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Among Our Exchanges

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Col. I. S. Messmore has purchased A. A. Stevens' half of the Grand Rapids Daily Democrat, and is now sole proprietor. The Monroe Commercial of May 27tli ïad the names of its dead soldicrs, enclosed vithin the lines of an lngeniously construc ed monument. The Post and Tribune refers to this paerasthe "Península Courier." A lontr ime ago the name " Peninsular " was atached to our heading, but " Ann Arbor CociUEK " has been the only name it has laimed for several years. R. C. Fenner has retired from the Marette Index, and D. W. Hammond now has all control of the establishment. The later individual says he is half inclined to eform. IIow can an editor do such an unalled for thing? The issue of the Wexford Co.Pioneer.pubshed at Sherman, by Campbell & Wheelr, J. H. Wheeler, editor, closed its ninth olume with the issue of May 25th. It is ne of the oldest pioneern of the northeru art of this península, and is a live journal. The editor of the HarborSpringsRepub1:111 is extravagant, bought a. iuild ng and tore it down, giving th lumber to ie poor, ,(it is supposed) just so that he oiild have the ground for a croquet set . .s the Republíoan has just entered upon ie 6th year of its existence, perhaps that ¦as the way he took to celébrate it. The Clinton News of May 2Gth, contains ïis announcement. We regret to lose so jood a member from the fraternity ás Mr. "lough ! Owing to poor health, the editor of the íews has concluded to rest and recupérate uring the hotmonthsof this summer, and n Saturday of last week sold the News to Ir. C. F. Field, of Manchester, who will ccupy the editorial tripod and assuine full ontrol after July lOth. The Tuscola County Pioneer talks in :iis sensible way to girls : A girl composcd of eight lialves is a mathematical anomaly, a scientilic montrosity. And yet, we heard one reccntlv, within halfan hour, declare she was half ead with the heat, had laughed herself lalf to dcuth at eomebody's mishap or liiiiilci, was half crazy to know soinetliing bout something else, was half tiekled to eath at some funny remark of an ape of a eau, was half mad at an escort'sresumpiou, and half killedby a hairpin scratchng her neek. White al of lier - two hal ves more - was still alivf, WeJl and absurd. Girls, drop all of these hyperbolical noneusicalitles tliat dlsflgure your üaily walk nd convcrsation, and be as sensible as ¦ou are pretty and lovable. The Eaton Rapids Journal gives some jood advice to the young men of the counry: The Journal has a young friend in this ity who, aboutsix mouthsago, began savng bis dimes and laying them away at the close of each day or week, and he can hardy believe it himself, but he has already nearly 300 dimes tliat he will put to some rood use when the opportunity presenu. Ie lius scarcely missed them any more han he would it they had gone for candy and cifrar-jas liev oaed to, and he is jradnally f'orming habits of economy that vill be woith ttf more than he can realize now. It is the constant dropping that wears away thesolid rock, and It is the litle savlngs that lay the foundation of the most substantial and benefleial fortunes. The Ogemaw Herald in a recent issue ïad these sensible and truthful remarks: It is a deplorable fact that the men of tolay liave only to g_ain wealth and influences to become objects for slander, abuse, nul fulsehoods. This too, (we are aahamed to own) byinfluential newspapers of the Jnited States. Untll it is hardly safe for sucli men to write a f riendly letter, without its being misconstrued int all sorts of evil, and lied about until it becomes a lamnlng cpistle unto the writer as well as lo i nr.iver. Tliat the pres is und can become a miglity power to protect the people trom fraud is g common fact, but U 11 certainly losing influence with the people when it becomes a power in the hauds of men to villify, abuse andeondemn all men Alm h.ive i-ither gained popularity or uc:lltll.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News