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Died, at the resldence of Ueo. P. Olazior, lii brother-ln-liiw. In Chelsea, Mlch.. orconsump tlon, alKHit 4 o'eloek a. m.. on May '8th, Erol Willlam ('iiry HUI, aged 31 years and ten mos Mr Jlill was liorn In Northern Ohlo, on Julv :8lli, I8I1. Whlle Oary waa yet achild hls pur ents bought a tarín and moved near Masón Ingham couuly, Mich., where heworked on hi rulhers farm tul lie was 22, exceptln the wtnte season wlien he lauuht district school tbr se trui tuten. Durlng thls time by lndnstr and economy he had aided hts parents to cau Del a mortgage and araot koo1 buildings and other Irnproveraentson theJrfarm. HU fatlic dled ahoul elght years ago leaving a secoot wlfe, four boys nnd tlve glrls, of whomCary was thesvventh, and now the tlrst p tlie chlídren to drop away. Hls father and fuinily beini then Ín comfortableclrcuinstanees he renalrec to the slat ornml school toget an eduoatlon paylDg tila own wny tur the most part, lus hnli er belng unahle to lielp hlm ufaras hedeslred toto. He gradualed at the Normal Bchool In lrtt;7, lut coutlnued hls studies there one 'eai as a post gradúate. He taught the Chelsea unlon school two years, from 1M3 to 1870. 11. liitii entered the state universlty, but con tlnued teaching to pay hls expenses tbere üurlng hls college course he taught une vt-ar In TwnmttK, Ilirw. yaara ia HoWell aiul tlirc raonth-s in the Dexter school, most of this linie keeplng up wltli hls class In the unlversity wtilcti so tnxed hls power of mlnd and bodj tliat hls h cal th waa conslderably lm pared when he rrmdoated at theannual ooramenoetnent In 187a He had kept op wlth class, completluu tlie ncw addltlonal reqnlrements of the cla-ssl cal course, taking the degree of B. A. at that commencement. Aftergraduatlngheaccepu?c thesl tuation of Stipt . of schxls at lluttle ('nek but at the end of the flrst year hls hcalth lm, so falled that he was obllged to dexlst imni labor and endeavor to recupérate hls faillug strength. Whlle teaching in Chelsea, he made the acilUaliitaiicc of Miss Mina A. Ulazler, then a teacher Jn tlie school, whom he afterwards marrled whlle teaching al Tecuraxeh, on the 22d ilay of Deo. 1K7.(. From that time on lotbe honr ol his death the was hl constant and t'aithiul companlon. Two chlldren were bom to i lulu, the younger of whlch, a boy, died two years ago, the eider, Cary Leroy, a brighi boy of alx years, survlvea, the hope and comfort of bis molher in hor great bereavement Upon the fallure of hls hcalth. Mr. HUI took hls famlly and went to Minnesota laat fall, and ¦paol threemonths tliere.and then tol.'olorado Hprlngs and spent seven raonths, all tu no purpose, ne had the whooplng cough a teeond time, whlch wlth the severe winter caused his throat and luDgs togrow gradually worse unlll all nope of reoovery departed whlch fact he riogni7.el toma tour , hls death. He sutrercl lntenHcly during hls last ten months hut wan piitleul, oouraüeous anl hopeful through lt II. After all hope was icuie they returned to Michigan, arrlvini; In Cl on the nlght of May 27lh, where on tlie following mornlng as before slalud, Mr. 11111 paased away au if to peaceful sle. -p. Rev. l. lt. slner offlclated at the funeral from the, on iinday the 29th. The riinains were deKslU)d In Oak Urove cemetery. As a teaober. Mr. Hill was emlnently suecetwful. aiul beulde thi work of teaching and k.'iniiK up hl studies In college he dll work un a momter of the stale tendiera' asno elatton. and waa hy no meaus an Idler ín Uia naHter'K vtneyard. He was a klnd and lovlng iii-i)inii. ín lndiilKent father and a falthfal Mead. Hu soul waa full of muslc, poetry and Kong. He was a pioneer In every kmm1 word aud work, ambltluus to be tiseful, worthy and Etble to Mil the higheut place. He niado hls uiirk lilgh and douljiless worked beyond hls Ayate] powen of i'iulurance to reaoli hls dial. Hls religión was an Important part of ílsevery day Ufe, and he practloed conxclea louKly what hls stront; convlctlons dlctated. As hU Ufe slowly but surely ebbed away UU aith grew stronger and ntronger In the savlng .wirufthe blood of Jesun, In whom at lost be ell anlep. He deslred to Uve biit was ready üllni? to gn, ,r i p1,. as,.,i iimlrt to kte lilni, ic.r ïuiiy reoogntaad Hm nmc' " lxl in wlmt wa t;ikniK .. .. HeoOaa oo oled ii. wiff with t happy thought Umi il would only be h wblle Inlore klndred learlgwould i.e. nnltcd ngain wliere glckn and sorrow. pain and dfaili wmild be feil and eared nu more. Hlgoareer ai ngerulnma w uddunty ui t-ntiy arrestod. ui the mldxt of ili jrean, iui rhen we reinember tnai u g not meaHiirpd livyeain but by reat th.. : self-Hftiw uinl thosc warm afltsfimns wiiu-li iike bold of the II fe i m mortal ; Uien we gee hut hls ] Ife wan a onceéis, that be had Un m ne aii'i icaUy to enter npon the htglier ife. We nttnnot asnoolate nlm win hut wht ihegravecoulil not 11 -linie, Kimt deutli Itwlf ouuld not tllglnte n. e of hlg 11 rm knlt clmr¦¦ ii mi na to hlm an I tous a ixiBgegHlon Au