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The Remarkable Planetary Phenomena Of 1881

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Unquestionably the year 1881 brins the eurth to one of the mosi lemarkable asToiiomu-iil epochsin recorded time. Aaide Trom the great considerutions wliioh excite the apprehensions of the votaries of ast n.ljr, ttiere is matter enough in the uniisiml ilanetary attitude! of thu year to awaken the liveliest interest of all Intelligent ob-ervers of nature. Aceording to Professor Newcninb, of the lT. S. Naval Observatory at Washington, there have been or will be seven planeta in perihelion, MM one hunired and twenty-aevea planetary oonjtmeloni this year. Of these coiijunction.s more than lifty, inchidiiig nearly all the most important ones, are in the siyn 7'iiuni.i, wliiel], as will appear more plainly r'arther mi. is the constellationTepresented v astrologen as exeroMnc tlie most baleful influence apon mortal dectlnjr. The lates dt the perihelion passagen aml of the l Important eonjunctions. as derived f rom the "American Kphemcris" tor 18S1 and 1882, are as follows: NIKM Of Date. PlaneUconJoined. Zcxllae. ?b. 21 Juplter and Venas. Arles. 'eb. 21 Mercury in perihelion Arii-s. Harcta 1 Saturnand Vttuus Arle. Maren 2 Júpiter and Venus Arles. Vlarch ti Venu in petihetion Taurus. Unifli 10 Mercury and sun Plans, Mureh _'J. ... Neptune and Venus Taurutt. Vjiril 1h Salurii and hud ïaurus. Aprtl Itf Saturn hikI Juplter Tauru" Vpril 21 Júpiter and hiiu - '""us' ADrlil......_Marsaud "" laurus. xptil 2u ..:::.:iueiuTyaridnioon laurus. April 27 SaLuru and uitwin Taurn. April 28 Venu and moou Taurus. April 2S Neptune and mouu Taurus. May 2 Venus and sun Tauru. May .i Neptune and sun Taurus. May ti Mercury aud Saturo 'laurns. May 7 Mercury and Juplter Taurus. Maj v Mercury and Venus Taiirus. May I Juplter and Venus Taurus. Muy li Neptuneand Mercury Taurus. lit li Saturu and Venus Tauruu. Muy 17 Mercury and aun „..Taurus. Muy 'b Jara iiperïAelion „Taurus. May 27 Sun and iiioon QemlDi. May 27 Ki'llpse of sun (ienunl. Fuue 5 Venus and .salurn Taurus. lune il „.Kcllpse oí niuon Taurus. lunt 1m.. Neptune and Juplter Taurus. lune IX Neptune and Venu ..Taurus. June 20 Mars and inooii Aries. June 21 Saturn and moon ....Taurus. 21. _ Neptune audraoon Taurun. Junc2 Venus and inuun ..Taurus. July ö Mars and Saturn ..Taurtm. July 14 Neptune and Mars -Taurus. July 18 Saturn and moou Taurus. July 1! Neptune and inuou „Taurus. July ltt Mars and iuikjii „Taurus. liuy rt Júpiter and moon Taurus. J uly 21 Venus aud muoli Gein In I. July 21 Mars and Juplter Taurus. Aug. lb lierCHiy itrihelion „Taurus. Au. W Miroury and sun Virgo. Sepl. ï Uianus and Mereury Virgo. Sept. 5 „..Urauus aud suu Virgo. üct. 10 Urauusanil Venus Virgo. (jet. lti Vmiu inptrihelion „.Virgo. „Transí I Ver V ...Uourilo. Sov. 12 Merniry in perihelion Xcorplo. Nov. 21 hcllpse of sun „JBoorplo. Dec. .1 Mercury and Venas JJcorplo. Kcllpse of raoou Jicorplo. Deo. 28 Mars and snu Virgo. The moment of supreme Interest will be June 1H, at H:4.' o'cli'k a. m.. Washington ni'.ui time, wlien Neptune, Saturn. Júpiter, Mars, Venus, Mercar] :mrl the moon will tejoiiied in llie most direct line oi attraelon, and will eiert their strooffesl poaaibie tmiteil pdteney. Then, it at all, slionld ippear the marvelous perturbatlon appretended iy the aatralofara and othw birds it c vil omen. The accompanying diagram Indioate the onl of the eleven great plaAeU at the ritical moment spoken of. Observe that it that time all the pvat planets ezcept be earth will be in the western half of the oiliae, the earth alone occupying the eastern half, with