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(Condtrufd Jrom our Oounty Exchanga.) BRIDOEWA1 KR. A valuadle bofte belonfjing to Jacob Blum dropped ilead a few days sinrc while cultivatiug corn. Jacob Blum, Jr., has gone to tlie Lake Superior región where hu nteiuls to lócate il' oe liku.s the country. üther mrtlnni of our county aml country, is not proüd of lier Mginraj. Set the tramps and prisoners to iHnin.liiig 8tone. We have plenty of each eommodity. The towu hall has been offlciaHy condemned, and a notice posted on the door thereof warns all people "not to enter this building for any purpose whatever," etc. N'ow. what will the Biïdgewaterites do about it? OHELSEA. Nest Sabbath, the 12tl). will be observed at the M. E. Church as Childrens' Uay. Charity Lodge No. 335 I. O. of G T of Chelseu carriedoffthe banner at the district lodges of Wayne and Washtenaw Co's. at Ysilanti last Wednestlay.-Herald, June A Germán by the name of Matt. Janson, tvas quite severely injured a few days gince ly the falling of a bent during the" raisine )t a harn frame on the farm of Thomas lewett, in the sotbetn) prt at this ownship. Anothcr man, naincd Wood rai alao imrt. HrsM .- i;,v. j. [,. BmtooB left last HODday nlgfct for the northera prt of the tate, lVtokcy and Mackinaw for a few m rest. The people of Sylvan gave liitn i happy surprise last Sabbath. After k ad presohed Mr. (.Jeorg.; Davis anwe and sked tbe pririlece of naklng a h-w reKuksan.lllKnsaidr It is evident thatBro. 'lien ni truc MrthodUt style lic passed hit lat and so a nice little suin of money was ncsciucd to the pastor wlio for once knew ot what to gay. Chip Basket.- The ncw barn of Burnet tcinbach was christened with a dance reently. Bert Congdon and Levi Palmer occu quiet snores ot (jrass Jjake for Sunday rest. Charles P. Russel 1 the Graud C. T. of the order of Good Templare, was announced for an adürcss last Sunday evening. Miss Belle Tuttle is making an excellent reputation as a musirían at St. Louis, Bfflch., where shc is now making lier home. W. Cury Hill, at onc time Drincipal of the unión school in this villagc, dled on Saturday the 30th. having arrived from Colorado the dayprevious; his funeral was held Sumlay; he wasbrother-in-law of Geo. P. Glazier. MANCHESTER. Wm. Burtless bought the first clip of wool, bnragfat to town this year, of James 1 Ii igan, of Bi idgewater, paying him 30 cents per pound. Enterprise: Dr. Kapphad his collar bone brolten yesteixlny mornlng, about ono o'clock. He was going into the country to see a patiënt. Nelson Ockrow was driving and wlien Bm Anlmr Case's farm house the carriat" nit ti. -.,.:„„ n.„ ..._,.„i„ i" me ground. Oekrow recelvcd a sevire cut in the hoad and was otherwise biuised Ur. laylor is uttendiiii; them. Says the Enterprise: "Kerosene ia a dangerotis fluid whether used as au Uluminator r for bnrntng in stoyes. We have heard of javera] deatha remlüng froin the i.-xjilosion of kerosene stoves,and now the street lamps are lollowing suit. One exploded in Clinton on Sunday night." What 1 and with thu Michigan test? Explosions, with the lla-l. test! And the people of this State lavcd doublé what otlier people are purposely to avoid accidents? Teil it to the legislators. Chip Basket.- J. II. Kinrsky is down for a New York visit. (arrie Van Duyn is In Portland. Amos Dickerson out again. Mr.-. Thos. Morgan is visiting her dau"hter m Milwaukee. losser, of the Enteipri-.and Field, future editor of the Clinton News. have been to Chicago on business. Mrs. .1. E. SIcMahon of Ludinffton, isi-,tii)g friends here. Nettie Clarkson is now visiting in Atheus. Q. V. o. Wo.stlall.of Grand Bapidl is is town, and talks of going to New Mexico, Mtm. i-'v '-yHta' l.u. .-. vTfierc lier husband WÖ ¦ posklon in a woolen mili. William Hewett, who went to Jackson to be doctorM lor rheumntism by a clairvoyant, died Sunday of last week. A bountifwl rain has blessed the people of thU vicinity. Nelhe S. Butler (.losed ),,r Mbo2 in tta S. Doty is making some much DMdad improvementsabout plaea on Water street. Dr. Koot and Warren Kimble are to exrliango roodoBCW. MILAN. The editor of the Sun has been swinging around the county a little, and thus writtt up thia city : Ann Arbor- the seatof learn Ing, the hub, the 9th wonder of the world, tlie,- well,- apply all the good adjectives in t lic dictionary to il, llicii add that they don't half express it. Ann Arbor must be giren a chapur by itself. Chip Basket.- Daniel Ailsworth expeots to build a large doublé houso on North Street this season. A sociable at Mr. Kasterly'i Wednesday evenlng of last week, was luigely efljoyed. G. W. Sly's little glri who was tuken siok in Sunday school, is remg slowly. The merchants havesubscribed enough to pay for a street sprinkler und the tpp&rstMll now being made at Ann Aibor. Messrs. Barber & Fennimore, of Fremont, Ohio, will open a grocen, Ik toon. Sidewalks in tliis vkinity are said to be worse than none at all- the children shiin them. the lovers, even, ablior Ihcni. SATINE. A lare number of articles which were known to have been saved, are missing since the fire. The Observcr very kiudly offers to return to their rightful ownersany that may be lelt Uien . The Observcr glves these tlmcly cautlons: " Too mach care caiinot bc exerclsed. etpcially daling such dry wcather as wc have had for the past fow wooks, to prevent fire. A match, or cigar stub cnrelcssly thrown araong straw or rubbisli has often been thn source of a serious conflagration. Only a (bw days since a cigar 8tub thrown ainong the boxes on the east side of Davenport S tort', had set fire to a box, but was fortunaU.'ly disoovered and extinguished belore it was fairly stnrteil. Any ono who will thus jeopardize the property of others, we consider guiltr of a criminal offense, and should be dealt with accordinj;! Chip Basket- Next Sunday is 'Vhihlren'a day" at the M. E. clnirch. Alc. Gordon is to rebuild bis ham reci'ntly burncd. Poor seed and dry weatlier have combined to inake a poor prospect for the corn erop. Dr. Jesse Dell, of Ann Arbor, has been in town Beveral times reeently, on professional business. Fred Weinett, of Chicago, is vUiting bis father and friends in the viciti - ity. Martin I,amb is slowly recoverlng. l'arr, the ilciitist. luis gone to Clinton to live. Oeo. P. Bush and fainily, of New Jersey, are vUiting at his ititlicr'.s, Hrv. Geo. C. Bosh. David benrs, had his new shop built, painted and in running order in leas than one week aftw tlif lire. Boom excellent wnrk i" being ilonc on the ridewafti and Oronwalks. WT11 Bralnard has gone to ShiTulau. Montcalni coonty, asoperator and -tatinii agent on the I). t. & N. E. K The of the IC K. chnrch cleared $20 by their M.iy fnlival. AJonao Cane is gata working in Saline. Fred. Hoy t is home from Yale collegt:, ipendlng his vacatiini Trlth hlnmUTBÉi Next Sunday ingKev. .1. llii'kmixt, of Angola, Indiana, is announced for a temperance lecture, at union hall. Henry McMann's team ran away andcomplHciy draiolMnd bU buggy, oa iturday of last week.


Ann Arbor Courier
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