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¦ Hop B;r. IwMtuwHopi. I pbthor Wutattllw : bl of ¦ E I HATf tt 11 MMJÊtm - I 0_nH ' CI oruiin'x-T Is sjn taolnw ¦ jiiaint, neBH .T#k-f-k and trrnsisu I of the sbMUuAflM IJflLJ km e o r e für I Uttr ui trvm '1M " U1K. „r „pmin, I roa win b'EniTrrnn t"1"" I Hop B.tter ¦ R f RA Kif ws lui It m y ¦; r-i il Hor urrma lf?'.lí.urI rA arre co., I aved hun-lJ letr, 1. T. ¦ I dred. -__-J_2J2H_J .¦ m DOES WUV9B ¦ wONDERFULfinl I CURES I aHaQ aul KJDSETS t th aame time. I Baou ltoleoMUTitm of the H Houb humor tlmt deTslope In Kidnej And ¦¦ ¦anar? Diseses, Biliousne, Jundio, ConsU. Q QNervoui Duordor and Fsmaie Complaints. ¦ SEE WH1T PBOPLE 8AY : 3 Etiï'no B. 8tork, ot Junctlon City. KnM, H ¦ J, 1U.1b.-j V,,rt cnn-.l hlm aftrr regulsx 1M ¦ ¦ ¦ictsjis hd been trjln lor tour jeJ - 1 Mr. John Arnall. of Washington, Ohlo, "fH ¦ fifr )iot wuKfTfii tip to die by four J)ronunem Jsj ¦ iih;slt'luiiandUiatneu(tenaidcured ¦?¦ IVkiiliK'j Wort. IV U M. M. n Oondwin. n editor In Cbrlnn. Ohlo M ¦¦ays he wal nut ezpected to l!vt, Wlne bloateü ¦ U Anna t Jarrrtt of Smith Salon. N. ï.. nrU ¦that eren y eam tl (r8rln f rom k lOn'y tronble ¦and othrr coni[Ui:atku as euded by tLo lue of ¦¦ Ucidney-Wort. U I JohnB. fJiwTnfof Jackwn. Tenn., mlfoiwlH pHfor yearsfrom livor aud kld'ioy troublfS auitflB Ijafter taklnir "liarrels of otlier medicines,' J HKldney-Wort made hlm mvü. I Micha! Coto of Montgnmerr Cenlfr, Vt ¦¦ 13 nirrfd olirlit Team wlth klrtnrv dlfllrulty uidU ¦ was nnablo to w urk. Kldmy Wort made hltn ¦ M" woll as ever." [ PERMANENTLV CURES Hkidney oiseases, U LIVER COMPLAINTS.i HConstipatlon and Piles. ¦¦ HTIt Input np In ry TeHble Fon !¦ n - 'i in Llquld Form, " n Uocntrated, for thoee thac cannot readilr pnM H parelt. ¦ tr (art vil tqual fllWjnfV " tttSt form. WM U OET IT ATTHE DHDOaiST8. PR1CE, ll.wU I WEI.I.S. UICIUIlI)SOro., Prop'i, I H fWUl nendthedrypoet-pald.) UIllUVUTOt.TI.Q 1UÜ7-7B niE I'KOMPl'KK AM) PERFECTOS 0K ASMJIII-ATIOV. THE UEFOUMEIt AXD VITALIZER OF THEBLOO. THE PRODUCER A'D INVIGORATOR OFXKKVi: AD HU8CLE. TUK KUILDER An SUPPORTER OF BKAIN I'OWKK. FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPO-PHO. PHITES s componed ot Ingrediënt Iduntical with . whlch conxtitnti' lh'altUy Biood, MiibcIu and Hiid Braln 9ahtnce, whilet life ttfelf Is directly dcoiiif!U upon wouie of th' m, By incrraaing Nervon and Muscular Vigor, it wil] cure UjHprjjHia, fe.'hlo or inteirupt.'d action oT the leurt and Palpitaüou.Weakuesa of In'clK'Ct, canned hy prlef. worry, nvcrtaxed or inepular hunitt, IïrunchliiK. Ooneesttou of II' ! iinu. It corea Aíihnri. NearnlRia, Wbooplng Cough, Nervontness, and is a moRt vrondertul adjonc! i. itbcr raojedicg in t}iitainluK life durin ÜM prucuBs of Dipth.-rla. The eipcnditnre of hrain power too erly or too KLVLTrly in chi!dri;n olten results ia phyical dehlltv; ttiu npi' ol Fellowt' Hypophopphites ex-rti a Hiu'ulnrly happy effect In hucm caac. Do not bc deceivrd ly r mediee bearlnc a similar ntnic ; no other preparation Ib a Buhuituto for thln ïüder any circumtMancex. 