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( ip.uiici i Salo. STAMUV MlCMUiAN' i in-uit ( oiirt lo tbc wjnt) ! Wniiliimuiw. In chano ry. i Mail Cuajado, v'uardlan of Marjr Curie In an ;Hlo, niiiiom. complittDiin1. vu. ,1. ti ( S. ' BKorj aml .I.ihn II. Kvi Id and ny vlrtuc oi ' inHiir ftint eutart-d in th , aajkt :enül day of Kcliru.iry, A. II. i I h:i aell at public au nu Moh'liy the liilta d:iy ol Maj u'clock In tbc ai;ernxiu at tl ' -aVt fnmt door of the court house, in thu iitj , An ArlHjr, Waxhlinaw county nd 8tate tr Mlrli , au. lollowini; il'scrlhod rap HBi ¦ eaoje munlioned and desriled in aid wit: All i i n tract ur io llie lonn-hlp uf Sciu aud „1 aahii-unw. lyingon Mili Creek. uear tl of Uixter, being the aw-mlll and site of iliu bar 1 and a í,'rii nuil iib llIr pnvileii mn: - tiuuuded aud dencribed foluxra: JM mC al the center of " A " utreet in ald villa ..I ll.xtrr. accordinu t the rtciinleil plat Ih H. nitt'r-' Hun uiih "C" street or Aun Art ited, inu rumias ihence north ntnataen dagrm and dtleeu nlnutet, eact aluug the ceuter ol 'a 4v.' chalnf aud atxtj-tbra link, tu a suke , nurlii ffveuty de(jr-ev and minute al ilcbt aiit-le wltta "A" Btreet tw cbains am iweuty-oue lluka; tbeuce north ntneteen deree aud lliuen minuten, euM mrallel with "A one chaln and flghty Unica, to tbe line of a plece ' land r-ulii by H. L-xti-r tu Julias Kaïntte ; tbenc noilh lorl} rix diaria, went to Ihe noulh huundiir ol ibe MichtfW Central Kailroad ; tbence weatwl -thiii; :hr tuutli Iwundary of wiid railroad, croaaln MUI CrtM k to ibe southwent boundery of tb public biubway k-adlng aero MUI Creek from Ibe vülase of Dexter to tuu towu of Dexler tbeuce aloug tlie wouth weft bouudary of tb hiKbway aionsaid ouib-eaíterly to a tke I tbe ooulhwu"! lioundary 01 -ald highway, oUudin north sevenly and one-half de){re-B, i[ i-uty l links Iroin tbe nortliwe?t oorner of .-aid wt-itrr ban ; eouth twenty deanes, tbirtv-fiv mtnaiea, .:t ten cbainw and twenty-iivc H "andlni; outli evoniy fourandabaltii p-threc link- Irom a black uak tn uu iu diameter, and nortb eventy-four d' west nltynlne link irom a white oak tree revei - in uiaiueter ; thence aouth gixty-nlm tuty-nve minute, eaat two cbatliH aud Mfty-Kix link to the nnll pond; thenct; eauterly acrii the mili pond to a white oak slump ou tlie Mouthea bank ihereot, nlne iucbes In diameter ; thence uorth ioriy i -: nliety-Elght link to a etake HtandiiJL'. nortb elgbty-lour degrees, eaat nlne linke from a lilack oak tree, nuteen incbes in theuce i ortli flve dereea, eaat ooe chain aud aeven tyllve links toa post; thence norlb twenty-íve de gree aud thirty minute, eant twu chalus and nluety ttiz liuka to a stake on the souib bouudary ol "C treel or Aun Arbor roail ; tbeDce to the place of oeTzvhM mMhé tri overnlw'(i vnih waUT ao mucb aud eucti pate u (btf DurthwMt 'illtir'-'r ' "'"et111" nuniber Baren and all ol BMÏm uinulicr mix iu townnlnp two, toui)i o nUMCAvt BUL H nny r c" '¦ a.tIIowcu by rtUin' tU. WHtei in milt pond on the prfinlseB ttbttve cunvtyel to the beit(ht and Jevcl ot a eertaiu ipika dnvrn in ti certaio lurge oak tree utanding on Qm üMt uik af iiilil crew In thu valtoy thi-rt-ot, a few hulow ihedain iu which the ruad CTuaw said creek at ihc villaje of Doxter, and ol a mark inaUr to OOO- pond ihiTfwiLh and n nall driv.