her mOOII towards tlie side of greatest attractfon. With the exeption of Uraniis, all these planeta will be si-en in pestilL'iitial Tuunis, the "war, fatnne, and fever-breedinj "eonstellatinn. All ¦ieil DraWM are neailv in a direct line, their apparent riht aweuaton UabiK ai preseuted in the diagram, where the honr gnnt stand as on the dial ot the astrolomical cloek, btadakiag at Alies and tumbering froin iu;lit to lelt. two hoon to chflgn, up to XXIV. To be more exact, [ give the rtffbt ascensión of all these ilanets, Sunday. .Inne 19, 1881, at Mi. 4.")in., Washington mean time, in a.-tnnoiu cal hours and minutes, as followl : MEAN TIMl:. ieptnne _ 2 hours, 54 min. "runciM 1 llours, 47 min. Halurn , _ 2 hours, 29 min. Júpiter ._ 2hours,rl inm Hars _ ' liour, 47 min. W'Iiuh % houri, l nilu. Mercury - 7 hours, 41 nnn. Il s notewoithv hele that Neptune, íupiter, and Venus will be la a direct line it the instant iiamed, while Saturn will be uit '." iiiimiti'S out of line. Mars will be dl liour and seven ininutesotU of line, oi H ittlc more tha )c liour and a huif degreea, about the distanoe beween nnv two if the hright stars in the belt of Orion l'hat so maiiy of the preat planets ahould ie In conjuuction at the same time Is not 80 remarkable, although it is an event OOCUTM ring at long intervals, bilt this ppriod of pmijuiu-iidiK jriitliiTs Interest frnm the fact that it oceori so near the perihelion polnt of most of these same planeta, Neptune will bc in perlbeUoo in June; Mars, on May 16lb; Mercury, mi August lftth. v ' ''sims-cd perihelion Marcli BÜi. Jupi,,.'"'" '""ini will notreiich their nerillelioil m. . mu, ÍXj i , .alurll nor beron Anr. 5. 1SM5, yt't they are in that iM)rtim of their orbiU Mar their closest proximity to the sun. It i hardly necessary to say that we do DOt share in the apprefiensiona of ft'll disasten to our plnnet trom the planetary grouping hcre dcscribed. whtch disturli so many ininds. The balance of nature are too tURfallj poised tO be scriou.-ly impaiied by tlicir own acttnn. Oompenstnv raaction offsets eyery disturbing force. [fa planet's centrípeta! motiou Is accelerated, that very acceleration Impartí h new increnicnt to is cent ritu Igal motion, and the -ubstaulial itegrity ot' its orbit is preserved. Thcrt' isnoevideneethat themagnetlo lorres DOtemanatiug from tbeiun and lts satélites are held n ai perfect control as the torces ofgravltyand Inertla. Kather. the history of the earth durbig the bumao pjsriod niaj bc taken as evidence that thcy ure so coutrolled. We orive below liberal extracts from a liighly sensational, but none tlie less highly ntert'sting article whicli appeared in a recent nuniber of the Chicago Times, accompanying a like cut we are now malcing jse ot'; it ïjn"'-' ¦r si-aiiKan_ ilie reasons lying at the foundation of a certain solicitude indulged by many people, who really believe that the planetary benoniena we have described will he attetidl with terrible afflictions, If not by tlie destruction of the world. Let our readers bear n in i in 1, however, that tliere have been wars, petUences, ftoods and eartlraaak, at other times than tbose referred to by ;he attrotogera tere qnoted. Indeed, mnny of the most terrible calamities of the vlnds named have occurred when the Bun was not in Taurus, nor the great planeta in conjunctlon. QUOTH THE CHICAGO "TBD All nature Is but Art unknown to thee ; All chance dlrectlon whlcb lliou caust not see; All il ihi'oi'iI. liiiniKiny not iiliiliTHtiMiil ; All p&rllal evll, universal gooU.