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lerda} ras ascensión day, uiul iRsiich vvas observed by man} of oor citizen-.. II. .11. E P. Allen, of Ypsilunti, ig to deliver an i.i iitii.n at Hillsdale 011 Decoration Day. The spoHtng ttM jrrass on the court hOuse lawn, ly lounglng imd t and walktng over it. Thtre will be s pMtlal scllps 9t tln sun t.i-clay. jiit lii'torc -unset. Get your smokeü glasses ready. Tile rin uit (-(nut will c.oiivcne one weck f rom ni'xt 'J'iiesdiiy, June Ttli. The jury is -miimmiril for the 13th. Thirty opple tree in onliurd of B. ('lancy, (.1 Nertlilicl.l, wen killed by the M We:lllier ol liil nt,-i. -¦ Tbere will hen total eclipso of tlic inoon eveniíiKS will lakc t--i;il lidie ..t this. Wm. ('(.iid(.iis Iwn liltle si. ns, ;lj;,.1 t-ilit and ten jrsara, gt lato a frelght cm Inst S:itnrday, uud w re takeu to Detroit. l'rof. J. H. Simonds has resiirned the leadership of tbe Aun v- "J " . iiK Ptterr on tile Isl of nexl llll.lllll. A iHuonrn i" the itndentsof kbe medical dcpartini-nt will lie deliveled next SabImth eveninat the Presbytermn .huirli, by iíev. K. II. Siwlc. OMga L L- mta has pnrnh-til the Gao. Snnh j.laee cu tlie Whitmore Lake road. OMHhthig ut' M sena, for $2,800. He uill MMn ihcnto soon. The ron ou the Morillera extensión of the Toledo & Anu Altar railroad now liciii;: luid nortli of thia city, and ut South l.von. Wlilcli jjood news. I). F. Sinilh. proprietor of the Clifton ttoaae,al Wliitmori' Lak, btogtwra graad 4tlM.t .luly h:t!l, fcf vafea I,,. W11 goon seud out mm very fine cardt of nvitation. Aa ov,.r,U.. m tli,. .uw rovision of the Btbl will lic rivoii in the Methodist church M Suihl.iv tveatag :it ;' t O'doek. Persons attemling will do wcll to provide Rihlcs tut the evt'niiiLr. John Coulsoj of the 3d w;ird, died yestrrdiiy of fijiisiiinpiion. lic leaves :i wifV:ind two cliildren. lic was a youiifc man .-ilinut 35yearsof ngc md liad workcd tot tlie Krause shoe company. Tlic studcnts wlio broke the lampa ¦n sir.-.-t om niht last week have paW $150 for thah aaart. There were eleven lumps brokcn, which makes pretty costly sport for the boys. AM. Keech is aarlag tlie old eemetery lixcd u. It would be well to liave steps taken to remove the bodies in Miis cemeUry as soon as possihlc The city has already neaily surrouiided it. John W. Van (leve, one of the old and respected residents of Ypsilanti, died at his home in that city, last Babteth morning. He was s.-civtary of the [ïnnlll- !¦! ji i i "inpaiiy at the time of lus .Icatli Mr. Lf-uis L I.ainlxirn, of f.odi, has I patrol braai ttlmpa that hal heon in his lamily for 300 yoars, he also shows usa ooff ot Anicrican .Meroury, puMUhei! at Hartford, ('onn., in January 1802. The bod-carriers for the contractors of th masón work on John Keck's newbuild"í;, struck last Mondt; tor an ailvance of 2.r cents per day. Tlu-y were receiving fl.25. 'l'lii. ailvancc as not granted. A kindcr symphonie, if you know what that is, undcr the dircction of A. W. Britten, of (hls ty, and Miss I.ilian E. Hough if Adrián, is to be ífiven at the opera house thisevening, for the benefit of the reform lub. OiiSatiirdayevening, May 28th, at the residtnceof Judge BeakM, Prof. Hennequin "'"'tfjean informal talk upoa the sieirp "I l'aris, f?)rthp)enelitof the ladieslibrary. Mr. Hcnne'iiiin wan an eye wttwM of the Hiege. Last WVdm-wlay Harry Bill la val on our iM.-,i li.ii-.s ti;;í inea-suriiijr 8x0 inclies i -r.-urnt,.,, .,„.,.. It U.IS1 r).lnar)4.ll,ieegg) ,ma 'narkable hen, and so we will í'rTkl'"'' remtkl "" ¦ ííJ!s-traonlnary There ig a pw ,],.„,.„„, fol. car)e,,ters and masons. in this city, and tliere i algo preUy general feehag among day laborer8 tht they should have per day, ""I vural of them have str„ck for Ihat anioont recently. Nf yvrtjilne uu tlie thlnJquwteri, .ncti,,. of the county pioneerocietywillbe held at Ofcetoe at 10 Ocl. .. A lar :lUl.,,,1;lm,. „„. l-'tpcl, nnd a pleasant and Mtertalnlric " ís aiuicipated. A n,w tm,-,leha9}fonento effect on l ¦ K i:-, and the oorneled uble will foun.1 in ,. „Mmipuce. The great-X'í:.!,,',- passenger, east, wUk f.,n,,,.rly U-tt thia .uti.m at 5:18, a. " It iiow ai tM a. m. ' Wfliiivc notic,.,! inany horses loóse in "" '-tivi-ts liitcly, un. I last Snn.lay a little y. irs ,,i,i ,.,,i of Alltoa j.;isU. was kteked in Um raet t.y sm of them. Eiili.r ' lnlilr.ii or .(iii1es wül have to txkepí 'mu uf the street. Wuich shall itbe? '""¦'"l"11 "tof pupils in the schools "' "Ui city, s Mfollows: High school, 441; !Jr'""ln;ir I. Mi nri nhoota, 889.1.M Oí Hmm mn m M non"¦¦l.-,,ts n, tl„ higk school; 34 in 1,. rammar s.-l,,,,,l, ,,,„, ,L, ,, „, 1M1 Partment. W. re pleaaed to aotflhat Mr. [.om. d. 