea, il, una enee hoi ib nineteeu d ; parallel v.llh "A - Ireet e of u pieee ol -.W. U.-it.T toJiil'u Knuwe. ; theiice nonhforty I .1 .¦.. otb boundar) „I ,h utral Kniiroad: tbrace t„uM : .mliuy ui aid lailroad, ciosatiitj Mül Cre k to I"11'' boondcry "f toe pub, ie ii, tlna luading aero Mili I reek trom the vilU ¦ ül D.-xt.i to Biolown oi Iener ; tbaoi KHig itie uatb w.-t li..undry of ihe hiiiuway iorKaiü ouih-emni-r!) lo a -liike lu Iht touch i boundary 01 r-niá hlghway, euudini; norili ft-vuiiiy aud ooe-half depreca, eaut slxty-xix lluka In.iii ihe nonhwe! corner of aid ., citer s Hui. , - . . u 1 1 1 iwiniy aftvm, thinv-nve nnnu.. ¦-. ik il u haiim .iiid link' lm -Uk Mand) gouth vemy Tour and a halid, xreee, links Irom a hlnck onk Irw Bloo niche in diumi-tcr, and nortta r-t-vi-uty four (l.-r.M-H. I lynl.c link irom White ouk UI lu ulaOMIW , Iheln: BOUIii mitt-uiBe deree t.-m Uve in mr ¦-. wul twe cliains and ïfiy-aix iinki-t) Ue nuil poad; Ikaaet eaaierly aero thu iu.ll ioiid to a Inte oak aiuutp ou lh.: iouthea! bauk ibereo . nine luche in dianu-t. r : cbeooe Burtb luriy i ly-elKbt links to a take Htiutdiuu. noith olgtity-ltiur de((reei. t'ant nlne lmka Iruin tk luack ok iree. nitaeii mcüe m dlaswiar; tbeuce i ortii dejrrees, eam one chain ain. lr-llve liBka lo a pu-I ; nurtli twenty-flvo de md '.linty minuu-e, .¦!! l w. chaiui and uinetyrxx link lo a ui the woiiih bouudary ol "1-" ¦Ueut or A uu Al hoi road , Ihwnce to blMCi' t)l Ijcglnnint;. And io the rUtbt nd utivíi.-ku ui ü.miiii' wnh min, and ut II tin,.-.-, orerflowlnj and keaplBR ovtitltiwud with waUT 6o mucü aud auch paite ol the northwMt quarier of CCioa number neven and minihrr ix in toWmhlD two, onU Of riurti,, ,y or eau le overrtowed by ralaIni the water In the mili po.,d uu the premiêei above _;M id u-vel of a ceruin iplu ¦ I i ctrtain ] "ak -lm, ling ou the eal (.ank ol ,,.,, .. " - -u . ., .. .u - , a ,„„. uw the dam !, hlcli r-ci or m Hl ,;: tguot De. ter, and ol a mark made tocuneopoDU thuiewltb anda nall drtven thereln sld, ol the aeoond ]'¦"¦ (counUug duwn i ea ol ili tlumc .,1 tlie s.w-uilli . ,nt bank ol Mid m-t. al -.nd dam icvui liirhef 1, tUe -h'.inder ol mH iot.t,;Miid mark,nil ou sld uak' tree lu-ini; Ibe nu nurka whlcb rere placad tin re ) B. Rom i,ud 11. Tliielaou. civil enincer, a, the tl 'nakiiiK tue mark of the same hei'lit on the pist min at said dam (nioce bumed) wluch murka have iieen senerally ondentood and Known l)y peracu orkiiix in aud ahout tbe t;riit mlll ai.d awmili at said dam and Reiierally epokeu of and reterrt;d toa? the helght ormarkn to v.hich the water of jaid dam uii'ht be ramed. I liucouveyaiice la made eubjact toali ïnctiinbrance ol ai) roade, streeta and hil,i,way mi" Inld mt ur raonlog througb over or inlo uny part "I premia abova i-oiiveyed and alo rcervluK all that piece or parcel ol land lora ,,inv, y,l hom f'eatt, Jr.. and Alvah Aldrlch to Sumuel W. UvZMr uud by Buid Dexter to lleury Vinkle. AU those lertain placea or parcele of land uit nat. d on tb Haron river la toe wwoabip oi Scio in ttie counly ol Vk'arthleuan' and ataluol MlCblsaU kliown pa tbe ücio mlll proparfy tOKètber itb all tbe Hyuralilw power and privilege a beretotore üped for tlic uaea amf purpoaea Ol iid mul and all the rihta and [irivile'ef owned aud held in relatiou to the keej'lni,' iij.ol the dam to tbe Blgbt ol eUlit teet Mtd ivvu Ulobei abova the natural leve! ofpaid IJiiron 2JSrdWDVfaterka)aeT5r9iaïto !!; l"""" "'"' „ulch waa conveved to Bmirnqroui.jr., Vjy Hélsou U. Wius '¦ du';'i '""'¦1 ' .'lary (lat, A. D. 1X57 lmt pccordeu lu liei ló (.f deed lu ihe Ketriftcr's -.uce of VVafhteliaw coonty on ia.