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li.iiici T) Niilc. IjTlTtllf MH'UIGAH Tbe (ïrm.l I nirt fo 5 lu ehauctrr. Hxri j.inliau of Maty Uoíle lo i. Kol. . lomplainan', n. Joh CoBtello. Mary Ann Co-tell.., ('baile . Grejrorj e. (iregory and Joba U. Bvarte, 1. reudautilu p euurt, made and ei. ¦ Uy of i brdary, A. I' berel giveu tliar I -I. ill wil „„. b„. ,)ti Moodny Uit' Ui Ij day ol Ma} !,. uriwoii t til ! ea-t rroot d e city of ,1M - Mlrh pi ui; Ih - ribed in -.1 - oí Urn '.wn-biuaot üdoud ebi.t.-r, in the count vtllac ¦ ¦¦ mw-niill and eitf f the har and a t.-rwi-nilll witb thelr prlTilenea and awirt. - : Com in aid villag t" the record1 d plat thereof. a h "C" i.treet or the Aun Arbo degree and riiieeu minute, eaut along the ceuter ot "a and aixt)-lbree link, lo a i-take ¦ ,d fiirt)1 -flvr luiuutee 'A streel two cbalus and ihetice noith uineteen deree ,„,,1 -i parallel wlth "A" tree y In. te, to tüe Hue of a plece o land -old bl . W. Dextcr to.Jullus Ramiwi ; thenc north fortyili deirraee, waai to the outh boundar ( Michigan Ceutral Kaüroad; thenc weaterl alung ih.' suiitn bonndary of naid rallrond, croftalug MUI Ore k U) ihe suuibwest boundery of tb Creek frou the villaje oí Deiter to town of Dexter theace long the uuth wet b.mndary of th hurhwar ai..r.-i.l soulh-eaeterly to a atske In indary "i 'aid hlxliway, undinK iiorth aereniyand one-lialf degreea, cast flxty-pix Inki irum ihe uorlliweit corner of aid uxter l.a, ,ab mmty deree, tbirtv-ttv miK !ind tweniv-five o V u I h !i ih di-jjreel weaiflltynlne llbka Irom a wbite oak Uw i, i lametur ; Ihence nouth alxty-nlna det;roe. ten, iniiiwr. enst two chain and tlfty-ais , , ,,,,. ,U, ; rly acroaa the mul pond 10 a wlniK oak mump ou Ihf aouthea bauk , - '¦ diameti r . them nlnety-eiuht link t" "tnLdli.,, uoitb eigi.ty lour degrfe. ea-t n innn a black otk tiue, M.teeii nichethriite i urlli fiVfl den-ef. cjiíiI oue clmln an i Ituka to a poat ; tbence north u.d tlnity nnnnlet, t-at tw i'b.iini and nlnuly -.x hnka lo a Btnke on the aonth bouudary ol "1 or Auu Arbor romi; tktaici: tu iku pUo 1 Utí. i liajp Ai.d also the rh;ht and privilege of flowlüii witl water, and at uil times owrflowtutí and keepint uvirfinwed wiih waler 8o uiucli .irni iicli , tbe Qorthweat qimrier of aectiuu num all ol i-eeiion uumber x in township two, - Inif the water in the raill pond on convi ed lo tliü ln::iibt ai'd lovel ot a ceruiu cpikt, .Inven in n I dlnf on tlu aast bank of lalll creek in Ba fallog throf, afev a uu wblcb the r lay ter, aud ol u umi niudi t,)o, .ind a nall drives tbereii on Me "I iha tcond pot (countinj; duw. froiu Ihe gatea of tbe Hume .i tba creeK ut aaid dan the ahnaldar of aald poat, aajd mark mi aaid lume-poal and on -ald oak Kalm lh j.laci'd tb. lf h) K Boai ,M,I li-. '"u t""t! " maklDK me mark ol b -mi.1 b gbl on the ltíb min at said d:un (alBO burned) wbich marku havt i and knnwn by ibe per ton orkiiix inaudaboul the. rUt mili and saw. mili at oaid dam and ({enerally epoken or and re lerred toas tbe helght ormarks to whlch tbc water o I aised. 