- Popo. Man loves mysteiy, and that whicli is id-i awtul iu itsspellhas thegrealer charm 'or 1 1 tu i hhii. We are told that our planet s entering; a nutsnetic condltion relatlve t otber bodies in the solar systeni ; that iluinfi this period - tenned the "perlhéiioii e" - great phyrical changea will be wnmght opon theearth'g Burface; mlgbty ind continued earthqimkes and delnu various quarters of globe, accompaaled y fatnine, war and pestilence. These are uiioiijr the tenors wli eb may be looked lor ,':- """ l",":"1 teran abo' "" '""''"e "t tlip --ar 1880, ,,,?!.. ui continue until about tlie close of HftWlM, Tlie most startling plienomna oeeurringduring this time will be about 881-ü or thereafter Seientists, generally, ignore the propheies, vet eminent astronomers say we are ipon the eve of the most remarkable planetary conjunction and perihelia known in he aniiBls of astronomv. They declare, lowever, (reaionlnK largely from the safer tandpoint of aoientific pruaence,) that such )lanetary phenomena havo no particular ifíiiiticauce; nor le tliere anyevl3ence leadng us to anticípate unnsual physical occurrences during these nndeniable conjunction and perihelion passages. ïir Isaac Newton's theory was that maerial bodies are nnitually attracted ilirectly n the ratio of their masa and inversely as he Wiiare ot their distance, which is recogïized today as a demonstrable trut h. Every action is the result of 8one cause. Each itom in the universeifrelated toevery othr atoni henee, to hm1 the ,-uliliine langunge of the immortal Pok? : All are parta of one stupendous whole, Whose body nature i-., uuü Uod ttie houl. and worlds obey with perfect natiieiuatieal and geométrica] hannony thts inmoii law ot tbc univtrse, governng all forcee and forma in the InfliiM luenoe of exprewion, connectlng one rast ad eonslsietu wliole. r;ach star and planet noving in its appointed sphere, and everv atoan, saeking its harmonieus place, attraets ¦aith'.s total HUM as t rul v as earth attraetl he alom. The central .star, or sun, of our ystem i 1,273,000 diameters gnatw tban mi eartb, and ts weiehl greater by 325,KKI times than that or our world lts l)iilk . s more tban 600 times greater than all Enown planets topether. This astronoiny saches, and yet tiie sun, whoM immeusity g almost intinite to our oOBOsptkw is TOT¦rneil liv tlie same sulitle thoiifrh powerlul niagnetk' torce whieli 0 the atom tl alloted sphere. "The polar opposition t turen riKil and stem, wliieh magnetically ustalni vitality of vegetable formsfrom iniest gem to stateliest monarch of the for-t, is a met liixlii-iii SfeoOJOf that Nupreme ountain of lite whieli is superior and above ill, to quicken the viliration of atoms and tuide the rolling oilds amid the starry ïosts." All things iuickened into lifeare endowd with i series of compound changes of onditiOR, wlienee all etfecU bear a direct atio to the iarental unit ot impulse añil a iroportioaal oneto eacb other. w hen the oert'ul electlic ligbt trom the sun eouies n contact witb ouratmo-plierc, or the coticavo-convex sfmospherie Imii which surounils the planet, those rays are quiekly lellected to a focal point, causlng friction ; lenee the phenomena ot solar heat. The uagnetic forres ot the earth are qulckened, and riew material forma are evlved. This nagtietic action illustratcs DOW powKRKii. nnm each to planets from distant orbs, acting llrectly In the ratio of their masses, and nversely as tlie square of thetr distan Prof. Stewart, in discussing tlie que.