-n tbenln on ttM akdfl i 'lie -t-cund posl (coualing down Mtrcitiii) brom iht gatea of ib flttme oJ Uie aaw-mlll in ttif wfHt baftk ol ti)d cret-k ut -aid dim iuthec hhw tlic nouldrr f aald po#i, unid mark uii -nul ft- o pol and ou ,-aid oak trÑ tein- thc uune narka which were placed (hen by K. Bom and 11. riiiclï-on, civil a&glnen, a tha lime ol rnk i ut' tbc Tii.nk ol ib rtante beigbt on ibe lt.hI mlll at aid dam (since bunieri) wliu b marni hjiviit-rally under-diuod and knuwii y tbe perona worklqfl laand DOOI the -;rt mlll atd sawuiilt at mud dam and generaUy cpokt-u of aftti rehrriil tOM heifht or markt to which tbu wat r ol 9nid uitin miirht bv raised. 'J bUconvcyance is made subject tAail ïiicumbrance ui all road., utr ets aud htpuways now luid out or runnintr t&roogfe üvit or into any yart of ihe prvmiseë Ihvc couveyt-d and aiaO NMTVing alt Ikat piece or parcel ol Und tierttuiore convuyed trom Tbotnaö Peatt, Jr., and Alvah Aldrlt'h to Samuel W. Uixtor and by eald UfXter to llenry Vinkle. All tb me oertWB piecc or parcele oí land sitnated ou the II u run river In thu towDship ol hen in tbe county ol Waettteuw and of bCIcbJcad known w tbe 8clo niill properly tot;ether with all tbe Ily irauli'1. jHiwer and privileuu af heretolon; ur-ed fur tbe urnre and parpowM oí naid mili and all ihe rlffnta and priviiegun owned and held fn rclatiou lo the kettplng i]j ot the dam t the heiijht of ei'ht tet-t and iwo iiicïii-H above the natural levei of eaiü Iiuroa riveraud riht of tUwlng tbe bméa abova tmid m UI wi..Lr tüu gMiue premiait the uudivlilud huil ol on H iSSÜA Tauuáry 2I-t. A. I HJ( ri.'t.,u-iö Iu liber 4ó of deedf Iu ih'1 keiiister'e artice of Wanhtenaw county ou pae OT! and tibe otht;r undivid-d half wa conveyed to Mld on forecloBure of a mortia'age made by Gorge Wal kt-rami Viiiium l'opkim iy mutter in CbamcryV deed datcd Oct. .ircf, A. I). LÜfiU, and recorded in liber 31 on paye 2l and bv Uie huhI Haydam veyed to Jolm iardner by deed duu-d Iftarofa iLird, A U. IV;, aml u.iivrji-a lo Kdijar K eii OU loivclocurc ol tbe mort-t-wce given by uaíd Oardncr lur the purchaie money by Mante.r In Chancrry' detd dated Oct. lt, A. Ü. 1S.Ï, and recorded in llbf 13 ol on puifv Im7 iu f a id lieinter f oMuw and by Kdgar Keed couveyt-d lo Alim-t Ut ti by deed datt-d [,t. istb, A. 0. lStil, and recorded in Uber I' OU ptte 514; a portion ot said mili property ie embraccd iu a deed madt) bj Samuel W. Kouter te ÜraOfl (oaekeabash dated July Ih h, A. 1. 1,s;íT. aDd recorded in iiber "4K" oii paire l"s and la ¦appoted to deecribe said mili property by nietes and bouude: Alsi all tbe laúd and irenn-e conveyed by ibe Mi biau (Jeniral railroail CompaD) to Al met Ked by deed dated April 1-t, 18tt, and recorded in liber l'i ou pn;u .'iH togeiher Wtü all the rigbU and iirrreau ol wimtfoeviT kind conveyed by Almet Keed to Jobo W. Or iy (leed dated Aocust lat, A. 1. I8B4, and recorded iu r-aid Rayfartor'a offlc .ept. ftth, lil, in liber 54 of daeds OB yïgt 259. aIho tne iolkwl&K deecribed laitdf anl pramtaef knowu a. tbe (.¦(rr Walk.-r Ktore (m called) at Bdo villaee as deaenbed m a deed Irom A. II. (reen ana wífe to Walker and recorded in tbe olllce ol tbe Heelster of de-tdi tor Watthifnitw county in liber "1' ot deede on pa-e 1M and 44ö and which lant dencriU-d laudtt were aico dceüed by Ariiruue M. Q Ifflo uud Blijah W. ntOEUB to John'W. Green o. the lnth day ot Aug. A. 1. lvi, uud recoided in said Ket-uter'e office on the lith day ot September, A. l). 