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RlOP BITTERS (A li]l me, nol a Drink.) us'fl HOPS, BI CIll, MANIllt VI! , DAMII.I.IIIN, Ammil'rMiT a i I TIKS OW ALL UI UKU ilU KU. TIIEY CU11E u-l, Koweit, niood, I M '1R, Vittoiudcu. -- ! 'npctiaily Famak' ( omiiMm SIOOO IN COLD. -M WW b pnfd for a re thpy wlll not cure orB help, or for anyt1 -r ltgunou Aak jour druin?!" for Hltter s,nl try I tlit-m iK-fure yuu sl p. Taks uo oihvr. I D C. (¦ an abántate and irrfulst lhl cure for I brunkemuns, - of ophun, tubacco und ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦1 Sk.vd rui CiKfTLAm. ¦¦¦¦¦HH All bor to!4 Sy anakk, ¦ Hop BitWr Co., ({¦¦¦¦iilrr. N. Y., A Twotil'., Out. I _ P98-1049cem THE GREAT CURE ' RHEUMATISM A. it it lor 11 Uauaa of the KIONEYS, LIVER ANO BOWCLS. It olniTnn ths ayatm of tha crid polion tht oauses tha droadful suffannie whioh oulj tha victims of lihcuin&tuiin eau realiia. ; THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forma of thla terrible diseftae , i hve bftea qalckly relieved. in short time I PERFECTLY CURED. ' i fcu hmá wcaJerfyl lueeeii, Jid n immense I sale in every part of the Country. In hun,' failed. Itis mild, but efficiënt, F.ltTAIN , , IN IT A "l'IUM.buthanuiuMiaalicim. tlTltoloansea, Hirit-thru and glvra New 1 f 1.1 Ce tosJl the important orans of the body. , The natural aotlonof the Kldneysisrestored. 1 The Ijver is cleansed of atl dUoas. and the ' Bowol move freely and healthfully. In thla , waythe worst cUseasws re radioated trom ' ' theayatm. f As it has been pro ved by thousands that , is the most effeotual remedy for cloanslng the ! ' sjñtí'tn of all mor bid SAorottons. It ehould bo used in every household aa a ¦ SPRING MEDICINE. 1 llmn ourea DtLIOtJSN88. CONSTIPA' T10N, PII.Eff and all FEMAJ.E Diseaw. . Ik put uptnlry Vrffftablr Fra, intincanfl, ono parkarf of whlrh mak fiquiLiu iiifii'-iiii-. ' Als,, 111,ul,l K.irm. (,rj I o,... ,.(r.. .If r , ' th rnnvemm ¦ of Uio wnoeami"tr'R(iilyprtI rit. Itaettinthrijual tfilcirney tn -tlhrrf"im t (;et itokyci'K DBÜOOIR. nui'K. #1.00 , ! WKI.LS, BICUU80N A Co.. Prop1, I (Wllli.niltl-rtrTP"t-"l't -1 I" UI.IMiT!. VT. J. A. POLHEIVI' LIVERY STABLE Tbc bvM and most oi'cusivc In the city. HACK AND BUS LINE Hnriiiu._' in ui: min nlgtt and day. UULt LIHC ViUIOll nuw TO 1ICUT TDIIHP fkt .t hack In Mm dty for Uülei calllng. Order filled prwmpUy for all kinds of conveyah' Particular Áttention to Orders for Fuerais, ('uk. Maïs and Cathakime Sts., AX.V Itltllt. . 1111 llll.AN urn .i:t tiii: - m Fire Insurance 42,000,000 -% Srcurity held tbr protectlon at the polioy kolders. CHRISTIAN MACK RepnMnta Om foHowIng draf-dan conpa nies, of whk'h om the .Etna, luis alone -tna, of Hartford $ 7,400,000.00 Botton Dndei 2,500 COO.OtJ Frankliii, PhlUvUlphU in Amerleao, N. Y London Air-uranceCorpoiailou National, Hartford ! ,300,000. Oj North (iiTmiin, llambnr;; 1,000,000,00 I'ho-uix, Hrooklyii 3,800,000.00 Underwrlten Auency, N. Y -1,600,000.00 iet libcially ;iiljiil-l and promptly paid. Policiet lagued at the lowest rutes ol premlnm. W ('IIRIHTIAN !MA4'K. 1 KPORT OF THE COND1TION - or the - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF A AHItOU, At Ami Arbor, in Lbo State of Michigan, Al llieMoMot b4mM Mayili, ISHI. I il VVCKty '¦ I fOoni uní ttluoouni i 'Wl.ll.ilts ure cli cutat i u loo - bond on hand . m litr itocka, bonda and mortgages . K'-al estáte, tarnltnre and flxtnrea .. l&ouo 00 Ourrent expennea and laxea paid ciHTks and other oaab itfins tn is Billa of ciihcr natioiial banks Kractioiiul curreuoy(lnolad'g nlcki Bpecie (Inalodlog gold treaaary Dotes) 14.040 i"i I.i-iial tender notea ll.irri uo EUidemptlon tand wlth U.S. Trcasurcr (5 per oen t oi oircnlatlcm) i,rm 00 'i'"tal MSM37 H I.l A KI l.l 1 I stock paid in $l(X).ii mi iSurlus lund lll.iioit w i ither undlvided prolits National bank notes outAtandlng íiíi.imh) ini Dividend nnpald iDdivklunl DeposliK sul to ohek 228,909 53 Di-inand certlflcuteN if iliposlf. 