'lbt c.iuveyance il made to Bij ; uimbrance. ol all roada. utr.eia iu htnwaya now laid ont or iiinnin tnioub ove or into any part of the premiara above lonvey. i aud al." rtKervlui; all Ihat iiiece or parecí ol lanc berelulore ..nviyed hom Tboniai l'eatt. Jr.. anc Alvah Aldricb to Samuel W. Dexter and by ai. i ll-iny Villkle. All tliiine cerlaln piecen or parceli of land sitnatet on tbe Uoron rlrer In the tuwnship "i Dotohrtbe tuuniy ut u ubtonaw and aula ol MichWiui known ae the Scio mili properly tii,'ellier with all tbr Hy Orauli' power and privilege a bereuifore ueed for Uie HM and pnrpofe-H ol Httid mili ind all the righte mi'l pririleyoa owned and beid in reiation to tbc looplug ap ol tbc dam to tbe htdghl ol eltfbl h-et a...l "", "Iji1 , 't fald Huroi rlTet ¦"¦ TJS preiniae the nndivi.l.-.t buil o I to llenry Buydaiu, Jr., by Nel .1 datad Jaunary -Jlst. A. D. 1857 orded ui 15 of in ih'1 Keiííter'H otíiie. of Waakten oonntj on pasa H7;i and tbe olher undivid'd hult wau conveyeu o aid Wuydam o forudoaare of a moruagu made 'o Goorge Wal ker and Williara l'opktnH by niabl.r In Ubaaeery'i cl, A. U. lS5ü, and recorded lu llber SI uu paM -"ls un( ll "lu !llt' "vdam coni.jnl to Johnoardnei b dead datad Marca --rd A 1. 1.)7, and couvey.'.l lo hduar Keed on foreb BBortftf6 iï'ven by fiild (iardner lor Ibe pnrcaaaa mouej by Maater in L'hanceryV deed dated Oct. Lat, A. il. 1859, and recorded in líber 1 ot deed on page 677 lu said Befjatar'i ofnee and by Kd"iir liee-d COIivayed to Allnel liet;d by deed dat.Ml aöpF I8tb, A. D. 1861, aad recorded In llber Wan : I; a portion ol saiii mili propertj if .'nibraced in a d'-id iiiad.' by Samii.1! W. Pottor to Oreion Qoaekenbnab daten .luly 1M h, A. D. 1887, and recorded in líber "K" on [.ae-tös and is oupposed to docribe f.tid mili propeny by nietes and bonnda: Alto al) tbc land and premiseg conveyed by iln an Central railroad ('ompany to Almet Kted ad dated April lti, USB, and raeordad In liber 4'.i on paiíe í toeiber witn uil the righte aud inicr-oevcr kind conveyed by Almet Keed to John W. Graan by dee.l daied Anirunt lftt A. L. ind recorded in taid Kegiütcr's ofllce Sept. tith, lMii, in libar M of dteua un paaie SBO. Alho tne. lollowlog dracribed laodi and premiaaa known as the Walker atore (ocalled)at Scio a? ied iu a deed l'rom A. 11. Orean anu wffe !o Georffa Walker and recorded in t&a ottct ol tin. Ueglataf of deada for Waahtenaw cotiuty in liber ¦T Dl deede on page 414 and 4 1-j aud whicli last deacribed tanda were also deeded by ArtiniiiB M. li ntln and Klij il. W, Morgan to John W. Green oi the luib day ol Ang. A. I), indi, and recoided in said Kejrlater'e office on the Bth .lay t.i Septeinix-r, A. U 1M1U. in libr .jl ol deedt ou pat'e Í71. All ol the U rcrib.'d parceiB of land and l'iemiriuaJlfiiiUE ...4 j-uu . ?! pn nuu w ne to Joñn M - M .i ; and !aut V'llllinn t'. Hughai b deid raeordad In said Klister oilicu iu liber &i ol lulluwiuK dt .-k.i 1 bed piece or parcel of land, lo wit : Commeixilig tu. th. ooi tb-eaei oorneruï lo.K-k id (18) In tiiu villaje ol' Di-xler, iu the county of Warhtenaw, anti running thence along the east iine ol' siid block, in a Boutherly in-ction, une hnn dred and flfty leet, thence euterly on a line parallel wlth the Aun Arbor road, twenty-fl w toet, thence Dorih westerly, on a luie paralkl witb the ea-terly line of fald block, t the Aun Arbor road, theucc ua-trrly, along tlie of t-aid roud, to the place ol tx-tfiniilni.'. AlButhi' undivlded olie-half of lot nutntx-i ¦ ('li in block nnmber leventeeo (17), of the villaje 01 IK-xter, MeorAtng to the plat tlK'rrof. All of mil laudit being in the coanty of Wanhteim and siaie ut Michigan togethur with teoe[iii-uis. and then unto in any wlae belonint,' or thereupon HÏUlaled. Aun Aroor, Maren Mlfei A. ]). 