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Something About Bees

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During the tammer monthi the Queen lu .111 average of tlirce Ihousauri eggs in twen tv-fiinr Imiir-, OT Ilircf timeg l.nlk iitiiI TTji iw o t - 1 ;i - - Uu1 fertile, and unrertile. Ferttte egge battfti t tinworfcer in twenty one day. TIn anfertlle can produce only droaea, and l:it-]i in twciity-loiir il:i - wc in. in tO the perfect Imt. The enen liatcli U the larva. In Hirrc il.'iys : capped over the -iH; day, tnd remaine in the pupa Male i real Of tl' T i r i . 1 :iIi(pc. Qnaen! re produoed by and al the ill of tbc woriter bea, ly fMdtna fertilized larra (ao4 to exceed flre dayi i i peculiar food, kimwn :iincuii; the bee keeper a royaljclly. food ebangea wnal wai inteinlrd fnr hii intpi il' or ncutiT lx e (the rorker) toa perfect feainle, Thii food however ill produce do changa upon Uie unfertile eg%, intended to liatch to the drone, r erfecl mnle, and c ai unit changeeither lam ofegjre, twodnyi aiii-r hatcb The nawly hatched young leca ii tiot the hive lili the KTenth day. Diuii tliis pcriod, ilicy feed tlie yoniijt in the lara state When they begin i" ily iln-y po nut between ten aud two o"c1ock only brtba porpoae oí exerciae and to the location. At tirst they ily bul ¦ few feet trnin the entrance ol tbe blyi day lengthenliijf thelr tlifrlit till aboul twenty-one dar wken they beconie honey : i r 1 1 . The Ufe time ol a worker bee Is nol to ! -i cir elght 'ck-. iliiiin' the honej mil aboul tix monthi during the winter season or seiui-ilormant perlod. un - ïnuiil oorab In the followlni manner. Tuey swallow large stomacli iiillsof boney and reoutln quiel for thirty-slx to torty-eigbt bours, (lurinc wlncl) tune thie t'Mxi chan iw, or beeswax, "¦ imrTi the táinc procesa tlmt au rx lat, liovevT, matead of secretnij; ¦ u,,t,'v, iiikI.t the skin, accnmulatea in -i littúponchea (similar to tliat of a kangarooj "i three difieran! ilzea, a portton ut' the waxen Kale, buing out, and a portion in the pouch. wben cooib building begins, tin-. pull out tl, .ml form the delicate white coraba liy a tneohanical procesa ¦ ! inucli wonder and Intoreat, bul t i too lengthy of deacription to glve in tlii article. The a Biaken areol Un youiigi i Theflightóf liee is ertimated al abmil i ¦ miles per mínate, when no( i when tuii oi honer, from one-luüf to one mué jut minute. 'I'lic estenl of the range of thé wof U f rom two to eight miles, according to tb buuuty oi tue field A normal colonj of beea consumes about :(Miihs. of honey annuallr ; onlyaboui Whict) is llsol hctwci-n i'l. il ot tbl ring oi one 'imiiii in thi' bejfinnlii of the The great bulk is aootumed in summer, produdng í:;,(mh bea every twenty-one davs. ii morí 'Umiu to ftfty eolonie ara kepl in any one location, th pro rata sur plug iclil. is lesaened proportionatcly. The werd (úeen, a misnoner. as the bee lii e .-.nota iBonarcby, buttlie imt republican form oi government This mothir bee, wblte tke l naucb ioyed, re! tbr. a most perfecl -rvant, oompletely the direction of the worhere, wlio, in all easentials; are alunys of one inind. 1 'lic ix-iii doei not lead the swarin. luit the swaim ieadsher, thoogfa alwaysconsc ions thatber preaenoe Is necegaarj to their existence as a colon 7. Bee braad Lt ¦ lood preparad fbf 1 1 ¦ derelopmentof the hu-va, and aome is uaed bj very young beo. Il IsacotnpoundofhOBey, water, aml the poiten{of flow i The uaodeofttaUieringthki pollen, is vcry mi-u ttins and i om ttisfvely pro ves thal the ¦. er and nany thr hlossoniJepeixJ umiii ¦ Fouiifllaud has sent ooi to impon i iimiilile-iiiT-, to the end thal they may produce tlieir muí clover -. , .i. ' Our best Mrainsoi' Italiau honey'bees, ure now provIng thelrcapabllity of workina on the red i lover, ili all WMMH, Bonei gatherina and tbe ripeiiiug pro - rerj oompllcated and Intereatttig, and prora the faioiie; bM to be tbe moM clean ly animal oí all aninated natura. Hut "baet -iiiiLr." Joali Blllinn Myi be nat "known ene healthy bee to break up a hole camp meeting A gucceasful nttsmpt to -liiir alwaya Withdnwi the stinker, tOKOthef Ui tUC poiaoo Hek, stmiiacli aad intestluet wliich I probabiy u much enjored by the nerroiu senaitlve insect, ai the oíd rack vrvaby horetics. Tbe booey boa li:is i oooaolotiineai of bei ¦ luim! in'ii -c aboal in iting wliuh La plalnly proven bv her actioua, at Itae, and the further wdl known and reoorded faot, that. -i boney bee ncver stings excepl on two oonditlont, when dn Lt belno cni.-licd, ui' wlii-n abeoonsidersone !. in-ar forthc satciy of herttorea." 'l'liis ilistHnce depend apon the protectlon of tbe apiary, treatmeut, and vanety ofbeeckepi therein. The averwediotance thal proper ly treatad and bred beea, wlll allow one to approacb without eictting thelr feara, in tbe nnl aeaton of tbe year, ia aboul all feet To tbe American belong tbe credit óf the greatest modern linprovementa in boney production. Back ot 'i'iirlit yeanajr.weirere ¦ I mportlng naüon, and the aalet ot boney and v,'i. ot' no -ni.'ill worth to oi tbe little ktngdomtof the old world. Today we are exportlng ,-evcial million dolíais wortb animally. üovernmenta, and iiiiii)ieiialities, are workinir hl varioiu wraya to evcourace tliis production, kuowlnr thal it furnlghee employmeni to labor whicfa ia briagtag milllonaof dollars worth of tbc most hole-¦ mie lood into extotence, whleb otherwiae iiiu-t goto a-ie Stlll there are manjr tields annually ecreting milliona of pounda of boney, vet unvisiied by the biwy gatlicrThe ('anadian board of agriculture is lenUing many IndueeuienU to Incite capital to inu'st a bee-kofpiii";. .Many atatea in the nnion have exemptéd hees from taxation. uur own ttate baaan apiary in connection with its ark'ultiir.-tl ooilege, where the icience of apicultura ia taugbt liee keepini; without capital, labor and kiiovvlvdge, nol modern apicultnre, and eau nol e, ip tiic proflts thal the Hen sj stem di


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News