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A B. Cornell understands the A B C o! politics, at lenst his initials would so inlliOIlti'. The fimous Coui. Nutt, tlie diminutivo sMMmc'ii of llic human tpccii", died a few days since. Qrcat prepanitiotis are tfetog made for tlie animal reunión of the ormy of the Pototnac, whieb. takes píate agt Hartford, Conn., June 8th. The statement is made by the census bureau that the net debt of 309 cities and lowns in the United States having more than 7,500 inhabitants, is over $70,000,000. Xow that Sitting Buil haa surrendored, troops are being concentrated mar the Ute reservatian,ia be used in trauslcrriii that Uibe to their new reservation. President Garfleld ha slgnifled bis latent'mn of attending the exercises at the naval :icailciuy at Annnpolis, Mil., on the lOth inst., and also the commencenient exercises of Williams college, July 4th to 6th, inclusive. It is asserted that EogJ&nd lias consented to ¦ new eoinmissiou on the Cauadian tishery awards, being aslianied of the steal slie made, and Ilon. John 8. Newberry, of Detroit, is to be a inember of t on the part of the United S;ates. The senatobill appropt mtinji $400,000 fur a new insane asyluni passed the hou te last Tuestlay, by a vote of 71 to 2, and if the t, WÍI1 llCnilili It law. Xciw for anoüier atiction, the cities of our state being bidder?. Oive us a stone yard at etciy jail iu Michigan and in less than than ten years our state would have the best and handsomest wagon roads of any state in the unión. Why nöt make the crimlnasl work for their Hvlng ? Can any live man give au wswer? The investigation unto the affairs of tlie Ionia hotise of correction still draws iis weary length along without any especial or terrible faets being drawu out to warrant the cost of the same to the state. Investigations are expensive Uihiga and gnerally oteless. The court of claims has very justly overruled the attemptöf the Union Pacitic railroad eompaiiy to make the government puy aUditional compensation for carrying the mails. That Corporation, the court pidb:ibly juilgeil, had already bied the goveniment sufllciuntly. The clerks in the Yrlfwlerartaieat al V :i-hin.!;ton are all on the anxious seat bei ause (it a prospective reduction of the clerical forces. But then, as the telegraph usuallytells the same story a dozen or so linus r, the people throughout the union are not especially friirlitmcd over the int'ormation. Tlie gloom still grows thieker and thicker over poor, oppressed Ireland. It doesn't look aa tliough the English pailianniit would take any mensures looking to the relief of her people. The only outmuic, unless soinctliiiiíí is done soon, is bloodshed, and the repetition of former scènes on thjs island. Í f tlie spasm of virtue whicli occ!iionally selzos the officers of our large cities would only hold out until the evil they strike at la cnished, Üieo they would bedeserviu of praise. But the grent trouble is the spasm passes off just as an effective blow might be atruok, and the evll goes on as strong and bold as ver. 'uñada has adopted a new lamí poliey for Che far iiorthwest. The Pacific railway syndicate has advertised its lands at $2.5C per Mere, with a rebate of $1.50 on all mprovpd witliin three years, and tlic governinciit will equállze the matter by roducing tiie prtoe ni ].i.'-iiniii.ii kandi la tlmt section f rom $5 to $2.50 per acre. The state fish commission, which introducid the eel fry into otir lakes and crceks will have some terrible falselmods to account for. Wt' batel beM trying to keep track of the bK eel stories ton by ourexrliange for the past few week-, hut it has beed utterly and kbaoloteiv impossible. Tln-y carne too bij; mul loo líiick. Editors usually look upon the funuy slde of everythtog, if thcy can, and this is the way a Kansas ftfÊB puts it : "Whentlje nwepaper wa iree, and uufetli'reU bv f.! -'i Mimptuary riKulutlmis, we oed, at tlilH M;iiRon of tlie yt-ar, to clip from nur ezobanKes, av..:y item sumetliiog as follows: 'Mr. Bmlth, yesterday, brought Into our ornee a stalk of rye iiifaMurlng tnches.' l!ut. sinci' the prohlbltory umi'iidmeiit wc ahall get uo more of these valuiiblo lacla. The dltot wlll liave no lurtliur ukc for Ihe straws." The union depot bill, vi(h seveml uiodilications from the original, hal been Jp&ed to liy tliu licmsc in coinniittec of the whole, and without th? least doubt, will bei