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Cadïïl&c is to havean extensive briek taetory. "North Adams, Hillsdale county. has a MW bank. Iu Kalamazoo county f8,600 Las been paid in is liquor tax. Odd Fellows encauipmi'iit organizetl at Beirlen Springs. The Bay CiLy flre tug for use on the river is success. Commercial hotel, at Gaylord, burned Saturday. J,oss 2,600. Willard B. Wells, of Ionia, hae heen appointed consul at liotterdain. Water lias been tllling up the Coriuina eoal minus and stopping work. Hllladale, twrlog been scorclied rcccnllv. s oalllDg a tire extluguUher. Hou. J. J. WoiHlinau addrewc ;i grunge picnic at WflHamiton, ]-t. The M. 0. I!. 1!, it s Mia will IhhI.1 ¦ $20,000 depot it ilfs tammer. Scurli't tcvcr is closiiifr Ilic schools and erupling t-liiliiien iu Lentiwce counly. Firc destroycd the Miiskegon exchange last Pridiy. Loss, $5,000, insurauce $,000. boy aged 18, named SlcKeiizie, vastolen by tramps fruía Jarkson. la Fnilay. The ministerial association of northarn Michigan raeetsat Traverse City, M:iv Slat The Baptist hurefa of Qnlncy will hefeafter be prealded over by Eider' Horton, of Medina. The new pier at Saugaturk will bc 1,200 feet lung, and built iu the most lubMantUl manuer. ¦ The Univ'r:lists, at Caro. Ht to tini-h their church edilioe. on whifb i-a-t ped i The little figure of 500,000,000 la whit Um .Manistee shingle milis expert to turn out this year. A tCiimster at Hattle (iv-k drove histeam over a little girl aged .". vears, fcat Kriday and killed hér. The tub of hot water UtaiQ. This time at Lexiiigtnii, a 3-yeara-old child of W T. the vietim. Kmigration is pourinp into Presque Isle 1 coumy, and some. 0 homesteads were precmpted last week. A large hotel is to be built at Stianoch, the terminus of the nülroad which tu in tended tor Manistee. At Fremont Center, Newaygo countv last Suuday, Mulder's inill cremated. Loss f8,000. ot insured. A five-pound eel was caught in Oowkc Lake afewtlays aince. One of the eute HD cominissiouers' planting. Don't wrlte any more letters to Uarnard Charleroh Co., or to HeadJand, üsceola county, lorthey are discontinu. -,. The oíd Moyer mili dam at North liranch, I,apeer Co., gave w.iv last Alonilay, lanly undermiulng tlie n'ull. Hlllsdale coopere struck for liiirlierwaeeg, and are iM'wseekinfiothersItiiatfons. jfew Mrs. Dr. Cfllpering: Wilcox, of Battle Ureek,has been held for trial on a charge of criminal abortlon, in bonds of $500. KThu G.raud Haven Herald haaswallowed the öpriiiK Lake Republican, and never turned black in the face in the eftbrt. Bicyclers from different parts of the the number of 21, met at Pontiae Satui ¦- aay, and took a run out to Orchard Lake. 'l'he assessed valuation of propertv real and personal, at Adrián tliis year has been i-Sï!0'000 over la9t-vt'al' '¦"" Grand liapids must have a sensatie, and now that the tilthy Addis case rotted out, two of her street raflwara liave gone to war. Ludington papen complain that their churtli bells are so small that the people Co"a flshi6" them " Suadai's' sc &J ll11 At the last meeting of the commou connCH f 1 hree Rivera, as reponed in the Tribune that auKust body adjourned rine die. aom happy Í Kivers must be. Kaw-paishkaw-no-quay, a resident of ; ¦'¦ - ¦¦¦¦'¦¦ : l'iilMw:i Indian. is endeavor"r W reCOTWT MM tB Tlltalmii; Pa now said to be worth $4,000,000. .1 lir:uiv.J.Iil' cemetery has been seized by of Beuna VisU. This cemeterj" has been a bone of coutention for some time i '""""? s, ifwery. BchuW'i m.-at martel -nul i„,r„, and Ki, 8 to„„mo1 house. Loss $ii,000, insurance MM , I,1"1 ,'''''ƒ I';'---nT train over the Detroit & BnUerRRwaanui from AdrUn to De¦o,t.mtiieis,illrist. rtbezpeetedtohave Uroagb t mms running bj Aujrnst lt John Hiley got drunk at Bellevue the " '"'-"f1'1 .and in ittempti, to snoot a f 1 W'.m he was 9""llng shot himsclt throu-h the hand and got in Jan. Jas. T:lll,,,t, one of Port Huron'a oldest resident died of apopl.