-i' 9T9 and the oiher undivul, d btlfwaa ronveyeil to ,,iil Suydaul on forecloaora of a mortcaffe mada by Oeorxe Walker and winiaui Pupkina by miwter iti t'tiancery'ö ieed dated uct. 8ro, A. I) U6U, und recordad in llbei :il m pa'e 2W and l me aald .-,i..w... ..... reyed to John Qaidnai "v . ,i datad Mareta 2;ird, A l. i.s."; am! eonvayflü to tCdvat K, .-a n lor,ktoMurv oi ri. ¦ ¦"" given 5. aald Uardner lor Iba parebaae money bj ataatei in t-hahcery'a deed dated Oct. lat, A. U. 1H9. and raenrded in libar IJ ui deedu on page .77 i., .-aid líelsler olliee and by Kdar Hued couvuyed lo Alnu-i beed liy ileed daled Bept. 18th, A. U. 1861, aod rveordeo In liii-r tí on page 51 1; a portlon ol Hai.i intll property i -inhraced in a di-rd m.ide by Samuel VV . Putter to or-ou (anekuubuab dated -Iul IS h, A. l. l!7. and r Gorded in líber "K" ou page45SMud in aappoaed to leaoritM aald mlll property by mete and bounds: Aleo all the land and ,, remin g conveycd hy ibe Mlcbluao Central railioa.l Coiupauy tu Almet i{eed by deed dated April Ut, Imü and recordad in liber èvonpii ber wltb all the rigbte aud iu,erirnatnoam kind couTayad by Almet Meed tu Joluo W. i.n-,:ii by deed dated Aui;ut st, A. 1). IKM, anil r, curded m i-aid liulstur'a ofli, e .cpt. tith, 1884, lu libar 94 of deeaa on page SS. Alao tue Iblluwlnx deacribed landu and prennsea known u the Oeurue Walker atore (au callad) nt Bclo Tlllaaa af defrnbed in a dued from A. 11. (iieeu auu WTffl to Wulktr and récorded In office nt the Keirlater ol deeda for Waahtenaw couuty in llber 'T ol deed on mc -111 and i I") and whlcll last descrlbed lauda were alo dueded by Artimii M li.iilin and Khjili w. Horffaa loJuhn W. Groen ou the ldih day ol Aui;. A. I). lXoi, and recoided In naid HeïiBtern olllce on the lllli ilay ol September, A. D. I8M, lu libar 84 uf deeda ou page 274. All of the ab.lV.' ,1 ,'K'M 'l,-,i ,ri'.,.l .if lu.,.1 unrl i.inml... k.l. lame oonYyéd by naid .John W QnaB and wifê toJohn M. Miirk.n ai. ti alil Wlllimi C. llimh.-.. tyy derd r.-. onli ¦ ""ee ln líber 66 oí ücvun m p.i:' Tnt! (oltowtBK tlfferlbed piece or parcel of laúd, tc wit : Comjneocing ai iheuorth-i-uxi earaerul block etyrhteen (ís) m tbe village 01 Dexter, in coiiDtj ol A.hi.n.u. mul runutnir 'henee aloni; tue east ol -ml bloeit, in a sootoerly . irecuon, ona bñn drod and flfty loet, thence mmj ou a Une parallel willi ihe Aun Arlior road, tweutyllve lert. thence nürtb weaterh , on a line parallel wíib ihe easterly Ime Df sald block, tu the Aun Albur road, thunce a-tLTty, alonif tne ol" mini roatl, t thf platt' of bet;iiinliiL-. Alsolhu nndivlded one-hHlfof Int Dumbcr iiiiie (;.l) iu block numbt'r seventuen (17), of Ibe vlllage 01 lt-xter, KCcordin),' to thf [iiat toereof. All of naiii nntfi beini; m tbe rounly of Wanhle04 and Malí'! AHi-liiitan togetlMf wilh t ten md iIiltc ostu iu anv wtM beloiim ur therenpoo iltaftted. Aun Arbor. Maicti U h, A. 1). 