1-2.Í1-IS TB 342,534 28 Atorara InL uu ccrtiflcalcs of duposlt.. DSM Tital Mvf.í-T :ti BT 1 I OF MIcHIliAN. l COUMl ï UK U'ASIITK.V I. .1. W. Kniiiht, Cashler of the abova ñamad Baakdo aolemni; swear thai tbe aov siütcmenl la trni it of my knowledga and belief. .1. w. KNIOHT, Caabiar. cribed and sworn to befure me t lii.- i it li day or May, 1881. MUIS i. T.WI.dl!, ,,iary l'ul,lic. 1'OBIttl'i Alti'st : K. WXIXS, I J. AI-T1N s. ¦( rrr, ' J. M. WHEELER, ) üsiatcof I.jilia I{is!t. At 1 HHloa af th ProWN OiroR for the Oonuty of Wuktanaw, Iwldea M ihf l'mlwe fu. e In thi' city uf Ann Arbor, n Tneadaj, the dv of April, in theycari' ..'ht hnndred aml -ility 'ini'. Present, William D. üarrima, f I'rohate. In the matter of the entate of Lydl Roder, deeaaied. Swpaeo Patrchlld, ih; .¦tdmmti'tritor ol ¦ald eatate, comas imo coort aiui ri-jreHttiiB thuthe 1 now preparad to tender ble final account as puch admtnipttvitur. Tiicreupon it Ib ordaxd, that Snturday,th rtrr-1 rl'iy of M iy rixl, at Xen u'clock in tli noon, beawk(Ddlor examlnlnK and allowtni account, and that the heir :i: ceaet'd.nnd 11 oihT panoafl hltaraatad in (ald estáte, are n qoired to in:r al nsonsiuu ofsaid court, tbeo to !¦¦ Kolden at the Proi ita offlee, in the city of Anu Arbor. in aaid county, and ahow caQM il üny there k, why thi' aid account xhimld not be allowed. Ainl i in iniili'T ordered, that tald adminiHtrainr gn iiuiicc lo the pereoni Intaretted In alil of the penoener of said account, and th.' hearini Ihereof, 'y eaiuing a copy of thin order to be pnbli-iicii in the Ann Arbor Oawimr, a nempaper printed and circulatini: in i-aul coiinty, two buo i aid day of heartag. (A truu WILLIAM O. IIARRIMAN, Juátie of Probata. WM O. DOTY. Trobate Kek-i-ii r. Estáte (f Lana Mootc. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, miit of At l seeslon of the l'robrttc Court for ihe Coauty of Waihteuaw, holden at th l'robate Office. In ihe city of Ann Arbor, on Thiireday, the til'h day of May. in ihcyeir one thonand elght tuiiulr. eignty-one. rvataat, Wlliiani D. llarritn.-.n. oí Proba, In the matter of the enlato of Lorn i Or readlog ami Bliuc the petttioa, dol eritied, ol Nufili '. Cheever, prayin that n iMtruaenl dow on file in tliie court, porportlni the lai m)1 niid teetamaoi of hu admitted to probate, and thai iie ntay be ap o executor thereof, or that adininit-tration with the will aimext.'d, may be i unted to sonie otlier auitanle [,erHiH'. Thereupon It la ordered, that Mondaj, the nlxlh day of June nc-At, ut ten o'otoek lu the Ion be nalgped for Uie hearing of aald petltlon. ami tiiat the d.-Wei',le(;ieei. and helni at law . il! other perr requireil Ui ji.H'itr BI a veeelofi of cni'l ooorl to V bolden at tba Probate Oftlce, in the city o Arlnr, and r-h'w cauce, il any tliere t,e, uh ihe prayer ¦lid li"l be granted. Al.d it ii -ald pelitioner uive not ice to the pertioiM iutere-ted In said enute, of the pendt-ncy of taid petltlon, mui II copy of this order to be publlnhed in n. C'ourier, a newnpaper jtrii Cííunty. three Bneoeaslrt week pievioua to paid day of hearing. { true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, Judje of l'robate. wm. u. doty. Probate Rechter. 10ÜB u


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News