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Whitmore Lake Tent Meeting

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Ihere will be a IWIMI1I. Sauday scliool and gospel tent meeting at AVliilnion- Lakf, WiishU'iiaw Co., Midi., trom June 6-13, 1881. The large tent owned by the Aun Altor reform club has been reuted for the occasion, and tlie meetings will be held In that. The tent is 100 feet long and eighty feet wide and seats thousands of people. The opening sermón will be prcached on Monday evening, June 6tu by Rev. Wm. George, of Dundee, subject, " Moses on Mount Nebo." Tuesday, June 7th, will be temperance day. The Whitiuore Lake reform club holds its anniversary upon that day, and sends out a hearty iiivitaiion to all temperance socinti' Washtenaw, Livingston, and Oakland counti es to join tliem in the services of that day. Kev. 0. T. Allen, of Detroit ; Kev. D. R. Shier, of Saline ; Prof. T. P. Wilsou, of the unlversity; Rev. II. O. l'arker, of Fowlerville, and Rev. J. C. Higgins, of Detroit, are some of the speakers expccted on temperance Wednesday, June 8th, will be devotec to Sunday school work and its nterests All Sunday schools of all denominatioi are liereby earnestly invited to come oí Wednesday ia loads - teachers, offlcers and scholar?. Make It a picnic day and al come. All under 20 years of age will bt admitted free. Horaee Hitchcock, of Detroit, has been invited to take charge ol the services of that day and invite such ministers and helpers as he wants to assist him in fllling upthe day with good things. The admission is made free to children and all under 20 years of age oh that day, to Induce the Sabbath schools to come in a body. It will be a grand treat to the children and the exercises win - --- to greatly protit - - -ners, offlcers, and parents. . _. o-sininng on Thursday inorning, tlie gospel services proper will continue until the follpwing Monday or Tuesday morning. Key. E. E. Caster, of Fenton, has been invited to preach on Thursday morning at 10:30. There will be at least three or fiiur sermons a day. Prayer meetings, class meetings, enquiry meetings, a love feast.and a communion service will be held as the interests of the meeting seem to deinand. All people are heartily welcome to come and attend as many of the services as convenient. The hotels c;in accommodate the multitudes with food and lodging at luir rates. Room for tentó will be furnished free to all who apply to me in season. Persons desiring furnished or unfurnished rooms at private houses should apply by mail to me at once, and they can be accommodated at reasonable nites. Arraugements will be made with the bus men at Brighton, South Lyon and Ann Arbor, so that persons ((iiiiing to either of those places on the cars eau be taken to the Lake and return at decent prices. 1 o cover the cost of the tent, the printing, the depnty marshal, lights, and many other necessary expemet connected with micIi a meeting, h mail admission fee will be charged, as follows: A single ticket, one d.v. tra cents. A sousoii ti.k.i (br one pereon, 20 cents. A family ticket for one diy, 20 cents. A season ticket for a fainily dunnjr the whole week's meeting, Meent. All ministers, their families, and all the speakers and helpers in the meeting will be udmitted fret'. W'e shall do all in our power to make the expenses as low as possible forthoM wlio Mtend the meeting trom a distance. Shoukl auyotie desne uiy furthiT information or wish to ask any question oncerning the meetingor theexpenses of attending it, if they will writ to me, I sliall be li:ipiiv to reader them help, Information, or umi any inquines so tur ns I can. As soon as otliers speakers and workers are heard from and the program uu bearranged, it will be published mort-fully. In the mean time we want all to prepare or a good, rich feast of grand things. A tent meeting furnishing such ablespjakcis and workers for a week as we hope to secure, is a new affair in tliis section aml we hope and trust that the people will show their apprcoiation of siu-h talent by :i liberal attendance. If this one proves a success in all particulars, it can be easily rep- ted In tlie -cirs to come. All letters and mail matter intended for me and asking for particulurs about tlie tent meeting, should be writtcn plainly and caiviullv, tliat I may know just w -bat you de9ire, and addretsed to me at Wbltmore Ijike, W'asbtenaw Co., Mich.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News