-xy, Swndav moming, aged ,0 years. He whs the principal proprfetor of the l'ort Hurou Coiniiienial There is a wusherwoman in Deei-field Lnawee county, ckimlng to be a tírst cousIn to Jay (Jould. She might be useful to JyJn vatorinratocln, bnt he neverooali rub his title clear. Two men were arrested at E:ist Sagina w hvst week on the charge of being connecud with the terrible massacre of the Donnelly family, which oeeorred nearLondon Ont a ycarao last lall. Some localities report mosiintoes o numerous that douda of them lili the sky at while other localities say tJiat they were uever so fm ir them befor W li.v Ihi ,-f hu, r: .it Satnnlaya OtWwtter bov named Urn rad Adama, agtd 12 year, who triedlo Mealaride i oo a frelght ear, bad both his V 1 1 1 the hnvs l n ,r,....i ¦ ¦ ¦ in me uovs oe warneu? IMm somebody Bet f.-arfully abont it JU Tompsett, of Cannoti, Kent county, a wonderful pig of the I H lus m„ heads- jugt like a hog- ebrbt reet and three sets of spare ribt In the Toan will cue :it Imi;i, the re are mom ten lawyenenmped, nel the huioiim at stake is about ?70,000. Uow i the receire afler the ponteal is ended? That'i wbfi the matter. cofflSkon ('curred at Korth Lansing last Btiirdy hetween a frelght train on tlie I). 1. L N. 1{. K.. iti,1 ¦ wild train (,11 th.' J. L. i. S. 1{. K., dMroving about 20 0tX) worthof property in the tw nklin-' of an eye. Jos. Blttman. who "as accused soine time of embeizllnjr fonds trom lus enplorWM, Mom e. , of Baglnaw City has bfjíiin ucivil snit to recover $7,500 with' u Inch h t redlted 00 thcir books, as earntngi In tlieir employ. The Red Wing (Minn.), Hepiiblican, of UM llrt inst.. sav a man bv Uw Dame of .luim Hurnett, ot Zumbn.t.u was fouod a I.w days pn-vioii, uitli Ui throal rat rrooi ew to er. SoppoMd raidde. Hr hada win and familv 9ora-where ia Michigan. Si. in, 1,1 nwroit's eltheni s,,t toiretner Mondayand dwlicated the boulevard project, wbuh at la-t, alter vean of quarreliiigand nhUng, seemi 't., be in a fair way ut becomhig a reality. The boulevard will be a graod tlnnjr f„r thf citv it riirhtlv carried out. Thii is c.rtainly a fast age: "Last week a lady iassenger on the Michigan Central gave l.irtli to 11 boundog baby whila going at the rato of forty ml lea an hour, betwi-.-n Nlles and Dowagiac, and this week a lady paaiengeron the Michigan Southern did tb'.samethingbetui.M-11 Bl&sfleldand Lcnnwee Junction 8ix boys, betweea tlie ages of 15 and l' have been sentf nced to the house of correc-tion trom the Monroe circuit the presen f court. The laat lot were Elijah Munima, Jaa. Regan, Richard Spedding, to 15, 12, and six months, respectively, the flrst for burglary and the others forgery. The Congregationaüsts, Bt their recent convention at Charlotte, pledgcd the ¦hun-hos of Michigan toan active support of Ubvrlin college. There is a Michigan professorship in that Institutio which should have an endowment of $30,000, but only $18.000 have been subscribed, go far. The balance is desired. The woman'g home missionary society of the onííief:itionul church chose the f olio w ing offleers, at the recent meeting of the general association : President. .Mis. Leroy Warren; traaanrer, Mrs e. F. Grtbille; ecretarf, Mrs. A. N. Pitman ; correspood¦ r lui v. Mrs. T. P. Prudden; with a vice president froin each association orconliTcnce. Miltiin E. Marvin, a boarding-honse keeper of Kalamazoo, was burncd to death, in his farm -house near Douglass, Allegan Co., on Thursday night of last week. He had gone out to remain over nijjlii. No one knew anythingof the flre nntil the next night. Foul play suspieioned. Later advirs state that the head of Marvin can uot be found, while the remainder of the body is not badl.v consutned. It la quite MMnll] lirlievcil iiow t luit ]n: was ïnui-dcred and the building bunied to conceul the crime. Job Burleson, of Macon, died the other iving an estáte valuedat upwardsof $60,000, uil ofwhioh he willed to one of hi ¦ODA, leaving two others but 4200 each ¦UK r-.-i whi rrnv mwj senflrjrrtiP - low and requested the udge of prol to divide the eetate equafly between the ttoaa lirirs. l'nle-íj (lien: be'sonie exti . ly weijjlity rea.v.u, a latherliaü no lm-; to will all of his property to one child. It is hard to comeive DOW the all'ection of a pan-ui oould lic drawB Wy froin a portion of his chiUlren and settled ii])on one.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News