-tion of terrestrial magnetiam - theroe w hkh he )ronounces ríyie lor inathematlcal calculaions of solar physicists - says that he, co]erating with Sir (jeo Airy, astrononier oval ot Kiifiland. reacbed results showing j hat an increaw or decrease "t soUr activty corresponds to an increase or decrease of Mgneticand meteorological activity ; and ays stewart : "As certain diurnal changes n the progrese of magnetic phenomena rom west to east lag behind eorresponding olarchiinge, we Infer that magnetic I er travels laster Iban atinospheiic westher, .ind imhv prora tobe thedetennlnlng cauae ni progreaeire ehanget in earth'i muteorolorleal pheDomenn. Earth'i atmoapbere iiua been eraduallv erayine eiearer and mere reflneu, henee earfli :.nwrrt'ully all'ected by solar rays. as matarla] offNuL&lüK "'flIa'nW: tftSSttè every living taina Ihewaa.. A. grand parental love 8 also rellected froaj tlmt ureat solar heart wliicli rlbMteearoatalnlng pulse and beats upon the furtlicst iboTM oí our a ni verse." Earth, therefore, In eommon wit li :ill bodie In the universe, .111 exact proportlonal obediencia tn Innumerable inlluenevs, appnwhini: as geiltly hs tlii' rlow of light at dawn. The IBCOtMlvto advent or withdrawal ofdtred solar rays innugiiratcs su. 1 1 le n changas ofmagtietlc lñflnences,both at siinri.-e and siniset. or when obseured by Interveniug oloudsi yet eartlTs rouition, whicli determines the itpparenl sunburstor appfoachfng tvvlirlit, moves with unvaryIng reguTamy. It is osetoas, therefore, to ignore the tact tliat the advent of the Min's geolal rays awakeni entinta m condltions in every atomic form oi' lite expoaed tolttdlrad piwaaw. All on earth's surface are visibly ffectd by tuddea atmosphericchanpes Induced by electric ijii:i liz.i - tiniis. The infiux of paicntal toree from cúrrente nt poeltlve alectricity, awakeoiug negative effevU 11 oApring, we look upon as magnetie. Celestial revolve sub i. , 1 to uuuiruiiiiig innucnces, uimii lestial and paternal, while usoclkte satellites occasion perturbRtlons, Tbe moon obeys the eartli's innlion, as Ilic eailh does that of tlio liim. and the sim its irrand centre in the star deptha beyond; thus each family of satélites in turn reeeives and traiimnits parental Inflaeeoet MOOVdlng to exact law. ATMOSl-nKKIC l.NKI.IKNCKS. Flammerlon says: "The lawsof niaguetsm regúlate toWf heat and tbe baiointtrieal pressure of the atmosphere, wliich 11 nality is an immense machine, by which on this planet is suboitlinated everything endowed witli life. mawol air, condeiiBed into water, would covei the earth's surface thirty-two feel deep." . (ueteletsays : "It now natnrallv expaadl to till aspaee one-toitietli it' eirth's diameter, or about twe btfndred mi l. nèove the surface; that this atmospheric nivelape is an erial laborator)' that forms, nourisbes, and suatains man. Hreathing itlonls him three-quartersof hls physieal nonrisliment, onequarteronly Imíiijí reoelred li-om solids and liquids." Atmosphcric distiiibances, therefore, affect man most directlv. Flammerion wyi: "Miasmas, Uie pixyagators 4 r-'- üie serial curreiits; cholera. tmall-DOX. falow fever. and dlMMea whlch perfodtcally atlack whole distrids sc..ii.'i have tlieir principml touree of propagation In tbeatmospheie, hieh is the factory of death u it is of life." Wt observe 011 tlie part of ndainvil thought an inclimition to consult planetary lsiticms for the key to th myiterlei mrroandlng macnetk chanrs mul metaorologlCBj conditionKFFECTS OF PEKIHELION INH I IN. IS uroN TUK PHY8ICAL ÜNIVKHsK. Havingdemonstrated smnculiat thelaws BTOverning the phj-sieal universe, let ns now nqaire concernlng the poMlble effect this nwti eonjunction. perilielion and appoettion of planets, mav have upon our earth's atmospheric envelope. riioiiix. the noted antiquarian and aatrologer t San FranMsco, w.riting for the (hi-onicle. 