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Belva üockwood i" stil! n appUcant tor the Brazllian tnlaslon, The iili ontering .iuhxi rohunai of '¦.Mullican in tlic wai" lias been pnswd ljy the lc'i.sluttirt'. Wliicli is ui! ri-;lit. A IMdoa ii-r, the Tmtli, s.iy-its tru- tlial lifit. o„.-,i, i.r, r...„„ „... .-,..:lU.r a,ro tlian at bome. If Tiuth 'tig -, plty lis 'lis Tnitli. LMt Tliesday M Canuik's Uli of July, Uut is, it was the (ueeu's birthday. Tbej iImi'i kntlioK extravafuitly orer the day, howevcr. lii-niaick tricl to liavi' uu ait passed by (In Pmwltll iriilistay:--or lefrislalure - to tax beer, but t (iidnt pa-s, and now they say " Bk1 is mail iilxmt it. Ainl iiow t Istaid that I'iiims Loabe iinisciiteil t) i-eUirii to Canada oiiru apiin aml visit lier toiLorno. Tliat's rilit Lou, come baak vun io yuiir owii chicka-liidily. Judgc StanUy Malttii-ws has ticen sworn nto office aiul a-sined to the sixtli national judicial circuit. It rnay be pleasing to some ot'liis critics heretoouta to know tliat the state of Michigan is in that circuit. The Toronto BMl mft that to prevent the rapidly iptafllnj treason in Canada, it niay necessiiry to slioot a few unnexiitionist.s. Such a COUnW niiylit io.s-ihly Imstcn annexation. Il would nol -lamp it out, tlml'fl ftftnln. In 011e ot the travclincircuses )art of the performance is tor MM man to iboot a H)tatoe otl' the liead of anotlier man. While showfiig In Milwankee a few days since the ball hit the inan's head insteail of the po'tatoe. If the uomuled man dies, will it not be ¦ ea-c of murderr Such fboHth performances OO&ht to be roliibited. It is wel 1 u nderst o(k1 i n politica! ei icles that had Win. E. ( liandlcr - wlio w;is rejfi'ted for the omVe ot solicitor of tlie tieasury depurtnieiit hy the soüd democratie vote of -enate - hut fMÜJ intiniatod to one or two democratie senators that in the future lie would eease waninr democnny si. releiitli'.ssly. and e less ag?ressive, lic could ha been eontirnied. 'l'his he would not proniiie, MHlaOVU lejccted. It certninly h inoiable of hini. "Is theic anv had ncws n the Gazette?" wan the last wnnls ol Beacoiiiflclü. m Blr Staffoid NortbeOte siys. HOW vcry tam The idea, tbat Boni. ])isi:'-i "¦? JBeaconstield, sliould pass ofl' the stage with so tame a sentence ! Why diiln't he ikout; 'On, dladstonc, niil" "ChUge, W.-ilc ¦-. charge!" or létnèthin'g similar, as Marmion dul? Rut perhaps lie tbought Gladstone was as far on as bis abilities would ever permit liim to .ro, un 1 feit certa i u that Wales would have it charged iinyway, ¦ nsiilcred it useless. It is stated that the man who started the new EnglUh colony of Rugby, la Tenue- see, lackeil practical sense, and as a conseqiience. unless somebody with a #ood liead takes liold t allairs there and maki-s needed changes, the colony will prove a sad failure. A concsiiondent of the Port Aiistin News claims that tlie piMM wlieic it is toiimlfd is une of the handsonn'st cotintriesand i-limates in America. In tact he goes into raptara over it. Bat Yankee head work is neeilcd to fret the colony started siiccosfully. Knssia is alarmed. This Iqteiligence ought Dot (o siartle American readers, for we heur M ofteu of Kusmh being in a like ¦feta ot fcdlnj Hut just now giic is pricking ui her ears over the manncr in wliich Austria is oondnoting affairs in Bulgaria. It look some as though