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Sittimlay. field day- dnn't foret t The engineers go into camp May Sllt Pharmies now go bolanizing Tnwdiyi and nwndkjl. Tlie senior pharinics have eaught the class hat contagión. Lariies have entered into politics- college politics. Some of thera. The hospii:ils are both filled with patienls, cvery bed txiing occupied. On Tuesday of this week there were 6'2 patlents Ln the nniversity hospital. 'J'he last week at labratory, which closea Jnne 17, will be deVotedto water uuUyila. lf U A IIhim 'O ...-- - c HUl year in the alopathlc hoaphal, oes to Zionsvflle, lnd., to practlce. l'iofs. Wilson and Allen, of the homeopathlc department, attended the Ohlo State society at Toledo, tliN week. On the lst inatant another Chronicle election ocenrs, for four editora to tuke the place of tliose retlring ut the end of the nu. The Orchard Lake base ball club s to play a inatrh ifame witJti the university nlne, upon the fair grounds next Saturday, Held day. The figlit over the president of the lecture association, postponed to May 28, mum wurm and wanner as the thermometer goes up. Tlie senior medies prasented Janitor Naglejr willi a sitk ping a few days since, much to the satisfactlon of the recipiënt and the doners. AlbertDpdge, who graduated front the la deparunent last March, is ¦ metnber f the linn of Conklin & Dottgc, of Fowlerville, and has been admlttéd to the har :it Ilowell. HutChinSOM. of VM, Ira ko,„4, ,vriu. cipal of the schools at Quincy, in place of I). A, Allen, of 78, who re9gned to take the traveling agency of a New York publiliin,n boom Toledo Journal: Three students froni Aun Arbor were at the anión depot se veral nights ago getting rid of their enthnsiasm over the whale. The sight of 30 much oil was too much for their stomaohs. Varnum B. Cochrane, who has been appointed bv Gov. Jerome as superintedent of public instruction vire C. A. Gower, reigned, N íi írradnate from the literary depiiitinent of the onlventty with the class of 70. I. L. Witmeyer, well known to our pcnple wliile a student here as an earnest tempanan advocate, and wlio graduated trom the university wlth the law class of '80, died at Minneapolis, Mitin., last Tuesduy, oí nllummation of the bowels. Hi.s ïatlu-r lias ;íne to Mimiesot.-i to bring hi.s retMÜM to iliis city for interment. llis death, u.-t :is he liad conimenced life iu i-.-irnest, a snl blow to his párente. To-inorrow is tield day, and the athletic IMOeUtlra hopa to add several hundred dollars to the gymnasium fund hv irocofds. The games are to le held iipon the fiiir groiiiuls' the morning session to comnience at 9 o'clock. and tbe afternoon at 2 o'clock. The following is a list of contests and the hour at which they will be called : MORNIG SKSSION. 1. Ten mllewalk 9.00 o'clock 4. One hour go-as-you-please 05 " :. Side-huld wrestliug 9.1U ' 1. 'Bcxlng .so 5. Collar and elbow wrentllng 10.U0 (i. Vaultinu with pole 1O..) " 7. ThrowiDgaledge „ 10.15 " S. tiuarter mile ruu„ 11.0U ' a. Hitle siiooiiMK „11 00 " 10. Kunnlng longjump 11.15 " 11. Thiuwing lane ball litó " i-i. standing broad Jump 11 ,5 " 1.1. Judian club swlnglng llm H. Drop kick. 12.00 " AFTERKOON SE8MION. 1. Konnlni? hluh Jump 2.00 " 1. Tlir legKeil race 2.10 " iuk race 2 20 " 4. Tug of war ('S.1! va. 'M; 2 . " Mlorl.otilal bar „.2.40 " t. ' )nc liundred yard daati 2.50 " 7. One mile ruu 3.80 " H. Miilerace IJS '. "Keuclng 3 25 " Il.kiIIiik Kluas balls 4.0U " 11. Itlcycle race 4.45 12. CotiNoiHtion Race ."¦ l " Flñl-a!aM jirlzes. The clcction beid for offlcers of the studenU' liciiiif isxK'iation, last Saturda}', M of the most rluscly ronlt'stcd and cxcilinj; lliat lia liccn held n college .ii.lcs fur many ¦ year. The caiididatM for iircsidctit wereEdwanl E. White, of East Bloomfleld. N. Y., and Frank W, Darenport, of Kunka, III., and so evenly balaiicrd ( -re parti.' that the lirst ballol retulted in a tic of 100 for cach.and three more teil ]ts fallad to secure a majority of all the votes cast for candidate. Aftcr tryinu; the fourth time, without choicc, the dcction of prfsidcnt was postponed for tlircc ccks. %'l'his luid consumed almost the entire day, so the remaining offlcers ut all votel for on one ballot. The followtng are the oflieers chosen: Vicepresldcnt, ('arman N. Smith, Imlcpcndencp, [owa; correspondlng secretwy, Win. Galpin, Aun Arbor; rccording secretary, riicodorc "VV. Peers, Collinsville, 111.; tlMWOrai Julián W. IJainl, Jackson ; assistnnt trcasurer, .lohn W. l'ayne, Port Clinton, Ohio; coniinitteemen for the senior cl.iss. BdgU .1 Adams, loniu; junior, Tlios. A. Noftzger, North Manchester, [ad.; ¦ophomore, W'm. C. Koote, South Norwalk. Conn.


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