'Periode Of pUnetMy eonjunction ulien satellites become inipreiiiialed with freth ilectrlc foice. develop a new fofm of ma_' m-ti-in from the eombined associaticm of two bodies. The intensity of vihiations of electric, solar and starry Iirlit becomei so uickined at pariodt f perlheUoa iuaiwarate and Impel the dereiopoMiul of nianv lorc( s upoo eartb. Kacli honr brlngl about the eonjunction of hands upon the dial of every wat h, with nieridinal conunctions at noon and mldnlgbt. Thui reg nl.u . ..iijnMction of planeta and iten mark with ali-olute exactness li.-.l times and .ui the un.leviatinfr index-dial of MillllTV AM KM. ( 1 ¦ l'ho'tiix says: "Astronomieal epochs ileteiinined hv the conjiiiirtioii, oppoition. arul perihelia ol Man piv-cnt pariodl of awakming energr and peaovfnJ deoadence marking the división ofgrander eras, alona iiiiniciise circinnteicnc-e of si.lereal orbits, rkOM -ingle days are tnily houMnd of the earth' solar yeats. At mofa pariodl unnsual plu-noména (x-rnr. More ireqaeni depreacioni and raptare in he tani oolortflc envelope reveali through Ink spots pcnetiatini; its luminous OUtei itmosplii.Tc the larfaot "f solid crust within. Solar oondltíoot necessarilv afliet ¦ ui i-arth when distiuhed liv pertnrbing nfluenOM irom planetary perihelia, and the complete conjunction ol perihellá and mighty stars, near kindred of our own eartli. is thus subject to direct well as lelegated iurtueiues whea electric tensión is exerted ith inercased foroe alonar linea t ijuuctioi). When uiiited attractlon outweighs earth's ïeiifuil oran y local limit ot resisuinci', ipaismodic oonviilaloDt com;m-1 reatoration of lost equllibrlnm between interna] and externa! torces, disturbing earth's crust long lines ot leut roiial As the electric equaJtzatioiia of every storm purily some tainled con.litiou of esrth'l ttmospheric envelope, -o eartbqu disturbuig the lineal sniface of eaitli's rust, coinpellin readjustincnt ofitsocean veis, beoome n periodic conditions attendlng the healthv growth and pregCMi "I i-v, ry planet. hcaction gradually succeeds, Bw qutetly developlne m ïdary itl'ects, who-e new form ot iroutli is rendered and posible by tlie detei'ininin; Imprento ot the m-w rmptllat. Th ui trjring changes, uec-ai y to benefll and develop, cooie eqaally !o w.irliUaiui individuals in thefullii' ippointed time, witb the lovinjr BMuance. Uiy days so shall thy Ureogth bc' Human lile is continuoi;. ftoni mtancy. yet inclndej in its natural deretopment leriols Inauyuratlag mental and coaatitutional chances, clearly ci.-rtiif) as prim.uv. tertiary. or present quarternary era. which laat geologuto gwientlly agree hai tar ailvaneed toward its natural close." ONK ORBITAL RBVOLDTION of the earth around the sun completes a solar j'ear. Longer cycles mark grand years of the Pleiades, dctincd on the dial of e&rth'i nortbern sky by high or low meridianal transits ut circumpolar stars. The Fleiades year begins when Alcyone, the central stur of that group, crosses the celestial ineridian at miunight, whence coming on the meridian earller everv night, it thus completes a precessional óyele of the eqtil...i... i,. ¦!.", M-J? ycarn. Tll ipprOHiklM plauetary phenomena Indioata a terminal polnt of 6,000 years, and mark the end of t'ourth (rand quadrant along tliis preiT-- ioual cycle. Zadkiel, an eminent astrologer of England, snys: "The effects of the approach of so many large planets to the sun shonld begin to appear hl 1881 and 1882. There are KIM otber phenoinena whieh will signalize the year 1881, and aid to render it indeed a 'great year.' " The oonjuuclion of Siiluni and Júpiter, in the sign Tauro, April 18, followëd quickly by tlie conjnnctions of Júpiter and Neptune, Jone IS, Uien Mars and Satuni on July 6, and