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(Condensid Jrom our County Erchanget.) BRILMJEWATER. It Is stated tliat Ed. Eagan, recent ïnarried to Mrs. Schmidt, a uidow, has " dug out." Hanke's mili is simt down, because farmers have no time to draw Iogs on the roll way. tonners in plowin low srround lorcorn last week haveturneu up luuipof earth still frozen. M. and C. Mitcliel are experts in catohing rata, liaving capturned 104 with steel traps within il few weeks. OHEL8EA. Biirnct Btelnbacb has a driveri well which tiows brinc. A youiift tirnado passed over thls place on SatnnlHy.the 14th. Several peoplewere luiptiscd in tlic creek. ear Qrahain's, Sunday of' last week. Some boys pulled down the telephone wiri-s on the band building the othci niht, niistaking the crime for fun. HenM: The only business tliat we see SOing on in town and is tjiag is luw OlulueM. Jt is a pity tliat y don't have a few more "whisky shops" in town - then we could petitiou the legriilrture to have the eourt Ikiiisc at Ann Arbor moved to Chelsea. DEXTBR. Chip IJasket.- "8tiikes" was the subject of a recent very ableWaeoane by U-. Mr. Maitoffln. A OOW helonging t Mr. Ihiwks ni killed on tbe nülroad track receutly. Jas. McNamara, a newtpaper correspondent of excellent ability, hasgone to Piiukiiey. in liibinis-, ï.eader has i-linie to the conrliiMcm tliat dame nature is ktader to Dexter fkrmeti thaa the is to Aun Arbor farmers- in tliu uiuttor of -u-hout ticMs, esj)ecially. IJad boys continue to play ball en Sunday, disturbing racidents in the gouthern part of the ('in-u .i. in v. ntniei aim Mary A. Allport were married on the 8th inst , by Rev. J.H. Mngoffin, at the residence of VValter B in Webster. Froiaourowu CorrcspouiieiH. The ('helsea base ball club played the Dexter nine last Saturday, at this place, and the game resul tod In a score of 15 to 5 in favor of Dexter. But M'ven innings wcru played, the (,'helsea boys belng satistied that defeat was inevitable. The pliiyiiii; .ittracted considerable attention, and a large crowd witnessed the game. The "light infantry" nine, or rather a nine composed of little boys, average H.iht - ooi (iighty pounds, weut to Pinckuey, l:i-t Satur.lay. and tuekled the club of that vtll&ffe. The outcome was a score of 32 to 17 in favor of the Pinckny boys. Conalderlng the dlaparity in size and ages between the nicmbers of the two Cinta, the MOTS fa really a proud one for ÜM Dexter boyg. A return gUM will soon bc plavi'd, when a dlflerent score The I.cailcr of the l.Jth Int, bi'ingthe second number of theaecond vear of Mr. ¦OjMAa pvoj-.l. nM'lll, Ui ii ln'vU.l-t .. tan into a "reminiseenee. " Mr. Edgar is ¦ h.ird-working, conscientious editor, who generally has soniethinf sensible to say npon fverv subject of importance. and the good people of Dexter shoulU give him a oordia] and hearty support. He wlll find, homver, that til ttempta t.i ptotM bod will prove fdtile. Boeh u tlnntr cBnot be "dld." During the game of base ball, last Satur day, betweeathe Dexter and Chelsea clubs, a young man by the nainc of Downer, a nicniber of the Chelsea club, met with a sertous accident. He was standing in wait for li s turn at the bat wheu the club slipped [out of tbr bandl OÍ the man batting, üeorge Kcinpf, and struck him directiy across the moutli. The blow knocked out all of his front tei'tli. innshed in his gunis, aml made MÉM ujily looking wouads. It was a close cali for Downer, for liad the club hit a little hijjlier up, across the temple, it would, without thu least doubt, have instautly killvd hiin. MANCHESTER. The Enterprise regrets the luk of enter priso of the capitalista of that village il aot erecting mauufacturies. Au ,.n,irt iu i.