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The Earthquake In Scio

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A letter frora Scio n the London News, says: Tlie temperatura on the 8d was heavy and oppresslve, and tlie horizon was brokcn bv broad flashes of liglit that seenjed to d1IOte ¦ COmlog storm. In :ill this atmospheric dliturbance, however, tlie ini..i.;...„.„ „„,., ,,,„ ).;„,. .tiaordinary, and ar imm belng alarmed Dy ïw n.v., fancled would resull n a tbander storm". At 1:00 hi t lic afternoon a terrifie tbock waa lelt, brtagtng toreefourtha of üie hotuea In tbe town to tlie groiind llke s niany packs of wunls, and burying 1,000 penooa u miert hel al liiir ruin. Then commfinced fearful sceue of horror. The ground rocked ind danced, kneading the ruin already fornied intoan unrecogniable nias of stone. Tlie survivors rati hitlier and thither, not knowing wbere to flee ti eacapetbe berrlble fatetliat menaced thi-in, and wi-rc Ham about bv the heavingearlh, like featlurs in a breeze. On t-vcry side the sinister riiniblings of the earth, the n.iisc ui' tbe fallinj; buildings, the tBftring asuoder of the housea and the shrieks of the wounded lent a learful horror to the cene. All MOght to leave town and Ret inlo the plains. in Order to (rt-oid beiug burii'd under the fallías buildings, but even those who gaiaed tlie open couniry wcre by ui) iiiiuns sale. Tlie MltbQUflke attackea not only the towtuand villages, but worked its 'ravages in the hills 'aiul ïnoiintaiiis of the island. Enornious milM of rock and earth carne i iisbing down the hillsidcs, carrying all bofsre Uwd, boundinii tar Into the plalng, and tearing roatls in the s.ilid ïocks of the inountani Buch as mii;liL hac lux-ii fornied by a torrt-m a tliousand Tearg old. : ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ah v o f the sttTTlvon i. rered (rom ike terror canaed by sln„-k -.utli.-ï..„tly to l.e a'.V. ! .1'!.'',71 .' prehend the eitent oí tbe catastropbe, oi (0 thiuk ol In.ikiii); lor frieada or lelativcs stili, perhape, allve beneath the ruin. The to n presentad a pitiable apectacle. Great fiasures and crevlc yawned in the itn eto, all rere fallimt; ith i craaMnK report, and entlre buildings cruinblcd in fragtncnts to the giound. In many plaees wli.ilc streeLS hal di.sapi.fared. and it was hard to say Where the dift'erent well-known buildings had stood. No one knew where to look tor taniily or trinds. Tlie ground still hcaved and tossed, blinging fresh buildings to thé ground at ver? monient, and borrylog tniiiunerable victims to deMroeUon. Ihe people seeking to escape were caught in the staireases of their honses by lalling walls, or were oruahed by the mire boute lalling in on tticinas theycrossed tbe thresbola. It is impossible to say what the nuniber ot victims would have been il a second slxx-k had not displaced the rnins fornied by the lirst and thus permltted thoasaads of sufferers to encape or n ie ic-ciied liv others (rom the horrible imprisomnent to which thej had been eondemoed In the the town the victima liae lxcii very numerous. The qoarters moat damaged are the citadel, HuAtikies quarter and the industrial quarter. BaiuuUi Üie riúna of the it:idel alone 500 vu-tims ut least musí oe mineo. Among others tliere are forty Turkish women wko wcie engaged in prayer in an oratory in a eourt of the castte. The government palaoei and buildings, the telegraph office and the mosquea are Hule better tlian tottei in ruina, Hardly a minar In the town retimins upright. The Frank quarter may bc said to have tuffend the least of any, but even here there is not a house the walls of which do not exhibit one or more ominous looking crevices. All the and crevices run front east to west. In tlie industrial quarter hardly a house remains standing, and whole families of from ten to rifiein jieisons have perished, or must perista, bencalh the ruin?. In the country the ellects of the horrible upheaval have been more terrible than in the town. llere the victims may be couuteil by thousands instead of by luindreds. The monastery of Neomoni ia eompleteiy racd to the ground, and 0 monks lie buried bcneath its walls. The site of the village of Nenita presents the ippeutnoe of a disused stone quarry. Not a trace of a bulldlDg remains. The inhabitants li.ic disappeared. U is thought that the uumberof victiins In three villages (Calin Thimisna and Neochori)' is over 3,000. The total population of the three districts lutween 0,000 and 7,000 soula. I have just visiU'd t'unlaniüls, I'ylhias and Davcn ona, wliicli are entirclv' destroycl. Tlic iininber of victinis is unknown bu ; considerable, At TcImmuc i '"" liouses, ñau i.i tne lown, liave been destoyed. Kive dead and 50 wounded have been uiscovered at Kato Panaya. Every house, and there are 900, is in rnin.s. Twenty-three dead and 150 woumlivl liavc been fouiul liitherto. The aspect of the plain of Vounaki ia heartrending. Between K).(XM) and .ri0,KKi il ol all ages and hotb sexes are oamped there on the open groand, and there are as vit luit few tents to shelter tlicni, and oíd and young, aick and well,tlic dead even in tome places are cousequently about the plain. Párente trander from (rroup to grouij in the erowd seckiug their cbildren, and endearoring to persuade tbcmselres that their darllnga will be found among tlie living. Not a single baking house in the wliole island is lelt standing, aad the entira population wai thos without food until aid oould arrive from the exterior. At one moment au entire village, built in the fonn Of an ampitheatre on the iiii ut a lull, broke bodily awj from the parent rook, and ruslicd eraaMag down loto the plein. The bhocks are now diminisbing. In all we have oouated U0 linot the lirst three awful upheavals wbieli destroyed thegreater part of the island. üf these 250 shocks ut h u-a 0 weiï npaMf l OVeltJirOWtDg l solidly built house. Tlic work of excavation Ixtii roiiiini-iirrd. hut how ft'W of the liuricil viclims sliall we be able to extricate froin their Uring tombs? The Bcene is sk-kenin. Hre ¦ huml nukkea feeble ilgna tbroogh :i crevioe, wliile the anfortanate wretch to whom it belongs is buricil befieatb thoaaandi of tons of masonry. Jlere, again, a voice calis for aid trom underground. A dauxhtcr sobbinfc - dorori t') MMMurag her father, who la Impriaoned deei below the surface; and at ererj turn of toe ipade or plek tome horrible iniitilated corpse is brought to lieht. Numbers of daad are unburied, and in iaolated jilaccs the iloffs are disjHitinji the powessioii of tbeir nianjfled coi r


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News