law. Inspiteof ttaedetermlnedoppMltionof ru&ny oí her cltlzens, this grand Improremeöt will besrfvcn Detroit There will be ral rejoiclng throughout the state over this decisión. It is Btatód that theio are remains of old mines in the Transvaal, in Southern Aln nd neither the whites nor the natives know nythlrrg about their ever bëtOB u orked. Thta Ihct, (ogetber with the tiiuln of a aphfnx Irj AJatka, fully as lardeas In África, oMna op a new field for ncleiïtigts and explorera. Nww ft new theories to be trotted out. Com. Cooper, of the U. S. ship Alliance, irasUatmcted bjf Secrctary of the Navy Hunt, lat Friday, to prepare liis ship with all pos-ihle (üsp.iich to pioceed on a erabt in search oí Jeanciitlv, Ixlween .leenland, Iirland the ooMtof Norway, I andas far north is tlie northern coast of I SpitzberjreB, if it is ossille toRelthere] without 6odaDgering the vessel. i mm The coinag of the -Lca,p sHver dollsr I till progresse at the rate of fcj.000,000 per I umiith, and the same U hoarUt-d 1 1 1 in the I trearary vuults. '.ure.--. perhapë, in the I courae of the next decade niay come to the I conclusión tliat thiscoinage of silver might I well lx1 stopped. The measure was one I of the ecoooiuical ones the democratie I )akes 8i imich credit to Itself for I ¦etfog. It is asserted that Samuel J. Tilden, the I same individual who found fanie iu this I laad by his .-ly ( ypher dispatohes, is to I ¦Mk ¦ vindication at the hands of his party. I He is to run for governor of New York I tall, and if successful is to come up in I 1864 u ü candidate for the presidency. I (ilad to hear ir. Sluike, Samniy. Couldu't I pian it bctter for republiean suicess if we I had the mmUf Wl ourself. The tax commission provided for by the I lt -yi-lature, has been appointed by Gov. I Jerome, and continned by the senate, I lbough soinewhat reluctantly, it is said. I tbllMrtqg gentlemen compose the list: I II II Ilatch, Bay City; John Moore, I naw City; C. A. Kent, Detroit; K. 0 I ¦ nor, Je nesville; Wm. C'haiubt-rlain. I Oaks. It will be noticed that the I :iii rn porthm of tlic siate is well I .sen teil. . I II lome of the old financiers who steppcd I off the world'l ttMg during the '60's could I walk back to Wall street now and find l'. S. I covernment 4 ier cent. bondsselling at 17 ' I lcr cent. premium, wouldn't it make tlicm I stare? Yetsucl is tact. Xot only th;it, I bnt econoniical republiean adini-tiations. I iind jidod linanciers in the treasury I ment, are paying uil our national debt at I the ratc of niany millions of dollars a I Every lazy lout of a loafer who considers I liiiimolf too tired to work for a living taku U) tramping over the country, bcgging I froni kind heaited peoplewhat hecan, and obtaiuing the rest of his living froin the pOOT IMOMS and jails. Sonietinics he will coinmit a petty crime so as to b sentenccd for several weeks to regular mea 's, sure I lodgings and no work. Tliis is all wrong. 1 Tiiere should be some provisión made at our jails, and poor houses too, for hard labor for these people. Make them earn wluit thcy get. The lirst ballot in the New York legislature for the choice of suceessors to the re8igning senators, Conklin and Platt, resulted la 35 votes for the former and M hf the latter, out of a total of 150. On tliefust ballot taken Wednesday in joint session, Conkling received but 32 votes, and Tlatt 29. It is stated that Gov. Cornell has u understanding with the udministration wing, and that wln'ii the iiroper tinieeornes will be electcd in Coukling's place, whüe an adniinistration senator will take Platt's voluntary dUcarded senatorial shoes. But all sorts of rumois are afln;:t. l!y the failure of the senate to coniply with the decisión of the house iu the liill n -loring capital punishment, that bill was .1. Ceatod. The bill, In our humble opinión, ought never to become a law, and the in failing to pass it, did a wise thing. This subject of taking human Ufe - :i cricms one. And although crime has increased rapidly in our state the past decade, it is a mictlnn if it lias increasetl in greater proportion than has our population. Anothcr thing wbieh might be well tafead at also, is the iiumbcr of murders in other States where capital punishment is in vogue. We should like to see a comparison of prima in our own state with that in New York OT l'ennsylvania, for instance. VHHHHiH


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News