'l'aylor lias i n appotnted tellet f the ist National Bank, w Chas. M. Jones, resignad, to take a more lucrativc situaüou at Sagiaaw. Mr. Tajlor is an excellent young man, and fully deserving of the promotion. The wool market in the cast. as usual at tliis time of tlie year, is in a rery depreaaed state, and ai i coneaqnenee bnyen are not extrenaely anxious. Tlie markct price uill probabjy not go bevond 80 cent. The quotations are given us ut IStoSDcenta per pound. A few days alooe an engineer on tho Toledo & Aan Arbor railroad laved tlulite of a little child on the track, by limb ing out on ihr fow. atelier and telzing him. It was a narrow eacape, and made tlie hair stand straight on the luwls of tbOM who witnessed it. The Doka Of Siitlicrland is said to liave I tliroujrh tliis city a few evenings sim e in a special train going west. As we liave Sutherlands in our own city, who make ao pretensions to dukedoins., but few of our people toddled to the depot to toadic to blue blood. Prof. Langley, of the unlversity, bas sold to s Snulli Hend stock company the rlghl tu manufacture aDd use the electrio llKht receutiy invented by hlm.- Evenlnu News. All right as far as it (roes, but the News didn't go far enough. The professor has sold the rlght to use bis light in six states only, and not dlsposed of it nltogether as inferred above. The board'of supervisors are to meet on Moiulay, June IHtli, for the purpose of equalizins; their assHssmcnt r..n 'i-i.cj will probably also elect a representative to look after tlie interests of tliis county at the meeting of the state lioard of equalization, whicli convi'iics at Lansingsome time in July, we believe. l'nder the new school law. which will take ttlrct July Ist, no one will be a qaalticil voter at the school meeting unlcss be or he }i otne inuiiediaie intcir- t in tin" school, either by bcing a tax-payer in the ii-t ii-t or by being the parent or legal gnardiao of one or more children included in the school census of the district. It may not be generally known that Dr. Ooeket gtrtng ¦ very ntcresting course of lectures on the Eridence of Chrutitinity, at 9% a. m. in room A, university Iia.ll. These lectures are for the special benefit of students, large iiuinbers of whom will, doubtless, esteein it a pleasure to attend ; but all persons nterested la the subject will bc denme. The Htetoryol Washtenaw ('mmty has It i book o! ' 1 UB pagM well printed in. I cuMtaining miich infoniiation of value. WC ean'tsay that M admire the workuiiinihip of the portnUtt, tor wc cpntider there are ten nittiirul orood ones in the book. Uut iiidc trom tliMt tlic lii-tory contains ri..u i.f.iai luicicm Ki me people ol 0Uf couoty. We notic.e that a drciulit of fbur weeks' Uuration is repurted lnun (ha soutlitrn counties of this stote, ¦Mkiaff the farmers feel very down spirited. Kven in the snuih ern portion of this county, particuhirly in Freedom and Manchester, but little rain has fallen. None of the tields in this vicinity, or that of Dexter.Ypsilanü or ChalMS, are reportad a.s suffering to anyserious ¦¦ tent tor want of rain. But there will be a cry before long if we dou't liave sorae rain. And now comes the Herald, of Livingston county, X. V., and asseveratestlmt the address ilelivercd by jmsident Cornwell, of Vpsilanti, at the recent meeting nf tiremen at kalainazoo, was a plagarisni from an address delivered by the president of the New York as-ociation at a recent meeting. The Herald shouldn't be too fast. Perhaps the New York man purloine.l the siicccb from our president. The Chicago ínter Ocean of May Tth, has the following very complimentary notice of'Otie" Haven, fonnerly of this city : " The rapid growth of the Evanston high school, under the superintendence of Professor O. E. Haven, has compelled the school board to reut Jennings Hall, tlie laigMt lmll nthetown, for school piirpiies. About five hundred dollars will bc expended in fitting it up for its new use." There is quite a general complaint aniong farmers that corn planted íroni last year's set)d has failed to come up, and sevenü tlelds that we know of has been replanted with seed grown in '79. The farmers attribute the failure to the extreme dampness of last fall, and freezing up before becoming thoroughly driedout, which destroyed the germ. The corn looks nice and bright, but will not not gemínate. tfevn. Brlaazer A Witmer have one of tho fincst animal tr;ips we ever saw, which tlu y are introducin-,' to the people of tais section. They bftTO t)im m)l inmiqh for a monse or liirgeenough for a fox, and the trap is so iogeniously arraned that fcfter ooa s fiigfcf it laitnedlatery sets trll l'or aaother. It is a terror on rats and i lililíes evcry tliin alive. Thcy bre their headquarters at Frueauff's office. There is to be an oíd íolks' social at the fifth ward church, this, Friday