-;-K „. ..i, i, j-i-i n) a -in "I .1 ulv celebration. Two meeting havt been lield, a cominittce ¦ppointuü to circu late t subacrlptioe paper, etc. It look.s m though Manchester might have one of tin okl faibfonad caJebrauoaa. Tlie "inl'iuit" nlne of this place renl down to Clinton the other day to play s Mendij trame with ¦ Ukenlnaof tfcat placa, but the Clinton boys were not infanta, and so defeated the Manchester boys, but afrwards boiight tlirm ¦ Mppai to assuage tlirir ricl'. lil Baakst- John Borte has bou glit "Uneli: liiikr" Giiinan's farm in Sliaron, and Uw tataar tl going'to lieland lor hi.s hi-altli. VVm. Sherwood has a conti. ut to buiki a bridge aoross Kaiin rirer at HlTer Raiein, to ;ost $374. Mr-. I.mvíii.i ijpwildtng is visiting bei daughter, Mw. D. K. Corey, in I.ansing. MM Sarali Bpaihrd has gone to Ypsilanti to tapióte ber musicol education. Win. Howctt hu front' to lackson to Mak relief t 'rum rheiimatism. Mali. I). lilosser. of the Enterprise añil A. F. Fraai- n, villRge attornev, caeh have MM liat SAI.1NK. The present pfospods are. fruit of all k-huls will be quite abundant in tin tion. The ladies of the M. K. Clnireli to give a coucert and ice cream fesUral at nnion hall, this evening, May 27tü. Observer: The graduates of Saline Ufb school intetiil to have class clay ex I Tuey are to consist ot music, an oration, prophecy, history of the ctfcM, and neb other c.erci8fs as are lUOaJ on tucil occasions. S( reo tree have heen plantad on ates, a monument is soon to be erected witliin the circle of trees. Further particulars will be glTen n diu time. Obsi-mr: We leam that Albert Hluinlianlt, who llVM itmv miles west ol this Viliage, has made OOmpUlot beloiean A mi Arbor jusiic-e, :iL:uin-i liis tatlier, J. O. Blumhardt, tor usault and bettery, Fratlerick Ilutzel, a tielgbbor, has alao made COinplaiut agaiust Mr. Jilumliaidt. Bi au usaalt upon him, by tbrowing ¦ gtlck of nood at liini Ui intunt to injure. Mr. Blumliaril seeuis to have a he:i]i ot "worldly trouble." Ahotit a yoar tgo he had 000 stolen from hU bouse. and b cusing the wrong fellow of the theli got blnuelf into a tniblesome anl expenslve lausuit ; last winter h8 house wm burncd to the ground and now u something eüüe. Chip H.i-kef.- Botter an.l egn tumhleil In price. but Huur iaise.1. A (. l.aui, new liouse nearlv completad. Ed. Culrer is working inHiUwUle. ájoom Mili, -, bu lid ¦ Dew bouae oo his runa lonthweil of this village. Mis. V. J. ,1 returned fioui her visit uorth. A. H. Ilotelikins rent to Húrtalo, N". ï., last week as a delégate ti general as--mbly of the Preabytery. Miss Jessie Lawrence ha temporaruy given up her icheol hnfiím of ill-healtli. A larjfe nuiuber ol ooU sized eelí liavu beencaughtln Satine rirer Uiiipring. Jasper Perry paid i:J.j for a car load oí boúftehold gooda trom Saline to Tower City, luknu. where he bai j?one. Saline is to have a ürM ilass livery. Last Sunday was the BOth ainiiver.sary of the foundlngofthe Prebyterian ehnrch, of thii plae, and t was approprialely .elelirated. baU club bu beea organbsed here. h-. OroathaiMe, who liv.-s a few i onthwMt of talé pUoe, wat thrown out of her earrlage and Bererely tojored, i IV days since. Win. M. Gregory has gone eat visiting. Edward DePuy's son has had a dangerous tturk of typhoid pneoHIOIll


Ann Arbor Courier
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