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V. S. Hicks is rWUnn at South Bond, In.l. Mrs Qeo. Nortli, now of Detroit is vUitiiiL' iu the city. Judge W. D. Harriinan baftfone to Missouri on lmsiin Kx-Qov. Chas. M. Croswell seiit last BabbttUi in the city. A. L. Nuble lms troné tu Mt. Clements in narofa of hctter health. Mis Minnie Hoiltoter is visiting her aunt. Mrs. A. A. Terry. Prof. M ('. Tyler ottiiiated at the Episcopal churcli last Sunday. T. S. Applegate, of the Adrián Times. w:is in the city last Monday. Qea E. Bowers, of the fÍHstings Banner, hs ,, (Uier at tlie Cocribk office last Tuesday. Mra. Mary Litthrup, of Jtckaon, linp M)inte(] the red ribbon pi-oile lust Subbath, by falltag to keep her engagement. J. C.Wbltewood, jho used to drive stage for Davin ft Tilleston in 1840, vUited the city the weck. Tlürigs lmve changed xnhutrhtiL lince tliuse (laya. ('has. G. Clark has gone east on a vaoation, expeotiag to visit Connectieut and Few York, before returning. Miss Allie Maiisiiekl, of the elass of '81, tu sail tor Europe on tlie liïtli of June, in cnnipany with h fbrmer instructor, ;i lady trom New York. She is to be absent MM year to complete her educatioti. Frank Emerick, tor several years a resident of oiir city, and for the past two years proncaliag attorney of this county, has toniicd a partnership with Mr. S L. Carpentci, of Aliicnn, in the law buninpss. and will take up his residence in that place ahoiK the first of June. Mr. Emerick s oneof ourmostproinisiiigyoungattornt'vs a good lawyor, and first rate fellow, and we congratúlate Aliena iii)on hor poiMi rortune in secaring hlm tis a permanent resident. Frank leaves hosts of friends ín old Washtenaw.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News