PMnoe Alexander, the reigning sovereign ot that turbulent country was somewhat alarmed too. But wliatof it. Hussia may blusti-rand Austria may bluster, but neither dare strike the other. The foor statucs Beodsd lor t lic coiniilc. tiou ot ihc -nldici 's monument at Detroit, will soon arrive in this country from the studio of Randolph Hogers in Italy, and be placed in podüon. It has been MggfftMJ that the Fourth ol .luly would bc an appropriate occasion tor the unveiling of the saine. But we agree with the Tost and Tribune that the coming meeting of the ex-prisoners of war, at Detroit, on the lt lo ÍH of June next, would be a more appropriale CinrMJnl for the uu veiling. That Is the time it -hould bedone, by all mean. Hen JogeuwD, the editor oi' a socialist ncw-paMr at Copwihagtn, has Iwcu ariHteá for iiuiting the hmmMIm fef Mm good King ('hrii.tian IX. This soveroign has been one of the Undcst Denmark ever had, and his rcign beM niarkcd by a perlod of ibegnated Craadoa) nu} praaixjrity the pcople of that nation ever enjoy.'d. And yct tlial socialist editor woulil plunge hU nation into mourniny aml his people lato trouble by killing him. Such'd, bloIUiiriity ravaU desafre punishnwnt. Manisliuicnt steins almot too liglit. The tender of Ieyi Bishop's hangiiig law would bc betli r. Win. H. Vanderbilt, allhmigh he luitlit have all bis real estáte, railroad property, etc , wept away and stilt have #50,000,000 left in 4 per cent. government bond on which to live, issaid to have dread forebodings of future iwverty dance before his visión. Il'such is a fact lic ought not to bc i?Knt. and save ttp i Hltlr for a rainyday Why, just thinkof It! Ba tal ereetcd n llttle marble cottage (?) costing t-,000,(XK) anil over, and uow he ha t n tu Brussi Is Hii.l bad caxpetl wovcn for ïhe different cii his house, after whieh the 'ltcni8 ere destroyed so that no one else inijrht liave the $:ime cle.iriis. IIow xtravajfunt! How c.xclu'I'lie excursión léanos has upcuuil up with one of the moei appallingae, ever known on tliis routine: I day beinr the queen's nirthday, tb) dians oelebratiag the tome at Londoii, Ontario, bj au excursión. Ou tbe temmer Victoria soDia 000 excunioaJsta were pti ercd, mul M tliey wtre retarning home. at about 8 o'dock . in., the bot all at owm collapawl, throwing tvtry passenger Luto the riv.r Tlmiüfs. The latot InteUigWMe reporta the reewery ot some U8 hixlifs, and lli(' ]nt wil) inionnr tO iit-aily 966t, ii is tliouht. lilaiiM - lald upoii the owm-rs of the boftt, wl nht nol to have over loailed it. Hut now it is too lat. Blaolng then woaot bring bu k tbe dead. vn the Mmrobont fngpoctors now ka whiikmI. and attend to tlii l.i Col. a. Boott, greal railroad magnate of the 1'cnn-vlviiiiia radroad, died at hin home in Philadelpliia, lasl 8uui dav , at the age ot 57 yeat. Be a Imm in l'ciiiisylvania, lit-jrim lite a poor, iincdiiloy. and at BfJI ot Illycai-, ci.inMMd the business Mner rhicb made hini wcttlthy and fanioii-. c built np the Peiinsylvania centnil railrond and ItsfMd ere, so - mglng, extndlu(, and oonicdidaMng lini-, that it baeame one of the ¦M jraniic oompanlw in the werld. 15ut he was not destined toenjov lii work very lonir, and at the early iige of 157 yeai-.ot failing health he La taken auav. 