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Reminiscences Of Beaconsfield

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Wliiii Earl BenconsHeld wan Mi. I)irseli he wng ofteo bard up forcean. ll IU Heil UB rl I :i.i_Mllt III. III II titt W.l "t giHtityini; lus own porsoual wlihuM m ""¦¦il V kin li.illil-WiTcsilll plc-, lll WHIlU f'A mili II 18 llnll IM....I ...,,,, Idoni costly. Bul lie wm reryfrei witli bid innm -whtiil lic Imil il kIkI Ik nyone bn n-.k'il liba i t:i vi . There is a weü aatlienlicaUxJ rtory I i 1 1 ji i r ;t 1 1 ImpecMTttous t'ricnil tlic last ivereign In bis ocket mul ilit-u walkinj; home liroiu-c he liad hot moncy enougli t pay lor :i ottb, It waa ud h ís wlfe, who was tin widou nf his feilow mem bei fbf V cniube. Mi". Lewi. iroiosoil u li'nn. and nol he u Ikt. Mie liadcooteivtHi itgreal admimtioi 1 i liini iluriiij; thr lite of her liral hiubaiid .Vflcr the death "t Mr. .c. e fiium licrsclt Üie u i i -t ri - ui m l.iii;c l'iirlunc1, ;nn uitlidut any nounibrance in iln' -l i; i - " cliildii'ii or poor ri'lativcs. ln' liad tin lori'sijiht to ser tlüitu ?reat carecr wa'n in Disraeli, Ijut that be was liiuiiperet! bj ilebt anti the want of moucy. Slie propos l to leml liini - yvacticiilly to t' liim - i very large mimi of monejr. líe (IccIukh lic uciii'ioiis otter. He coald iiot,he8itld ICCepl BUCb ;i t:i vol I rom any onc MmM lwitivly nol froiu a wouiait. '"Notevcii roin yonr wife?" a-knl Mr. Lewis, pl.ioiug her liaml la his. Shc conquered, ain ie waa bei' devoled friend anu lover evei ifter. Uut Mr. Dinaeli u all? au art ir, in private, m weil a in public liti'. and Lm heen lilntfd iIkiI rvi'ii mJLeil hi irot'vssvd love For lils witi . and n-ally liail io romantic or sincere aflrcllon forlier - regarding her only a ivplicw mfglil nuk lipón a rii'h and affeotionale old aiint, wli" wwulil giv li lm all t niMiev bt wantfd so loiifi sa be was jood and kiml o Ihm. 'l'liis was, must prouably. baseless slander. Mr. DUraeli was not a .-¦nsimlst. He liad a mosl viviii Imagination, whjcb nalilcl uiui t inven! any object wlth llu ittribotet ainl charms wbtob be deaired 11 a possow. lu Iliis uay lic inadf 1 bis wife - who certainly was neither )i -i iilitul lor very liinhly icifted wlth intellect - fl on of everytbins tliai was chartnlnj and u"iliilul, niid In accordingly ilmirorsliiMKl her. One iif die unexplained mysteries in Mr. DisracliV politica] life is tbal i i wirlouí dolaration l liis, uiulc ui the uicetini; ot lis constituent al A leebury, BuckingiHinshirc, conterniiig üie Queen. Hi n h is must c ¦iiipii.iiic and dflibenite ttmnnei-, tiiul Uer Mujcsty had become "physically, iiiomlly, mul mentalty lucapacitatecl rmii (l-cliirjriiir lier fiincllons as a sovereign." 'l'hc reportan tot the Londoo palera wbo wvre prMsul - uil oftbem expe ¦ieiin line repoters and bocusoined tn takeiliiwn Mr. Disraijli's sijci-í-Iu- n tlif HotW, we re nimmtrn .1? thry rc¦onlfil tbew extraordlnary wordt - and sould Mcarcely believe ihat tliev had cor¦ectly nnili-i -U'ihI bis íiicairing. 'l'licv conBUlted witll carli Otlier at the ruil of llif speech andlfound they all agreed in thelr in icv ut iliis sentenee. Mili, feerlng ttaere ni'lii !¦ tome mlstake, and withinu to be Kisitivcl.v cttrtiiiit. ihi'.v Ueputed out; ot theii inmber, Mr. Thompson Cooper, f tbe I mu - ittaff and pdltor of " The Men of the riiin-," tn goto Mr. DisraeHand ak it tliey iail correcily uiiderstinnl him. "Kcailyuur ragrayh as yon bavé t." said Mr. Ii ai'lito.Mi ÜOOper. reail it. "You are [Ulte riglil;' aiil Mr. üisraeli; " that i aitly hat I -aiil aiiil what 1 ini'aiit to llu rM-itciiii m T'btcb tiiis Btranye ibraar, when pnbliabod in the London pawx-, treatfil tiiniunhuut the kindom is still well reinembered. ir. liisraeii never ctiacted it, imr uiadi: any cxplanation iil it tut il ras huly - who, in Mr. DteaaMÑ ipiiiKin, ih a pliysic&l, mora) and mental vreck - wtioiii fie afterwards made Empress of liiilia. nndfrotn whose hands he recefved liis tilles ot Kuil, Viaeoual and Kuightol the Gart r. V.r diil strenge ntterance at al! miníate ajtaiiibt Llie cordial and iilfectionate rel i Juten and hiinselt. i of hiin, aml ut times displsywl hfr friendsbip tor liim In smcIi a jirouuunccd marnier that the tlorj wint abmad tliat che Intended 10 order liim to niurry her. v i a wicke! wit whosaid n lelation to thU story, thaf'therc vvtu iwii Jolina lm tt.nil in )w wn o1 the propoaed John Buil and John Bio n. Mr. Itisracli's iclalions with Mr. GLul ttonewere curios, iïi 1 u they opposed each ottter in public, each ol Lbeiu sn-ct-, i and idinirei! the other. Occasioully, but not of ten, it feil out that tfcej mei ach otlnT in aooieti - it a diiiaer oral )inc othcr social fíatherinfr. And tht'ii it au atuusing to nee the awkwardneM and inhai 'i'iisMiiu-nt ot Glailstone aml the ense nd sclf-possesslon of Dlcraell. The latter nee said in private lie Ihousbl . J.n 1would die eitlier in á monastery ;i a [loman Catholiu lay brother or In a madhrii-i'. Sume t.ittlci look Üie laJe to ULulstone and it made hiin vpry anry. Bul alter (.lailsioiif had ritten his anti-Vatieau pamphtet ülsraeli remarked that tliere was no loiifrcr my danjrer of the monastery; ind attcr the last fjeneral electiou, which resul, ed in OhulMone'a victory, he laid. ith a sigh, "Perhapt it il 1 aun nol .lad.-ii who ia to end lii davi in a


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