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Magazine and Itook Notices. The Supreme Court of New York has granted I the order lo chango the name of the Corporation of "Scrlbner St Co." to "The Century Co.' -the order to take effect on the 21st of June. The July Issues of Scrlbner's Monthly and St. Nlcholas wlll have the newcorporate Imprlnt. May 23d, 1881. IfB Perkins' Dauohtkr, by the Marehloness Clara Lanza, author of " Tit for Tat,'1 "A Teutonlc Adventure," etc. One of theKInckerbocker series of novel. New York, i; I' Putnam & Sous, publishers. Kor Hale by Thorndike Nourse, Detroit. Prlce $1, paper cover. Tl) Is Is a very pleasant story of Ainerlcans at home and abroad, told In an entertalning marmer. Just the thlng to plek up and whlle away a few honra wlth when time hangs heavy on your hands. The print Is very neat, the type belug sufflclently largc not to Injnre the eyes. Thb Wildeknkss Cukk. by Mare Cook, author of "Camp Lou," New York : Win. . Woud JS: Co.. PublTshers. Thls book Is one that will be thorougly read and sought afler by lnvallds and people who are In search of health In a pleasant way. It was brought out beoause of the flood of letters whlch the author's artlele In Harpers magazine for May called forth. It contains numerous instances where a resldence In the wllderness has brought back health to the infirm and atnictod. Cases areglven where cures have been effeoted. The work goes lnto the minute details, showing what the expenses wlll be at hotels or In camp. How the poor can come íor llttle or the rich fora great deal, and we presume it wlll be the mean of helping man y a poor suflerer. The Swobd of Damoclk.1. a story of New York Life, by Anna Katharlne Green, Author of "The Leaveuworth Case," "A Strange Disappearance," etc. New York: O. P. Putnam t Sons, publlshers. For sale by Thorndike Nourse, Detroit, Mlch. Prlce $1.50. A novel without a prefaco, whlch Is a pretty good start off but at the end of the work Is a note, and the note reads M tollowi: Damocles, one of thecourtlers of DionysiiiH was perpetually extolllug wlth rapture that tyiant's treasures, grandeur, the niimberof hls troops, the extent of hls dominions, the magDlfloeno of hls palaoee, nul üi; nnlvaraal abundance of all good tlilngx and enjoytnenta In hlspossesslon ; always repestlng, thatnever man was happier than bionysius. "Slnceyou are of that opinión," sahl the tyrant to hlm one day, '"wlll you tasteaiul miike proofo! mv follclty In rmrson?" The offer was acci wlth joy ; Damoclos was placrd upou a golden coueh. oovered wllli carpeti rlchly srnbroldered. The slde-boards were loaded wlth vetMls of gold and Nllver. The most heautlful slsvea lntnemostsplendld habltsstoodaround.naily to serve hlm at tho slIghteNt Klgnal. The most exijulslte essences umi i.i iiiui.n had not boen spared. The table was spread wlth proportionate raagnlñconce. Damocles was all Joy, and looked ujKin hlmsi-l I as the happlest man In tlm worlü ; when uufortunatelvunstlng up hls eyes, he beheld over hls head tlm polnt oï a ¦word, whlch InniK rroin t In' rooi only by i lutlr.


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