'l'his story is told of Ililil, that ljting in t-oinpany with i friend near ti gang of r.iilroad labonrs, lie renuiiked, in effect, polBting to one of the most linewy and healtliy Of tbe Kun,', "eoiild I have that inan's íí'mmí heallh, I wonM willinlv relinqulsh all niy millin. ' TIn iniliviilnal u ho eau lind aliythillg out of the v a ín President GurfieUTi let" ter to the llon. Jay k. llulihell, of this siaie, in MÉBfmaot to ¦ docatiod to the repnbliean campaiirii limds. 11 au iisiule, iharppolitician. (nfao lie Is ao extreme) y sharp that he OQghl to join the detective I ut once. Il he sliould happen to stumble and ful 1 down he would bi; apl to cut hiniself all up with bis sbrpoas. Hele h tlie letter, and if there anytbing in it out of the way WÍ sbnilil like to have it peinted out .- M-. nu., llhlo, ! 18801 M y Dkak Mihiih.i, - Youis el ibelMb lut. reoelved and non Mota notad. Pleaae sav Ui thnt 1 hOM lie wlll us ;ll t (if mUtiinoH hf cHii. i tluiik ti? iiui batp iis eflbotively. Plenne teil ma bow ltMdepartineatHKener ally are rloiim. Ancver yoHrti, llon J. A. lluhbell. WaaUagtoo d! l' .'''"' And yel, there ale rmealftn I his.-oiintrv. wllu' .i"ti" aiuer .hiL tbfiUKlaMLUHEl that tbe president, in writing the u did ¦ very bad tliiiifr, becaOM sime eleetion I'rady has been aWIMed ofcorruptiy naktng nioiuy out of the government. Buch individuáis would pasacoiinterfell mimt-v tm ¦ blind paraat Magazine and ItooK Xotices. Prof. Kisher's artlele reviewing the "Kevlsed N'i-w Testament " wlll appcar In senbner's Monthiy on the same day that the h 1 issued iu Amrll nalmlf. May Jinh. Menbner's Monthiy, It is sald. wlll, in the June nuiulter, pay hu unprecedented compliment to a young Western poet, hy reprlnting from the newspapers Bi Be of bet poems. The name of the poet is Miss Bdltb Thomaa, ¦¦[ Geneva, Ohta, (oodl'onipany, issues Nos. IBaadMtOgatfeaf ¦iiaktng a doublé number. l.leutenant Krederlck Schwatka. the. cointnnnder of tlie Krimklin Search Kxpdltion whiob returned ln-1 autumn, bas two of hls series of artleles du asl"-i leun s , i ti,„ r,. i, i i. nnder the tille, "IntheLan i iiifli t Sun.' Thefirst teliisof prevlous Franklln eipedltlons, aud the ei-cmd begins imrratlve of his own. S..I. lous!las has a paper on the EHklmo r#ce. A bout thlrty pages, of a new serial story Is ui ven, prlrued aiionymously under the tltle of " Mlldred'sCapriee." There are also three complete stortes. and iiuniei ons artlcleti ahout travel and adventure In a wlde varlety of localllles. Perhaps the most Import ant of these Is a pen-plcture from Spain Bntilied "TheCallphnte of Cordova.1' It lsln the Ie8t style of Mm. I.lzzie W. Champney, who nmde liin throiiKh that country lust season. Ki-liiliiiK to places r.enrer home are An Ascent of Iidk's IVak liy Mr. Sylvester 0. Dunham; and Personal Kecollections of the Utes by Mr. Kniest [Bganoü. Others are Guayaquil tem Pastoral Ufe, by Alfrel T. Bacon A lortlllght iu the IWMÉ of KiM'iis, ly Maurlce Tliompson; Parii str.