M:rs and Júpiter, July Si, all occurring in Taurus, "will" he says, "if astrologers are right in the assertiou thatcertain couutries are niled or iufliieiieed by the - i r n Taurus (and history abounds with proof establishing this faet), appear with greater ettert in Ireland, Polantt, Asia Minor, Persia, Cyprus, and other places rulfd by tli it zodiacal sign." As Asia Minor wás declared by I'toleniy to be ruled or inrliienced hv Taurus, aml as Zadkiel says disastrous events hefell Iliose eonntries diring the la-t eonjunctlon of Batarn and f api ter in the Sign ï'auru-, in the year 1 Ui!, we Rhall await witli interest the development ot cvents in tbose coiiutries in L881 aml tlie years immediatclv following. Raphael, anotlier Jüuy.lixh. miniiu, uuw ¦'ver', Kïït tfiat 1881 will be a reniarkable veiir, ehielly on account of the great conj ti. .¦! ui Saturn and .lupiter, and the proximity of the sun at the time in the tlfm Taurus. The eighth degr f Virgo will be aseendlng at the tima, and che tirst degree of Geniini culminatinfr. l'ranus will be ascending and .Mars setting. The conjunction takel place in the -.¦cund deirree of Taurus near the cosp i tUe ninth house, and the sun is within the fourth linuse in Sagtttariui, wliile Mereurv 1 in the etghth. There hal been do coniunctlon of Saturn or Júpiter in Tanrus Bittoe the year A. D. li-lli." Aftel relaUng sonie horrible occurrences Immediateiy folloiviiif; past perhelion ]eriods, i{ai)haefassures us, with rel'eicncc M inipenilin disaster to our planet resrtlting trom perihelion efects, " that we may expi-ct su-h an event to alter the force .t the tarth by the prevalcnee ot great earthquakes, the apriting of inlands and the subMdence of land," be says: ' In conclusión, although I do not anticipate the approaeli of the ' last day.' yet 1 cannot close my eyes to the fact tbat there will be startliiifj ])henoniena and surh ai the oldest living man liever experienced hrtorc." He too predicts a general Europi-an war and graal pestUaooe, more especial ly in l'olaiid. Ireland, Cyprus and 'n., r 1.u,o i.Hi,wu,i TuMto. ¦¦ 'i ne em i-square of Mar9," he informs us, " will produce much exeiteinent, sedition, and Crime, chlefly durlng the next four years, as Mars is four degrees trom a ' complete ' asp.-cl.' Atter tlns tjm,., he savs, much jrood ill occur, and the seasons be more propitious, and the crops generally gooeT. Thew and many similar prophetic ]'t helion consequenees are eommon in all astral epheineris tor 1881. It is worthv of note that Zadkiel foretold, within .six days, the assasüiuation of the late Jzar of Huia. And many truthful sign leudinirs are, indeed, a matter of record. In the cabala Bine is a mystic nuinber. signifyiug "completion," and 1881 has the property of being devisible thus: 1+8 = 9; 8 + 1=9. Nine is a peculiar number. tor in all its múltiples the sum la nine. NVhat, then, do these mystic numbers portend y l'ythagoras said: "Numbers and iiiusic are the principies of the entire unirene, that the world is regulated by nunierieal harmony." I'LATO'S HKFKKKNCK TO ANCIKST RKCORDS. PlatO'l "Timaos" eontains an account related by CriUaa to Soci-atea, who said Solon had learned it in the district sur¦ ..!, ,1.. „t.i-, „i,„„ hi-t, ,- Sais. Solon told the Egyptian priests the tMOt of the Mood of Deucalion, and enumeiated the generations since it occurred, being probably 4120 B. C. The priest said: " I,ke the reM ot mankind your nation has siirlcied lroin convulsions of nature, tor tbeae ooosr trom time to time, icoardlnglo tlie poitin ot tlie heavenly bodies, when pOrtlOtM ! III. nu til ,(!, .1. ',Ii..h.m1 by l„ great agencies of fire and water. At