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AihiTlisiiiií (ïicaN. It la beoonx n oomutoo to the beginuitiK id ni elegant, in teres ti ng article un it íntft wome adrertisement, tlmt we avoid all micIi oheata anl nmply cali a 1 1 -' ri ' í i ti to tli' nimts ol Hop Bitten in as pialo honesj i, m postibe, tu in 'luce MOple tO n llicni DM trial, M DO bo koowi thcir vakn' wili evr use uything cl-c - Provideooe Advcni-or. The Hrtfrd Almuuac amlConk IdMik sent f ree on applicatioQ toRumford Uhetni 'al Works, l'mvi lciu-o. IÍ. 1. Kxtract - For iorotii suffcring froni ¦liauhtion of thi I' the braii syslem, fröuj rong ana comiñüía study iir tWMbiag, M in tbttt m M of - hausiion, froua wtncli go inany young men ufler, 1 know no betti.T medicine for rei toration to tiealthtlian Fellowg' Couipound Syrup of Hypoj li isphite . EDMÜWDCLAY, M. I)., Pncwwh. H i l'liysicians claim Hop and Mali B are tha best. Stop ('iiilgli. If you are aufferin with a Couffh, i Asthma, Haj I sumptioo, Ion of voioe, tiukling in ihe thi iat, or any ff'otion of tho Throat or L. use De. King'8 t: Disci i m Humption. Thia s il mi dy ihai is causiiif so diu aent liy its won dertul cures, ouring tliougand of lio oaaw Over million bottleo of Pit. Kino's Nrw Discovbkt bave been naad within tlic lastyear, and have given i satisfaotioD in every instaoce We can un bmiUtiofh iaj that thi is really the onb i throat and luu . aod .¦au oheerfulljn recoinmend n to al. .i miwii; snr reifutai ¦ Kor -alt bv l'.ticrbaoh 8on, Aon Arhir, Mieh. A Intiag Joke. A prominent pbyuician of Pittsbargh üiil jokingly to i lady patiënt who waa complaimni; of oontinued il! health, and ut hit mui. ilüv to oure ber, ''iry Hop Bittere!" Th lady took it in MrneM ao I u'-'l ili ¦ bitten, from whioli nbe ol permanent healih. She DOW lauh at the doc'.or f'ur hi Joke, bul li'1 i nut 10 Wll '1 uiih it, it c-int li i ui ;t good patiint.- Barrtsburg Patriot, A ( iniirli, ('ultl or Sorc 7hnia1 should be Btopped. Nglepi frequeojjy re suita in au lm i tumptttm. Bkmwns Union ihial Trx ii F.s tri a Hain o g I hum, liroitciititu' and Throat Diteaêes. ror thirty years the Trid: amaiiara by physk-iat and alwaya giye perfect tigfaction. They are not riew ur untried bul having been tehted by wide and oodbUdI 1 t aemrly nu entira generation, they have attained well merited raok among rtie few daple remedies of the age. hen and Singen uc them to elear and trengtbeo the VmSk. Sold at twenty-five x everjwhi n: riicorj r viisdi 'ptiini. The tlieoiy of cnre'by atisoiptioti s eer tainly growing in favor. The Lion Malaria and Liver Pad and Body and Fooi I' absorbí the poison from the system, and will positively the wor4 oaaoa of Ma laria, lotermitteot and Remitteol I The whule reincdy for one d üar. I' n by draggista. Hih (( Secure Health. It seetna itraog that aoyona wili suffer Prosa deraogeoient broufrhl on by roñare SCOVILL'S 8AR8APARILLA and STILLINGIA, or BLOOD SïRUP, wül restore beabh. It the lie.-t blood purifiiT ever disoivered effeel uiilly ouriog Scrofula, Svihlitic disorders, Weaknen of the Kidn Malaria, all N'er. Iemand Debility -(ili.)li ('iiniilaii)t-. I I Liver, Kidn ¦.-. 8tomaoh, Skin, etc. li ití indigestión. A angle bottla will pren to yuu its merils u a bealth renewer, ibr it ai-ti hkc a cliarui. BA.KKR81 PAIN PANACBA cw pain in Man and Beaat, rnally and ntcinally and Ind relief. nu. i;o(.i:i;s i:i:ktai!.kvoi;m SYlil 1' m-iantly destroyd worn Constiption invariably folio wa livei oomplaini : bui it i ea-ily overeóme by the lillirly OSe Of U.WIKHS .MaMHIAKK BiTTEas. Dyspepüa alo readi tin p. tent niii'dy. Qmp made in the hVsli by euts. speedily dtsappear wtthoul bavhaj irheo rlDiRT iV JOBMOH'8 AR) i (til. LlMIMSMT il urd. DoUN's IIi.ixir wil! oure all Intifi (lisaaaM. The best medicine Luown Por whuojiing oough.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News