1881. PATKI.KMcKKKNAN, tlrruit ('iiurt Comniirsiiuicr iu aud lor ihe Oounty of Waehtenaw. Nawybr and K.iira-r.TiiN, Solicitors, and II J Bkakkh ofOonnral for C'onipIgiuaDt'e. Jam T. II. inkt uabwtu U. K'nnk, Suiicilora lor Djfendanls. ASSKiNKK-SSALB. I, Uotrlea 8. Oiegory Aeslsnea oí Evarls Oo it the mm time and place mend-aed io the above notlee of C&itDcer) .-, mher iludívidccl hall oT loi nimiliiT ulne !l) ln block niirn bar -. v.iitc.n i 17; ol tile vilüifeol Uuxter, accordi. - to the recorded plat thureol. and on the ame termit and otiit-r half ol aid premlses oí nanu'il In the abo re ule. Su .1 premlaea t situated ln tbe county of Wahtenaw and átate ol MicLitau. ,_, , C1IAHLES 8. GRKGORV, 1032-lnis ut ol Eraiti & Co. ÍTATKOF MICHIGAN. Cloantj ol Washtensw,B8. wC-iríruáíio" of the frob'' Court for the Connty of Of AnTArfeÓS a'.:hJPr""!' UIHc;-. '" lhe .ity ol April, in ine year on ¦ -im 'h'undrêS o! I'rt'fí a'"V '""'¦ 1r''ít'"l'Willl"lu l Hairiniaii, Jodg ln the maiter of the estale ol Sarah A. Henwick ooeeased. On readlns tnd til ng tbe pelitio.i, duly wiíed.ol Nithan B. K.nwick praylng ihatadiiilni. Ut'i'i'wírk' L'"t"t' mV '"' t;r'"'te1 " i-'nilH-iaM. a Theriupon it Ib ordered, thai Mon.lav.the twentythinl d,iy „i Mav n,.x, at „„ ( „ thl. { ' aMlgned for Iba hearing of satd petition umi ihat the ai law of „aid deccued, and all other persona Inlerested in ald Mtat ure retiuired to uppvar al a eíslon of said conrt, then to Iw holden t ihe Probata onict-, m the cily ol Aun ArlK.r, nuil akow cauíe, II any thrre be, why tbe prayer al the petlttoner ahoald not he raiited. And it i further ordered. ihat sai.l petiüoner notici to ihe peraonu Intereeted u, aald estáte or tb pendem ofeaid petition. and the hearin it-ruol. l,y MlM a copy ol thl. order U) be publlshed ni IIip Anr, Arbor VourUr, a nt-wsuaper ind clreatettOR ln naid county, three Bucee. ka prerlOQH to aid day o! hearliiB. (A ' "I'V1 WILLIAM D. IIAKKIMAN, WM n ivrv d l . Judte of rrohate. WM. O. D()TY. Prohut Reei-tcT. un SOL. Sí. BATESON & NHL DETROIT, Offer, or tlip present sea-ion, theniost seleei MtortaMBt ot FIXE WOOLEHS ('or BEKTLEHIOCB WEAR ever broiurli U tlie cilj, and a stock wliich wlD picase and yive Millsraetion in all respect. We imite un earlv inspeetion or tlie sanie, leeling eonlldeiit a visit to oiir store will piiy nny one Interested. I( is with pleasure tliat we annoiince lliat we have senred lli' services oí MU. L. M. (JRAY as liead cntter lu our establishment, wl,o is ackiioivlediíed liy tliose lio know, to be llie KIM A.M) MOST ARTISTIC IX THE WEST. prices, tlie coming season, will lie round as LOW AS FIRST CL A SS WORK AM) MATERIAL WILL WARKANT, and we promise to do onr utmost to serve onr patrons in a satisfactor) inanner. SOL.S. BATESON & BRO.. "ThoLoadingMerchantTniloring House of Michigan," 93 Michigan Ave., Opposite i the Antisdale House, Detroit. 1035 42 jTTENTION FARMKRS! Look tu your Interest. Bi nurc in b.-,' tha DEERINQ TWINE BINDER! IWIore l.ii iiitr any other, ad it ík iiiHUmt)tedly the mout uccïbsIuI twlue bindi-r In Um nmrk.-i i 103U 38 A. DHUHV, AKi., Ypsllïnti


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