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The nominatioii oÍMauley M att t..r ate justioe of the Cnited 50preine court has beca continned by the tenate. ÁM ira have pnriooaty remnrked the appointiiicnl mi :i gOOéTcrtM, eveial papen in tbc itate to ttie owrtifcry notwithitandlog. 3euton Conklinjf anil l'lalt, o! .Ni York, tendered tlioir lut Konday, because of the oourse wlrteh ]olit ical aflkln tuive taken, and tlu-ir disupproval of theactionof the pn iiltnt. The New Vork liKislature will probably return thein bOtta, as soon as they can uniler the IW proceed to an election. A n itciii statos : " Tin c-omplcti' MMM Ol Mr. James üoidou Jienmtt allcgid bttrotlied is Priaeeat Amelia Oarollm parine Leopoldinc Henrietta Loulse rlizaíiftli Fraaooiae MiThmilrrn ot Puntenberg. Slic is :; years oíd." Only 33 yenrs oíd and has to angwer W all th k ñames ¦ and now aboul to add anotber! How sinnmst sufler! The house oí represcntatlvef, ai I.ansing exerctefng botter JndgTnent tlmn díd tlie Renata, refoasd to pass the Ho well oomjtiatUm bilí over the vi to of the foveriioi-. and it lies on the table, where it probably will lie from now on to eternity - tliat is iL it doesn't manage In Mme way to crawl ander the table. That is one Jobatleaat, that liabeen balked. The legislature has paated tlic new 11 law proposcd by Senator Fair. uhich requires a license of $200 per year from dealers in malt udfctmented Itquorg,ind $:!00 per year Crom dealers in .-ipirituous and distilled liquors. considerable "kicking1 we tinder-tand, by dealers and others aainst what they tenn nnjoat and ppressive taxation. The demoerats who are howling themselves hoarse over the star route fnuuls better not adrance too far. They luay have to make a retrograde moveoMat f thcv do. Thora are several democratie metnban of Congress mixed np In t, and it must also be remembered tliat they attalned thelr greateet growth under Po.-tmaster General Key, who was, and is to-day a dvmoerat. Uear Admiral Jeta L. Worden, the man who eomniamlcd the little Monitor at the memorable battle in Ilampton K;ul, Maroa 8, 1888, hai bws riaftlag Ut niothci sister anil hrothers at Grand Ka] i( Is, which reealtl to mimi tliat liirlit whicli made t ínhearts of many union loving lu-c.plc i_r!:i 1, and also BpWMd the QTW of tlic nations of Knrope, and thoroughly revdhuioiiii'd naval warfaic. The state Sabbatfa tchool aSsociatiou will hold it.s Slat aiinual eonvention in Plymonth church, Adrián, June T to ! inclusive. KediK'ed fare on the railroads, and iinivisions for the entertainment of deleKaftM :it Adrián. Sabbatli siliools .-liould clcct dclsgaMt not later ttian May BI, and Forward liamos and addre, with tlie railroad they wish to travel ly, to tliu 1,'iv. N in. Dawe, 4tt(i Third avenue, Detroit. There is to be a canal eonvention huid at Hennepin, 111 , on the 'öth inst., and Gor. Jerome has appointed the followlng named gentlemen to reprewnt this state at Is d(lilicration: Tlu. ". I 'al me r and ex (iov. B. I'. ISaldwin, of Detroit ; ,lohn II Wilkins, Bay City ; AVilliain N. Buit, Baal Sairinaw; Win. N. Brown, .Mt. l'lcasant ; I'e rry Hannah, Traverse ( iiv ; K. S l'iwcc. (rand üapids ; A . 1 1, Morrixni, SI Joeph; Edgar White, Port Baron. The Luusing BepabUean bai been publishing letters reci-ntly. fmrtmtm, trom ceral township loperintendentiof acl N reoeived at the state superintendent' Offlee, showing the utter ineompetcney and uutiiness of many of the iiuumbenis jf these offices for the positions whieh they occopy. One or two of them throw in the -h Walter Seott's justice of' the peaee which Guy Mannering ipaaaa. He mi bis superior to "Plea&esend theax relating to a gustus iease." In our own state the legWhtaw better take al) ax and b the township superintendeney which would be eminently "rustus.1' Better have no ystem than mie so thoroughly abdaed as ia the present. All (-cni(l ui Iwllia runii Ui. .1 uaong otber abuaea at the lonia house oi borrection, the mea Were fod tuinied The proper thiug lor th keeerg to do wou ld be i ¦ d at at al!. A iiinii lio -ei fut tor-reis bis ow n good natas, ilicr. putatios ot bis tiiimly aml the i li.iu lie owes i" the goveriimeiii unik-r whii-li lic live to break the laws of the land, ouffht nat Ui ciimplain very much of tlic ijuulin ui Uic luxurles he was li-ii iipon uliiliin He Ulghl In-tier study humiliu . ïhc annouacement ia made by Ibe Raad City CUrtoo that the rare and valuablc nuinl-inatk- kud auli-i'dlogiial collection of ö. A Jttüson, f Laiising, g being cataI. and uill !¦ iold al auction in Ni -w Vork in Jane. TUU ooUeotion is partttuImriy rich lu i(om and other pre-fciatorfc relies fouud in Michigan. For tliis n n OUght to lieowneil and rctaiiifd iit this state, instead 0Í being pot up at auctioo, eacli i'M-.r -uild Kparatel] .(tered tiiroughout the Uulted States. It is a reilen on iijm.ii the sciciitirie men ot tli i eommoiiwialtli Umt they ihould tlmsallow thi valu.iblt; OPÜecttog to 1 cli..cil ot. Eai-li y.n ili iinUc the eollTHoii more inter Rrelueological s(udy. It U authorilatireiy stated that by iniincdiatc action it can be bouglit lor $1.30 Cinot om legislatura le wiiée to - Mi anil iiiiioi;.iii(c .il Imvin collection ? it nol. scletltiflc men and godetlvs of Michigan ouglii to arottM snlliciently to iunli;i-c iclirs li_ pnv.ile .Miberiilion. On the morolng ui PrWay, May ISth, llon. John N. [Dgenoll, ¦! Coruuua, died at hi. home, tgud (M ywm The l. i was oue t Iliei, i ni .uLtiUiw in Michigan, liaring come to Detroit in the VeMl ls:;7, Jlfl begUO Work asan editorial w riier the year following, on tin i. troit Aúi-ri-ii In l ¦::: he iiihlished a al Mt. Ciernen; tn 1841 he publUhed ihfe St, Clair üannei ; then he t.uted the Irtl paMieer .nlli.-ln-d in the upper pemiMlla the I.nke npciioi ; n 1880 lie briMinr ediloi ot the Detroit Daily itulietin ; lu 1862 ole laangor ol the Dtrolt Daily Times; in ÍS66 he W p the adhon and piihlisheis ei the liocliM. v. Daily Tribune, In 1898 he piirehased the Owoaao Anieric au, hieh he raDDOred to iiriuuia in 1m:'. hele lie n - niained ever lince. He beid muny offloet, at one time being npeivker ol the hou.-e, and tlnaea ¦ member ot the isaate. Jle twiee uiarrU'd. lic oneof the most. rsspected member of the rraternity in the ¦ttite, and will bc uUaed trom its r.uik-.


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