-.i i'ni's, hy ,ino. Jolina Kosk ; An Old Maiil 's 1 'isslpai inns Asmad, bf Iïiu'hel ('nrew; Anioiiie nf Bagdad. M M. Towlesumm:iri.cs Ihi lüe ol c'arlyl Artliiis om niiM'i'iiaiieiiuh topics art Eoonotny in Chariiy, by Mr. t. OtlaKallagg; The l.,-a,1. in c ol Aiiifiiciu sliippmi;, OJ .IcaTidcr McLean ; Modern Wlilst, i,y charles p. Johnson, Jr.; and aMOOg the ]mhmis are inrludcd "" " ' " in'ter liv Manan Uoimlas and a verse on May Day hy Miss Dom .n üoodale. $;t per year SprinIield, Maat. The " Rpotu" svhtk.m aud i'i vil service reform In the Cantora house and Postoffice at New York. By Dormán H. Katon. New York, l'ulilisheil for the ('Ivil seivicc Reform clatlón by G. P Piitiuim A s.m's. For aale bv Thorndlke Nouise. Detroit, Mich 50 oen te. Thls Ir painplilct No 8 of the civil service reform iisstH'ialion. and tlie content is elpresed in lts tille. Il shows whatcan be done by proper methods In our clvtl service, and hlghly commends ur pteaani postaaaatar KenitiiI. Treatin as It does apon a mocil i about subject the painplilet will be nail wlth In teres t Thi Compamon to the Inun Veksion of THK NKW ÏJWTAMKNT, bv Alei. Kol)elts, II D., member of the Knullsh Ooromlttea oT llevlslsers, and u mem bar or the American Oommltlec of Revisión. Prioo, papar , 8 vo, 26 cents, I. K. Funk & Co.. New York. This book, belng prepared cttrefully by membersof both Revisión ('ommitteei, carrle elal welght. it shows what chances Iium made, and also the reaaons whlch lnfiucnccd the revisersin maklug them. It wlll be diffleult tojudgeof the merite of the revisión without the ald of thls Gompanlon Volume. Says Dr. Chambers, a memher of the American commiitee. In ipeaViiif of thls binik : "Man y U have expressed adewlre that, simoltaneously wlth the Issue of the Kevlsc.l [few Testament, there should appcat aa HUthentle explanation of the reasons for such ehan wlll be found in IU payes. Thls book Is exact ly fltted to meet thls deslre.' Co-OrCBATIOÜ as A BUBIMBSS. Hy Charles Barnard. New York. . I'. Put nam .v Hon's, Pubilshers Kor sale by Thorndlke Nourse Detroit. Prtoa 11.00. Tlil book glves a descrlption of the homes of the. poor In Phlladelphla said to be the happlest city in the world because more of the homes In whlch the poorpeople live are owned by themselves. It tellshow the poor have been able to bulld thelr houges and pay for them; how thrlft han kept many ayoung man frum the dram shop, and JfWQBg woman In the pathl of vlrtue and rectltude; and how even a moderate or xmull salary rlnhtfully expendeil has maile thls world a brlght one to more than one pcxirfellow who had nolhlnghnt hls han. Is to work wlth Thls work is one that ought to le generally read. It Is writlen lo an entertalnlng manner and glves Ideas to the world that ought to be conveyed to the mlnds of especlally the poor. H shows how co-operation can be made a M Thi Bahikst Wat in HonsBKCKpmn Ci mik [Mi. Adapted to Uomesllr I'scor stlldy In Classes, liy Helen l '.uupbell. late Superintendent of the KalelT] ( N. C.) Cooklng School; Allthorot " Chipa from a Northwest sm Log," ate, laso, rioth, fl.oo. For sale by John Minre Part 1 ol thls book treats of Ihe situat Ion and Arrangement of the House; Vent Matton, Drainage, and Water npply; Daily Routine ol Work ; Klres, LtgbU and rjlenilla; WnshlriK ; Koodand Health ; Condlmentsand llcverage, etc. Pai t-ld treats of Markellng and CookJng. wlth several hundred excellent Practical Recipes and hints from the eookery of other na! ion ; yet nelther on t ba basis of hlgh-splced luxury, nor that of meuls eoatlog "S cents for 25 people," but such as are needed by the vaxt majoiltyof Ameriean lam 11 les, namely. people In "moderate circumstanees." Tlie pMDliAr vnliie of the iKHik lies In thls last, and In the addltlonal one that the hui hor leaves nothlng to be don.; 'ooordlnf rotaste" or "aceordlng to Juilgmjent," Uut npcclfles In each the " tblesooiiful of butler" or the "hall a teaspoonful of slt" and tin. t-jrnct amount of pepper or wbat not, with dlrectloqs lo " bttkjj aji hour," or " boll an hour and a half," or " allow o-and-so iiiany minutes to the pouiul, i t' , knowiug that where cooks baeoOM : ¦,¦ .