1804, In llbttr 51 of deeds on page T,. All ol the Babove detcrib-d parce In of Und and premiee beiu Ibe Htoe coi.veje'l by wM John W, Qr90D and wlle to .loliu M. Marken and caid Wlllmm t' h . i. - .a uiwrF ometï Iu liber ï ui aeeuT oii pue -;. The followini: described plece or pftroel of land, to wit : Commenciug at the uortb-eatit corner ofblock Isríiteen (IH) Id the viltege of Uexter, in the county ot Watihu-naw, aod ruuniiiK thence alon the tn.-t line ol unid block, in a outoerly (.irectiou. one hnn dred and flfty leet, thence weelerly on a line parallel with the A n n Arbor road, twenty-flve lot, tbmifl north weeturly, on a line parallel with tbe eauterly line of uld block, to tbe Aim Arbor nad, tbeuce uttrterly, aloug the line of Faid road, to the place of btviunlnr. Also the undlvided one-half of lot numIkt niue ('.') iu block Dumber seveuteen (17), ol the viUage oi l)exter, accordinii to the plat thenol. All of said land being in the county of Wan h tena aud State 1 Michigan together with tbe teiuiui-lih, and appurteuancutj there unto in any wise txjlongiu or thereupou situated. Aun Arbor, Marcb'24th, A. D. 1881. PATKICK McKEKNAN, Circuit Court Commi&sioner ín and lor tbe Couuty of Waahtenaw. Sawyub and Kmowlton, Soliciton, and n. J. Bkakkh of Con n r el for Coniplatriant't?. jAMKaT.Ho.NET and Kijwari) p. Kihnk, öolicitor.s tor Dcfeudants. The above .le íh hereby potttponed, to tako placo (ii MniiMay, June l.nh, at the sdine hour und place Ann Arbor, Ma !:¦ , n, issi. PATKICK MoKKRNAN, t-ircuí" CmH (. imni.(ioiicr m aud lor tbe Co -i ir y of Waabtenaw, Hiwrnn Jk KNuwi,TON,Soitcitorr,and H. I. lit-ake of Conutel lor CompIdfnanU. 'i'. HoNhï and fc.iAiti D. KlNNE. Soli.itore for Defendautu. I ËB ASSIGNEE'SSALK. I, Charles S. (iref;ory Aettignee ol Evarts & Co., wth well .m the hume time and place metiti 'lied in ihe above notice of Cbancery sale, the otber umlivlded ooe half of lot nnmber nlne () in block namlur -t venteen f 17) ol the vitlage of Dexter, nccordn ¦% the recorded plat thereoi, and on the name tefma ano vMiitione iw the other lialf oi said r uamea Sa d premlses are bIiíímwu iu m Muu u ¦! teuaw und state i Michigan. CHAKLE8 B.GBBQORY. 1611 I Aik'nee of Kvnrts A Co. Estáte of Loren Moore. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, County of Al a xeaelou of the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Wasbteiuiw hold at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, od Tbursday, the fifth day of May, i ij the ye-ir une thousanu eight hundred aud elghtyone. Present, Wllllani D. llarrim.iu, Judee ot Probate. lu the matter of the estáte of Loren Moore de ceased. On rending and nllng the petttion, dnly wriilfd, of Noah W. Cheever, praying that a certain Instrument now on flle in thia conrt, purporting to be the bi!t wilt and testament of said dect-aaed, may be adinltted to probate, and that he may be appointed executor theñof, or tht dmlnintratlun, vvith the will anuexed may be ruiued to aome other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondaj, the sixth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the fon be asslfrned for the hearing of