certain periods portions of mankind perUh in watera, and rade survivors too ofteii fail to tnuiMiiit snch historical knowledge. The stoi y tliat is cm rent among you that Phaetoii. theott'springot thesun, ouceatterapted to drive his father's ehuriot. and, not being ble to keep the track observed by bis paiciit. burnt up the surfaceof theearth, aml penslicd himselt, blasted by lightning, i.generally regarded as fabulous; but In polnt ot fact it refers to a declination or parallax ot the heavenly bodies revolvinu around the earth. You Greeks retnember onc delnge only; there have been many. You kno nothing now ol that taire.-t and Dobles) race ol whicb. we are a eed oi 1 1 .- 1 1 1 1 . The prie.-t thereiijMin read to Solon from ancien t records of Kjrypt, HM occurring in (ireece nine thouVand years beture, and detailed the foundation of the cit v ot Sais - byibe Egrptten deltn, a!)out the siuninit of which the Nile divides - over eiglit thousand years before; whicli accounts thus reeorded in tln'irMicred register öolou suidied at his leisure. Tlie moei tanioiisot earthVcatacly-ms reeorded tliereiii was the overtürow of the graat island of Atlantis. Tbis is descrlbed as a continent lying over agaioct the Pillan of lier. largar In ('Ment Iban I.ybia and Asia pul together, and, says the priest, "Was the e to other Islailds and to another continent of wbicb the Medlterranean sea was only the liarhor: imd within the l'illais the empire extended [o Bgypt and Tyrrhennia. This mifrhty powerwas arlayed agalnst Kgvpt and' Hellas, aml all bordering oountries. '¦ Vour country," he said, --bravely the invader, and ¦rave liberty to all nations within the Pillan. A little while alterward there was a great eartlujiiake, and your warrior races all sank lato the earth, and i.-lainl of Atluntis aUo disuppearcil, subiuerged under the sea." THI PaOPHÏCT Or THE GRÏAT 1'TBAMlIi. " Our Inberitance m the Ureat Pvramid," is the litle of a lite work by Piazzl Sniyth. Astronomer lloyal of Scotland, who spent many reara in constant rtndr, tolrlng the irrounding that grand ineplrational nioiium.nt. Tbat his labor at the l'yiamid was not in vain, ii abumlantly ;tttested by his womlerful dwevcrio. Uiwork seenw to have heen pure'y tt ia(,or ot lovc in the latere) Ol buinanity and ex.ict eienoe, lli book is replete with wonden, yet he is caretul to prove work step bv Mep. Who was the architect, reourdlny with exijuisite geométrica) harmony more tban 4.1HK) years ago the true solar year, repreMütlag the letigth of bate llneaof tinpyramkl 8652439 dtys in pvramid cuData t Who laid the measiire thi-rein pointing to the langüi of the eartfa'a polar axis; the mean destiny of the earth at 6.7; the mean ilistunce trom earth to the sun, reeorded unmiHtakahly in that great ftruclurc. ai 11,480,006 BnfrIWl miles' Prof. Sniyth says: "Alcyone, or a Tauri, is not very larjre or bi ijfbt star, but then it Is the oester of a group ot stars more bound np with human history, hopes, and feelings tlian anv other thronghoat the sky, viz. : iades. The l'leiades evident ly sm'ic ie facto, the suprior, high southern and equatorlal, or time stars, to be taken In conert with the inferior transit of the lower cireumolar alar a Dracmii on the opposite nr nortbem Bidé "I the sky.and twelve jiiilar hoiirs distant trom the Pieladex. And . how well they perforara! t h.-ir part appeared froni tbi furtlier retttlt f calculation by ï-ir Jolin llerschel, thut lien the Pteiadea croaaed the meridian at midniglit above I lio ])nk. al the same n-taiit Driiciinm as cru - in;; the pule. Hiut fit the particular distanee ttom t he pole imUcnted by the desceiidinjr eiitraiicc .