¦ : ¦. ¦ -i ¦ , .,. ', I . ¦¦ or "jutiguinit ' they will vary niHiriK-tlotis Ín tbelr own vny. The vork la nea i fomi ¦ mi will uiidoutUHy rauke lt way into ereda necmtUy. 1 1 Lirs and Licttkh st Iaughter, Rvo : Kirn clotb, beveled. 2.8u. Kor a,e by John Hoore. Thls booi. [Ive, well printed, and illy houiid. Thestoel píate that 1n shows a stroofl though nitt! facf, arad la Idtnt Kaymond'i Kremtw vcurk. n a la mcMl ttion oí tho - mátarlala ir b lob r li - iminlfl. . .f Uulthew 'nssar Hïiii bis selctd board oí truütetihiMí gsvthnlo iIjb vutt vüiil oqanliai sallad ¦Vh.ssur Collet." Ahoui ii tliinl i Ihe Imok IsdevotedtoUkl slory oí Vauar. A prelinunary cliaptoy Inttrnstlng detii;ls of liow midi ions w.-ri' laiil and ttaasiperetrooturc plaum-il OtMonlta " Koniiuilve Yc-ani" nIiowk tlm ilHIU'UltLcw alteudiiiK the (klfcerf Bfj O( mi ¦tractON umi Hlmpingol eoanes "t Instruetlon, nlüiMii oí HtudenU, aud perfectlng of all the di-tallx of tlint huge eiperltm-iit. wltnoat the expsrtenoa al otbcrsto iculili-. where luur or Ova hundred )lrl mihI young woman rara farthérad uno a sioala inHlltuiloii, lo be ftnl. loilgeii, coutrolled, ainl In¦traotaú tn hlhiT rangt of collt-giai aatlon; n lasinliiary wlilch vrnu IA grow to :i collt-i;-; nor 11 Mmill college wliH'íi wus to itrow toa large one; luit a liiütltulion whlch, ut oiied to open i trs iirms lo my rtludenls as are tlironglng the idem le h:illsoí Yuleor of Harvard CoIIsrr to ilny, after thelroentury of growth. !T1i i m LntaraaUng nview of proress to tli:it potut; " Correspondanei Isa .non moi u al asMar : thetll - froui (Tadnates and forroer pi :n Ur. KaymODd's IMtluiMMe, his riKKletl of tenrhttlk! and 1 1 ai ni mu. and tha atit'i-t ion :tn,i raspad iíihi lie aven ruare tnalred. AftertbeM obaptan coma tha tonehing aecoaol or lila c losmi; Days" and achipti r ot " Krii-ndly Tributes" to the ¦iiiinxtiT and work or Uta nmn Sfattered ihrout'h tin il svich -I mlww-Mft.. --- ll .'OMlrlMlllOMH lanizbter, .Mis. Harían i', l.loyd. ot ( 'inoinnatl I .ju her work modaatly arui well. . n IV, Mirli., .liui. -i, 1XS. Mk W. 1. Mimikk: Dear SIr: - A bout ilic lir-i f Deceri.r I was taken Viili ;i very severe attaek it rbeumatisrri In botti oí my Icnees. I - i ii i ín -inli-il tu age DinkS ('ami-iioiuti.ii Akhk . ! can cheerfullj m-nniDcnr] it to c one troubled wlth "i. t. k. BKADT. A SIII.OO ItililiiHl 1'lize. pnbliaben ol RitUedge' M.nitlil v niVciiin' (bllowing easy wa] forMaMone tu iii.-ikc $10 To the penon teUiof na how man; times tbe word "GaHlee" s fouinl In thc Nrw Tftoinnnt Scriptures, by .lunc lOtli, 1881, wc uiii giretlO.OO In rotd asa prize. Tlif money wüi íms frwwwUd to t )¦ winBer June l.", 1881. Tlinsc wiio try t'or the prisa must senil 1(1 ccMls u illi tlicir an-ucr, for wbicb tbey will recelre the July iramiiie M.iniiiiv, ni ezaeUem MscaziDe of ¦:'. pagea, n whicli will tm pubibhed the name mul addresa t the winner of the prizi', wltb the correpl aaawer Lhereto. A.ldreaa, Ki i i.i.ix.i: riKi.isniM, Comp m v. Lanainff, Mich.


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