101l-10C( c e in PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TR1UMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite, Nausea, bowels costive, Fain in theSead.with a dull sensfttion m tjif hftclt part, Pain under tho r eating, with adisinchuation to exertion . . lTr mini Irritubility of temper, Low Kpirut, r, ' ofmemory. ïth afoeiing , f imvln ne. lected lome duty, wcarineis. DUsinesa, Fluttering ol the Uurt, Dot before the ëye, ifhf, KcHtleaaneas at uiRht, bifihly oblored Urine. IF THiSE WAKNING8 AEJE U1ÍHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Wia SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'8 PILLS r espedallyadBptedto milicae.oiudoiifrctauchichng of feeltne " to antouish thi sulTerer. They Inrmur llie A mIIIc. and cUM the body Lo TRkr on Flesh, tliua lb aystem la nnurtehe-fl. aü.i hy th t-irTonlr Artlon "n the IHn.lii. Oiuiiii. Kwnlarlllwili areproduced Prlce 2ï ct-ntM. SA 1 urraj t., PI. T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Okay IIatk or Whiskkrs rhangwi to aOLOaBT Bucl by a unie aupluation c.f Ibia Hï. Il iniptirtR a natural color, acta Instantaneoiisly. bolü bj L[UgtíMle,or se ni l.j .ipni ín retejpt "1 11. Office, 39 Murray St., New York. fr. TITT9 lililí, or talubla lanirsuilka k I -ful Krrrlpl wlll I .lll YKKt on ppll!!. 1032-M HALL' 8 Qatarrh Pure. sReeommendebyWsiclans. HALL'S Qatarrh gure. Is Indorsed by Clergymen. Will Curo Any Cawe. OUiccofA Ï.Stewatt 4Co.Cbicago. 111 , June 4, 1880. Messri. F. J. Chrnev & O) . TrJfdc. O. Gentlemen- ItlLpl('sure in Informlng yon that I he used Hall's Calarrh Cure. It hs . uivd me- 1 wuvery b.d- ant don't baiitautonay that It wlll cure anycis"f('atarrh lf taken prO.rly yoartruly,J.B. WKATHEKFüUÜ. Worlh #1O A I?ottlo. K. MuhraT, Jackon, Micb. writea: Havo had Catarrh for 20 yuarn. HaUl'9 ('atarrü Curo cufed mu Conaidir it vorth 810. 00 a bottte. Hall'a Catarrb Cure Is sold by all DrnirRiití at TV. pr betile. Maoufactured and sold liy F. .1 OHKHBX 4 CO.HoleProprietors, TOLEDO, OHIO H. i. Brown & O)., Cor. Main and Hnron Street Ann Arbor. 1029-42 . j-v OulfU rurnlibed Irte, wlih ru'l InitrocMun nr oou $m il duüUog tho mot proflublbiwtaMi ttasl kutud ca I (( ltL Tbe butloou !¦ M euj la lesrn. Dd ou 'III lnrmoUom n o ¦Inpla d ptala. tbu y..i. IV can rnhe (irrnt proflu frum tbc tffr lUrt. No on 1 1 csu fil who U wllllng w work . Womea r ss uc ¦ oeurul men. llují il scirl cn un Urn onu M r Uhdj bve md t [ti bulna ver es bwBdrw dollsn Ín a ilogle veek. hotbing llke It ever known before. Al wh nm M ur,ll M lb '- MU rmplly wllb wblíb thcrsre ble u mRke monej. You ou eoffftg lo thli butlue .Jurínd Ttwir urn iIdm t mt proflt You do Bot hve lo larei eplü3 lu It. WelkellTneriik. Tboeo wso nd nd moner bealdwriu uuooos. 1U fml.bsd fre. idjr T... Oo Aof. in ímwat Health ís Wealth. Ir. B. C. U'tr' Skbve ami BbaikTrkatmknt a ípedñc for Hyteria, Di.7.ines8,ConTulsion8, NxrT una Headacbe, MenUl Depression, Loib ol Memorjr Spermatorrhaa. Impntrncy, Prematnre Oíd At'e cánsed by over exertion, aelf-abune, or over-lndulg cnce, wbich leadi to miíerj, decay and death. One box will cure reent ra-.-. KcB box conuins one montb'a treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxee for flve dollarc ; Sent by mail prepaid on reccipt o prlce. We Koarantee íix boie to cure any case Witb each order rcciiv. d by us fornixboxes.aci-oin panled with Uve dollars, we III wnd the purchase oor wrttten guarantee to returu the moncy lf the treatment does not effect a enre. (liurunti by Brown A C"o., Solé Authortzed Avenís lor Ani Arbor, Mlcb. JOHN l WKST ('O., Solé PropiJ etors, Chicaeo, 111. Frirelle . Oo., Wholesale Atenui. Detroit, Mich. tWt-HUü


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