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Prof. Moses Coit Tyler

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The nUh Od Bueipected re-ifjnatiou of Prof. Tyler eauses universal sorrow to the true friends of the university. Rfl 11 au uprivht, honorable,('hrUtian gentleman, n perevtring imh MMMi mi-motor, and a man of rare intellcctual attainments. He would mtkt au excellent college president. We have ahvays lielieved that no man is a necwity to this Wartdi' weiMtn, and lhonrh it inay beoften difflculttoflll ]-- tion left vacant, as in this instance, vet we believe that anotlier can le found who wil! ably fiH theposition. Ournniversity tian abtindantsupply of tnerretie and ahle iihii, :ml will not suffer an irreparable KM Hj withciiawal of any on e man. According to authentic information. ( 01nell university is not in a tollhtlllg 0OSdition. kM sntVeied trom distensión In her faculty. and the absence t her Ment atiM.i.l. 'l'liere alv only SM ¦tudents now in aliendancc, uhile ten year a" tlicnand this. Ion, in ture bf the tact that one. student, etc, ytar, trom ceiv asseenbly district in the Ml of New Vork, has a ritrlit to altend the uiiivcisily liee of tuition. Froni this source alone tliere should beölJ 18deiits in atteiulance, as there are UI My distriets. It will he seen that our univi-rsity Ims over four times the iiiiinber idcnts attimding her various oourses. If Prof. Tyler eau infuse new lite and eneixy.lnto tbatSut Atmnt will ;.c ¦(mplish ïnueh gooil. Wc admire the OftB, manly way in which the intleman retires from our university 11 CQM uilh tlie hearty good wilhot "t every hornat man in Ann Ar luir. While here he has never lent the aid of his stroiijr arm to help the rie.h aristo crat In crutlilng the helpless aud innocent. ('ornell has eertainly made a jrreat trnin. and Michigan met with a corrwpondlng 11. A. Beal cant sleep he I so over 'hv lt-r.'t of the t i 1 1 lo ralge the salary of the JuIe'k f the suprema coart. His siivIiirn llierroi. itnould l liermetrically sealeóf and .1 with hls donutlouN u Ihe uuivi-rMty.- KepoiWr. Tkt above item falselionds KMM peopte will n-sort to to display liitta s]iitc. ThtTf luis nol beeo one word sak! In tliis paper bout "the defect of the liill to niisc tin salaiy of the jodgw f the gupreme court." Wlien the suliject was under diacuaaion we cxpresst-d our opinión tli.' MM M ÜM editor of the Reporter expratNi ins opinioti upon Mk)cti of imporUnce [provhnng berertu uiytíiing t the sort). We said, in eflect, that aiy 111:111 wlm .v:is rWetrtMg over $10 per day, every day in (' 1 Judge, and tben had 1111 ahundanci ol ipan time on his lmiuls to HM to the .-tatc in aiiotlicr cupacity, at about $( per day, uitli still enoogh left to devote to niuneroiis private and -nM-ulatioii hl vaiious lixalilies, mij;lit not to ask tlie people tor rore uSuj, nad we say tlie MOM -till. l'he Heporter man has, evidently, . ii-vereine lor the tnilli. lie revcieí it to uc!i KB iNtcnt that it i iuiiossl.]e tor Mm to biing it Into rommoi. i-i .