aald petitlon. aud that the de vi-tttef , legatees aud oeira at taw of aid damas. ed, and all other person inn-reated iusald estáte, are reonlred to appaar at a se.aston of eatd court, tben to De liolden at the Probate Offlcc, in the city of Ann Arbor, and -how cause, il any there be, why the praypr ol the petltloner should nol he granted. And it is lurther ordured, that naid pctltioner Eivi' notlcu to the oernons lateresied in said estáte, of the pendency of -:tld pt-tltiou, and the henriQ tln-rcof, by cauHinj? a copy of thi order to be publi-tht-d In the Anu Arbor Crurtr. a uewepaper printed and circuíate'! in sald county. threc iuocesHlve weeks [irrvtuua tu ai(l day of heariiiü. (A trae copy.) WILUAM D. HAKKIMAN, Jmitfc oí Probate. (TM, O. DOTY. Probate Reiriitcr. wan u Estáte of Willlain Freer. RÍTATE OK MICHIGAN, Coonly of Waahtenaw, ss. At a sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the County ot Wanhtenaw. holden at the Probate Office. In tho city of Ann Arbor, on Saiurday, the twenty flrst day of May, In the year one thouaaud eight hundred aud - 1 _¦ I ¦ t y m'. Prenuut, William D. liarrlman, J ude ol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William Preer, deceased. On readln and tilin the petltiun. duly verlflrd, of Jane E. Krecr. prayioi; that admluistration of sald estáte may be eranU'd to Frirdcrick H. Brau ', or sume other suitablè person. Thert'tipon It I? ordered, that fonday, the twentith day ol June next, at ten o'clock in the furi'noon b! af sined for the hetirlut; of caid petitton.and that thi' hcirs at law of said deceaned, aud all other persons interested In said estato, ue raqamd to appearat a seasion of said court.then to be holden at tlie Probate Office, in the elty of Ann Arbor, and show caue, if ny there be,why the prayer of the petitloner should noi ;ninted. And It is further ordered, that fald uetiilorier grlre notice to the persons Ínterested in said estáte, of the pendency or said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causmir a copy of this 0r4er ko be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newtiaper printed andcirculated In said tounty.three soccesHive reakf prorfoun to aald day ol' hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. Judiseof Probate. WM. (. DOTY, Probate ReKlsler. 104IH.) KtM to rrprtltors. STATK OF MICHIOAN. County of Washt.' Noi Ice Is hert-by Ivt-n, that by an order of the Probate Court for th; O'unty of Wanhtenaw, ronde on the t'Venty-thlrd riay ut May, A, D. Ml, itfc inoruhrfrom thui date were allowed for creditors to praMiit tbelr claims aifainst the estáte ofSarah A. Itenwick tute i xtiid county. decensed, and that all creditors ot stilil deceaaed rv reijuired to preaeal their claims to aald Probate Court, at the Probate I 'fflee. In the city of Anu ArtaoTi for exainiuation and allowance. on or betare die twenty-thlrd day of November next, anil that such claims will be heard Iwfore said Oawi on Tuesday. the tweuty-thlrd day ol August, and oa Wednesiiay.the twenty-lhird day of Noveinber.nexi. at ten o'clock in the torenoou ol each of said days. Uated Auu Arbor, Miy 2Ut, A. L). 1881. W11.LÍAM 1). HAKUIMAN. 1040-43 iudeeof Prob.ii. OKKINS AND CA8K81 A'(7 , . S TO L'K AT MARTIN' (i a.lirdriroiuiU liUadtJto


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