evening, under the auspices and for the benefit oí the Sunday school connected with that church. Very many have agreed to appear in costume, and it is to be hoped that both gentlemen and ladies will resurreet some oíd or quimil costume of their ancestors, don the same and hie themselves to the clnircli this evening. Ye oíd folks songs will be suug, and ye olden times rcvived. By stayiiiff away you will miss a rich treat. Don't forget your mite eitlier, for that will lie wanted, too. :... AUft e. Wlmot and Miss Luie Nicholit- daughter ot froi. u a.. nifoM, of the high school- have for sometime been pursuing art studies at Cooper InstituU-, in New York city. At the close of the term Uure prizes wem dMritmtPd for the hr-i workniansliip, and ml of acompatiag clMI OtHt tktm two Aun Arborladies eaoli oap tured a prize. Thisis a high compliment to thein, and denotet time wal] spent in thatr studies. After a reception giveit the winners of the prizes in New York city, the young ladies wQl return to their homes in thUnty. Wouldn't it look well to rive them a reception when they arrive home? Memorial ilay will be appropriately observed at Chelsea, exercises beinr held at Oak Grove cemetery. The procession Uto form at the Congregationnl ohureli at four o'clock p. in., when they will march to the above cemetery. The exerclses will con.iist of prayer, the reading of the roll of honor, au oration by the Hon. Chas. Rynd, of Adrián, and a recitatiun, "Cover them over with beautiful flowers," music by the Chelsea cornet band being interspersed. The processie ui will then reform atid iroceed to decórate the graves of the soldier d-d, ('ontiibutions of flowers and evergreens are desired. They may be brouhgt to the church or to the cemetery, where the committee will take charge of them. TJie coinmUtee of the comnion counpU wkM was eiiiiMjui-n-il to enter into a contract lor the building ot' tw luidles over the Huron, one on Pontiac street and the other on Wall tieet, liave just lot the contract toa Toledo lirm. The tiist mentioned bridge is to be of iron, and to cost $5,608. The lower bridge to be of iron and wood, and to cost $1,51"). In addition to this tincity is to huild the pier and abutnient-, which will uuke the two cost in the borhood trf $9,000. ThU seems a expcnsivc, hut l the contractors are watched pretty well, and made to do their laboras . they sliould, the city will noi be botbered ; about her bridges again in many years. The best s most always the cheapest. We team that Prof. J. B Davishas been liired to ráperintend the construction of the bridget, Tke l'ontiac street bridge will be 180 feet long. Ilaving notiivd tunor liulky liorsos rccoiitly upon the sirci-ts, we give d.llowlng remedy, whlch is taken frum :in cld issue of the New York Observer, aud may be of valué. A wiïter iu that paper says: Some years ago I was delaycd in returaiag home by i break in the raibroad, requlriag a détour f sonie twenty miles. In order to niukc tliis I liirivl i buggy and drivi-r. Hut the lunst provcd a most agjfravatiug balker. He balked when there was no reason or occasion for it. While we were at ¦ certain point, striving in vain to get the beast going, either by the argument of persuasión or blows, an Adam' express wagon came along. The driverjumped from liis seat, took the wlii] and just gently (not striking with it at all) touched the animal under the belly, back of and near the fore leg, and immediately the horsc went on its way. We tried it repeatedly afterward.and alwayswith success. Laat Mondny erenlog whüe Jacob Qroashans, a well-to-do Germán farmer of LodI, was retarnlng to his home from tliis city, on a load of lamber, a radden jolt of the wagon tlirew liim from his seat, and falüng in front of the forward wheels the HM nniwuwl to.. lita titíL ;Mi;.ti,,f njH lies fi-om which he died wirliin a half an hour. Tli is was near the residenoe of Steplien Mills. Mr. F. E. Mills being attnoted by the driverless team, which was attempting to run, stopped them and after hitching them to a ]ost, proceeded back on the road to ascertain the trouble. He fond Mr. (irosslians. who was conscious, but unable to stir, and carrying him to the house, sent for a physician. But he lived a short time only. The doctors say his neck was broken. The deceased was a sober, industrioua man, never indulging in beverages of any kind, and was greatly respected by all of his neighbors. He hau been in poor health for some time and it is thought by some he feil from the wagon in a faintiDg spel). His wife is sister of John Keek, Of lliis city, and thcy have three sous. Mr. (trosshans was born in Wurtemburg, (crmany. in lH2:i, and oaflM to tliis country in Is:,;;. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News