¦nC a desceñí nf M dejrrwi 18 minutes, theii in tlie aulimiii gea.son of the noithern heini spherc of tkit year. 2.17U B C, the merid lia ot the equliioctUl potet o( the beavtat oolncWed wfth Pi.-in.le-. autmnn niglit. therefore, was not onlv, in the 1'iiiiH'val tasliiun, the Ijeginnin's; "f thai vrar, luit that ycar was. with Ihn l'lciad.-. to lead it out in that signií iiiaiincr. the begiiining of the first Inimanlv nottd períod of tlic precesión of tbe equinozex. a eyeto dcstined not to rrpeat Itself nntll 25,847 vean símil have ooom and ronc.'" Virgil. some 2,100 years aft-r the great pyran)i(l"s supposed foundation, said Ihat it was "the i-on-lcllation of tlic white buil with the golden borní wiiich openi tlic ycar" " Now we may wonder," Baya Smyth. " how it caine iil)out, aocord ing to the invaluablp researcheB of Mr. R. O.Halibiirton, of Nova Scotia, Ihal .tinongst the aborigines of all nadóos, and amons inany unlcttercil Baragfi tribes slill- siicli M Anstralian, Fijian. Hexican, and inany other pcopic urr icarlicd by the Oreeka or Koiiian.s- a similar beginuing of the ycar to that descrlbed by Vfrgil la stil] perpctuaicd. the PleMe, or the constellatlon of Taoma, bclM annuallv appcalcd to lor the purpewej an.l Aii-trali.i, stranfrc to ay, by predaely th pyramii] metliod, in aosac tliat tbe nativcs here do begin their year on the niglit when tiicv obserre mit at tJjj'...l'Uv mem all niglll through, froin Bunaet uutil tneu letUag al iuone and that must be when thcy the meridiau at niidnight. '.7 Smyth jfives unreservedly irid INTERPRETA ríos-. He aapt: "Those who have Mudtad prophecy earneslly niiist be aware tlmt a very preat number üf resulta have been breughl out, all converjriDg on the year 1881 a. n " He admití, too, tliat Rome niarked event, ,i new era in tlic caitb's histnrv. ra uni. tionably indicated by the great pynuatd menMirations; that somewhere near the veai ..rn-pondinsr wlth the lineal ineasiiiement of the prand gallerv ín pyraniid inohes - that i-, one pyramkl inch representiiiir solar ycar. iliai;onalot the great pyramld ba-e, recorded in inebcs al the rale ot one pyminM indi to eachycar, fiM twtawh dtagonaj 12,'.tl:; ot thosc unit.-, or. loi the tuo, %k,9tl, nearly. Thh inetiaure is mamoralized alao in the chamlier It would .-rem from these wonderfully aijpilflcant ComMenanrationa based n'pon the pyramkl unit and oabitf, which was the uni astronoinieal and nuthfaflml imif. oom mencurate with all forms. and ditamvs of terreslial and celestial nieehanies ; that nothiiiL' Ie--, as l'iai laya, tlian "divine revelation eonld luivc gtretehed its pcrtectlv orfwiUted Haat or laid lU corner ttonet niorticed wiiliin lu loumlalion i-ini, and plaiincd its Interior ohamben and paaages iMtersectcd with niarkcl Itm elearly prophetic in their interpretations " His intcrpictations Hhtc lea.l him to Ray that "Surely thcre will be rcniarkablicbanges in tlie pbflical and moral atmosI)here. " And as an Uluatrattoa of what he interpreta will come to pass in thimost exceptional period of the "nnutterable anguish of thoaf dajs," he IjMtM Mark xiii., 19: "There shall be affliction such as there mi nol trom tlie beginning of creation, wliieh Gotl created unto this time, ncither sliall be." A pyramld nnlt, or lnrh. Is nhurMr by .001 of an Inch thau acummou Urlltsb uult. tA pyramld oublt la 20 pyramld lachen, or 25,IN5 Hrltlnh unlu. POSITION OF THE PLANETS, 8UNDAY, JCNE 19, AT 8:45 A. M., WASHINGTON MKAN TIMB. SICNS OF THE ZODIAC. H Septime. ('Ham. D Júpiter. E Urauan. F Venus. G Mercury. O Sun. ( Moon. ; Eartli. t} Mars. Alcyone. the central star of Plelade.


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