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Among Our Exchange

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The Big R&pids Pioneer-Magnet expects to have a daily in f uil blooni soon. The Adrián Press has entered upon the iiintli year of existence in this frigid Htmogphere. The tleinocrats are continnally frozen out, you know. The Kenton Independent baajaat enterd npon volume XIV. The Independent can be rlassed among the sédate and retiiIngjournals, never going to extremes in anything. The Hastings Bannei witli the beginning t the month commeuced i new volume, lis 1'ioTOínproprletorsaremaKiiif; n irl lu.t journal outof the Banner. lt ta om of the best that linds its way to our table. With the Ail'jr;in Journal of May 14th, ('ame a very IkuuImhih' Anima! for th present year. The nieohanical portion of the luto denoto! .-me excellent workmcn in tbe .Inural offlce.wuile tlie stalitical information i valuahlf mul nhtaineil only byharil labor. Eaton Kapids .IciiiniHl thug glorio-; over the good work done iu that place i "Only oue saloon running to-day i ton Rapldt, mul the {rrass does not grow on ilie l)iiin(.s portion et Main street vet; in tact the finnneial rondition and future proH--t .it kH Kapiils ire never bettci tlmn thev are to (lay, nnd the inornlity and ilecemy of tbe place is incomparably in adTanceofwhat it wuwfaen fourteen saloons poured out their liquid damnatlon by the wliule.-.ile." Ihe Lanabig Republican is up a stnmi Sp-aking ot'thefailure of an excellent dramatic entertainment In that ritv, lt nioral"Justwhyit ig that sucli n play, wel] monnted, appropriately dmasd, and tnafT oil by pure lactleaand honorabl.;gentlenieii. ell known in onrown clrciet .oannol ilraw an .lu.lienee, while .¦, ns-nional draniti, ur a lep opera, piesented by a trange companv of professionals, Inferioi in talent to our home performer, and, likt hotel liash, a mixture of ütrange and n riousinirredienta, possesses suffleient attraetion to ,urk the hniise. is vme t ÜMae thian whlch no fellow tan find out.' Uut . it is, and 'pily "li-, 'tis true.' "


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