1881. PATKII K McKUKNAN, Circuit Court Coinmitsioner iu aud for the County Of Waxhteimw. Sawykb and KSowi.ton, Solicitara, and II. .. Bkakks of Counsel for Complainant's. JaXKbT. IllINKY Ud KlIWAHD D. KlNNt Soiicitor lor The ab.jw si!c il h'T'by intponed, to Mk place on Voirlay, June ISth, at th" name huur mid place. Ann Arluir, Mm Uil, a n.lHSi. I'A I I KK .l, KI.H AN, Clrriiil C'.url Coniml-yloiier in aud lor tlif l 'o iiiiy ot U (f lltcIMW. Sawikk A K 'Wi.roN,s,,not.)i.Hnil II. I. BeakM of Countel lor Coml iinaMjAk- T. HoNtl un U hnivjK.i D. Kinnk. Holi.itorn l.r lli-liuduiiti. i A.8SIGSKK'S 8 ALK I, Charlea 8. Gregory ABulgneu ol Kvurta & Co., 111 ell ut the piimi ttino aud place nu-nli ncd u tin; above nodet' nl ('üiucery sale, the olber untlihir'lL.000 ha" "f 'ot 'nb' r ulne (9) in block nuiiiioihe'rrrlíS)}") ' tlle v'Hi;e of Dexter, accordlrg ánd'ci . í-JBfJPiaí - tena' iiiiiu-il in the above sale. Sa d are - tuatuil in the couuty of Wa-hIinaw and utatr ol HlcUMD. : ltLKSS. GRKGOKY. HW8 Agsiauee ol Evurts at Co. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countj of At asesBliui of the I'robate Court for the Coanty of WMhtaoaw. holden at the Probate üfllce, in the city of Aud Arbor, un Monday, the elbteeuih day ol April, iu the ear om thousand egM huudred and eiL'hty-one. I'ruheut.W'llliaml). llarriniau, Judge of ProbnU!. In the matter of the estáte of Snrah A. Ki-nwick, ed. Ou readiug and flllnt; the petition duly vfniu-d.oi Nnihaii B. Kenwick prayincr (hal admiuisIratiou of Baid catate may be t-ritnted tu Temuurauct; Kenwick. Thereupon ït Ir ordered, that Monday, the twentythlrd day of May ue-xt, at ten u'clock Iu thr forrnoon, be asBÍgned for the hearitig of üald petition, and that thu htire at law of said deceased, and all olher persons iutcrestcd in iaid eitate, are reijtiired to appear at a oaslon of aid court, then to !_ hold-.'ti at the Probate Office, in the city ol Ana Arbor, and show eaiioe, ir any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be (jranted. And it Ie further ordered; that said petitioner _rue to the Mrsona intiruated in saiü i 'i Om rwndenoy of said petition, and tbe hearing caiwlnif acopyol this order to be pub¦BM in The Atm Arbor Courier, a ¦wapatwi urinted nd circulatini; in said county, three sao ¦ íive weeltB prevlouí to said daj ol hearing. (A trui' couy.) Wll.UAM D. IIAKUIMAN, WM. G. DOTY. Proht. BÊtSËtT ' ' W SOU,. SRATBSON Í 10. DETROIT, üfTcr, or the pn-sent scason, ttMMHl select assortment ot FINE WOOLKXS for UEXTLEMKX'S tTEJJt ever brouglit to OM city, and a stwk whM will plcuit and phe tatlsflKttm in all resccts. We iuïite au early iuspectlou of the saine, leeliiii: (onllilent a sit to our store will pay mij ene Interested. It li uitli piMC ure that we aimmiiice that M havr ¦.(¦- cured the services fMK. L. M. (JRAYas head ciitter in our establishment, who Is MkMrWMgVi liy those who knovr, to bc the BEST AM MOST AUTISTIC 1 THE WÏ8T. Our prices, the COflÜng season, will be ft.imd as LOW AS FIRST CLASS WORK AND MATEKIAI, WII.L WAKRAXT, anil ne promise to do oiir utmost to serte our patrons in a satKfactory niiiiincr. SOL.S. BATESON & BRO., "The LeadingMerchantTaMoring House of Michigan," 93 Michigan Ave., Opposite the Antisdale House, Detroit. 103


Ann Arbor Courier
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