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Business Locáis. Wines & Worden have a very large assortnient of'gloves aud hosiery, verycheap. We have just roceived a large line of new carpeta iu the latest patterns. WINES & WORDEN. Wines Jt Worden carry a very fine assortoient of cloths, cassimeres, cloakings, deoim?, ghirtings, tieks, flannels, &c. Black and Colored Cashineres and Buntings at WINE8 & WORDEN. Spriug dresa Reods in large varieties at WINES 4 WORDEN'8. One of the mom, desirable ansortments of spring prints, very nice, at WHÍE8 A WORDEND. Wc have ooe of the largesl ahsortmentf: of bleached und unbleaclied cottons in 4 4, 1 la 4 A. '..! 7 A. U-A, O 4 ij 10 4 ctci in Anu Arbor, at satisfactory pricvs. WJNES . WOR1IK.N. If you want a good geut' sUirt, cheap, go to wnra worwen's. For one of the best asgortments of lacen, dgings, neokwear, &e., cali on WINES & WORDKK. Silk and lineu handkerchiefd can be f'ouiid cheaper than at aoy other house, at frarm & wordend. Black silk, colored silk, trioiuiing silks and sutitis at that defy competition at wi:íes woeden 's To Rent.- The store known a the Grenville Drug Store. Inauire at Codrier Office. We stil a good Huck towe' for five cent. WINES 4 WORDEN. Table Linens, napkius, towefo, curtains and curtain tixturus at WINES__V0.lDEN8. We are the ouly house in Arrn Arbor where you can fiud the genuioe "rBroadhead Jaiuestown" mohair and alpacas. WINK8 A WORPEN. ' T'O RENT. A home and barn, Nu. 26 Wllllam atreet Bnquire at the Codricb Ofllce. tf i J?OR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR Knwturn l'roporty. A íarm, partly Improved, in the banner countr oi Nebrwta. A good Jocatlon for a physlclan. Corretpondence lollcitcd. J. OSCAR OAHMON. M. D.. 108-44 Haatingu, Adama Co , Neb. ANTED. SIX BOYS To leaxn the nniahlng trade. finquire of KOCH HALI.KK, 52 South Main aireet. lWS-tl WANTED. POR SALE OR TO RENT. Two blorks south of the unlvcrailT eroundn wlth tlire lot and bam and rriut. hnquire uu the pretnisee ui IVB3 J. B, 8TEBKB. nno rent. A llr-. 'lana House at -til) p. r year, one mile out of the city. Addreaa Boi C, Ann ArArbor. pOR SALE OR REN f. t, Tbf we-l"own pruperty f the late T: A. Ilavlland, located In the flfth ward, wlll bc old on reasonable term, renled or exchanged for other ciry property. The property embraces land, blackumlth etaopa and woud hop. If not aold In a roaronable ttme, the property wlll he for rent. Kor panicnlars Inquire of O. H. KUODKS, Kxecutor, Ann Arbor M"= 131 tf A LL KINDS OF BLANKS PHUTBO OH SHUHT MOTIOI AT THK ( ( KIKK JO K0OMM. p ROPOS ALS FOR PAINTING. 8eled proponal for the pintln([ of the followlm Pnblic School Buildings in tbU city will be recslTeS by the undemlgned, trom ttais day uotll the titu o June, al C o'clock p. m., lncliiivi All the omtside woodwork of the 4th ward fchoo house inclodlni.' tower, wfth shlnlea, Iron cret ou buildings and fence lu Kout, to be painted wltu twi cuita ol beul white k-ad and bet llnseed oll. All the outnjde wooduork ol old pnrt of the flrxi ward school building, iucludlni; tower and fence in frout wlth two good coat of best white lead and bent llnsecd oll ; and the new part of the same bulld ing to be painted with one good coat of ihe name material, go as to make o;d and new part of building look allke. All the loalde woodwork of the flrat ward xchool building to be painted bun or cream color, wlth two pood coau of best white lead and beat HnMed oíd, except taire, whlch are to be paintrd. olled and varnlahed ar direrted. All tbe outalde woodwork of the high school building to Ik painted with two good coat of best white lead and best Museed oll. All the lnside work of the hiRh school building to be painted buffor cream nitor wiíh two good coat of beat white lead aud kent llnauvd uil, except tbe Ulrsandgallery.which are to be painted, oilted and arnlshed aa dlrected. All tbe work to be commenced as coon aa the present term of ichuol Is cloted and to be flnUhed by the 13th of Augutt next, to be done in the bet workmanlike manner and wlth the hest mati rlal uoder the direction of tbe cominlttee appolntcd or Is aubatitute. No money to be paid uutll the work is completed aud accepted. Propoaals for each Job to be made separately The board reserve the rightof rejecting any and all bid. l. gki:mkr, Treaaurer of School Ulatrlct No. 1, of the city of Ann Arbor Ank Amor, IIich., May 19, ML TINgSÏ & SKABOLT'S BAKERY,GROCEKY AD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHULKSALK AND RBTA1L TRADB. We aha]) also keep a snpply of 8WIFT A DÍCBEL'8 BB8T WHITE WHBA1 FLOÜR, DKLHI PLOUR. RVB PLol R, BUCKWHKAT FLOUR, CORN MÏAL, FKBD, 4c, c. At wholeaale and reUil. a general atock of ;ro(i:kii;mm provisión eonataotly on hand, whlch wlll be nold on aa reaton able terma w at any other house In the city Caah paid for Botter, Bgga, and Country Produci irenerally. "OoodadellTered to aoy part of the city witb ont extra charge. I' KrN8IY 8KABOLT


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