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Sbateson & na DETROIT, OITpr, or the prfsenf IMÉMi tlii'imwt Mlf1 rtorlinoiii oí PI!TB WOOLENS for (.KVII KMKVS WEAK ever liroiiiflit to Uit' fllj, and a shxli whfcli will ptrtwe and phc .iitisfiutlon In all respe !. W' nte un earlj Iiismm1íou r the same, Ic.limr (inlldent a vi-it toour store will py aii) one interested. It Ib wlth pleaure tliat we annoiiiiee thüt we hae mrured the services of MR. L. M. (RAY a head cutter Ín oiir estnblisliinent, wlio is ackuowledifed by those who know, to be the BEST AJÍD MOST AltTISTIC IN THE #EST. Our prices, the coming seasmi, vríll be round as LOW AS KIRS1 (I. WWOKK AM) MATERIAL WILL WARRANT, and me proinise to do (ir utmost lo serve imr patrón in a sítisfactory miinner. SOL. S. BATESON & BRO., "The LeadingMerchantTaüoring House of Michigan," 93 Michigan Ave., Opposite J the Antisdale House, Detroit. PRICES PEOPLE CAN AFFORD to PAY. Largist üiid ncwest assortment of Background and accvsxoi i INSTANTANE0U3 'GELATINE' WOEK i i Bable) iMilurts. Best CardPhotographs, - $2.50 per doz. Best Cabinets, - 6.00 " 220 & 222 W08DWAR0 AVE., DETROIT, - - MILU. 1O3H-49 Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING MUÍ HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITrAND COLOIt ÈÈgjtej Advanelng yearx, rkM &títv nets, care, disappolittSJBfJÍ ment, and hereditary ;jHKl , predlHponition, all Iiini Wl!Ér" the hair ray, and either Rkn oulH'in iiicluteit toahtxl BflKSlS Bk premittiirWy. BK, Aykii'k 11 aiic Vki'ir, Rhy long and exWotltí CBHMBwoSK,'-1' ''" pfovin ilüii it ¦ % t'5'iRvi "'"P" "li; o' ""' " íwJSP' ' -Wl hair immcdlately ; often rcnewa the growth ; and alwsyn nrely restores it Color, whon íadi-d 01 gray. It stlmulateB Ihe nuiritive organB to healthy activlty, and preserve bolh tbe hair and lts beauty. Thua brashy, weak or lckly íialr become (fl(íy, pllablu aDd Ktrenuthtuied ; lot híl.' resjrows wlth llvcly expreeslon ; falllnjj hair U checkod and e.tabllshcd ; thin hair thicken ; and faded or (fray hair resume thelr original color. Its opcrntlon I nrc and hnrmltss. It cures dandruff, heals all haiPor", ïnl keei s the scalp cool, clean and suft-undur whldi conrtí-- u or the l are InpQwP As a tnt mamr H#fr. '"' v""'" 'u I'1"0'1 Tor lU Hratoful at.d .Krecnbl! Vt HO I for the tolt lu-tre and rlchnesí oí MM ti 'P PKEPAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytlcal C'hemists. Sold ly all DruRslets and Dealers In Medicine. 1020-1078-e6w , - )THB(- CHICAGO & HORTI WESTERN RAJLWAY Is the OLDE8TI BEST CON8THUCTKD ! BEST KíiüIPPKD ! and henee the LEADING RAILWAY - OT THB - WEST AND NORTH WEST. It ts the ehortest and bot route between Chicago and all pointe in Nsrthori rUisslj, Ion, Bitst, Wyomisfi, Nitnsï, Califorsia, Crojoo, Arli::a, Utah, Colóralo, liahs. Moatica, H:-ada asd fo: COUNCIL BLUFFS, OM AHA, ht'.W Kit, I.KA DVI LLK, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DE&DWO0D, SIQUX CITY, Codar Iipids, Cos lloisti, Colsabu, ui all poisti Ie tïs Tirrltorl asi tht Wu(. Allo for UüwukM, Onn Btv, OshL5:h, ShelOTjin, liiriett, fosl Is Lic, Wattrtowa. BciebUi. Meuah, Hosaiha, 3t. Pïl. Visscapolis, Hsros, V:'.gi, fugo, Sismare):, W::sia, LaCroiu, 0vto&u ui all p oiati ia Itiisiisti, Balota, Wiicouis anl tin Northwest. At Conncll liluffa the tralns of the Chicago & NorthWi-ïtem and the U. P. K'ys depart from, arrive ut and use the same joint unión depot. At Chicago, close eonnectlona are made with the 1 aki' Shan, Michigan Central, Baltlmore A Kort Wayne and Pennsvlvanla, and ("hicafro Orand Tmnk Ry's, and the Kankankee and Pan llandlHoute. Close Connections Made tt Junction Points. Il In tlitOM.Y 1,IF. running; Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BWTWKBN ( liiciuro and Conncll BlnlTs. Pullman Sleeprr on All M.IH TraliiH. Iiibii upon Ticket Atfiutc MilUug yuu Uckes vla tnii rod. Examine your tickets, and refune to tmy If they do not read over the thlcKO and MorthWestern Rallway. II you wih the Best Traveling Accommodatlons you will buy vour tickets by thia route t#ANI WILL TAKE NO OTI1BK. All Ticket Agent sell tirketK by thls Lliu'. II AU VI V III ITT, 1031-83 2d V. P. & lien! Man'ütr, Chicago. !!3I I a 1 ¦ fj w g „,¦ i (ireat improvement 1 Perfectly hann tutlitliesorskin. Try it. Direction8.simiU'; Kesults magical; ivesnearly all therubbmg. 1035-tiO $500 REWARD ! WE win pay the above rewrd for any case o Llver Complalnt, Dyspepi-ia, Slck Headche, Indi K'-etloii, Consripatlon or Costlvcness we cannot cnre wlth Wet ' Veifetable Liver Pilis, when the direc tioof are trlctly complled with. They are purely VeeetaMe. and nvver fail tolvesatishrtion. Suca Ooated. Larzc hoxes, cont iuing 30 Pili, '& cents For nale hy Si drni-Klets. Heware of connterfeits and imliatloos. The enulne nanofcniri(l onl) by JOHN C. WEST & CO., "TUk FMI1 Makers," 18 A 183 W. MiH.on St-, Chlcsgo. Free trial packajfi sent by mail prepaid oa receipt of a 8 cent stamp, I w Outfit mot rr to tlio who wtrt to togxft !o rtie moa LIW DlfUUt itKl KO Mllnwa uown. K..rjHiMi I do C.IUI o rqulrl. W wlll tou ererj % - thUg. Kf ¦ dr tod wpwarda la 9kMÜf nia4e "Uli " Tk m ¦'¦TM T f1111 bnnIe or9r nlï' ïo riik wlltttw -fl ¦ Hsur Dw urkni waatad M ooo. Km; rt uiBkin 17 ¦¦ t.irlune. nhf lu-in' 141 m. u mach ', T W igdr.ui! boj u-1 irl aUl IM pu. 0 M w la w.llim lo wort fllli to nk mor mol; itttt kllbl mxU lu wkui;orllT7pkrnt. Tlo who ¦ t o wlH M hort rod U Ibrtün. H. Hi.trr Co.. forUul, 11. "' M


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