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ET TUK Itis Fire Insurance - $4.2,000,000 -& Snurity hclil for the protectlon of tb( policy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Kepiv.-rnls tl; foüowlng lirst-class Cdffijl nies, dt vhicb me. tbe -Kt nu, lias alom paid #55,000,CKIU öre losses in si.Uy yen vtttna, of Hartlord f 7,100, : rwrit'-rc "."OftMMi Franklin, l'niladi-lphin _ ('triiiiiij Americau, N. Y 'JBNfltH Londoo Ancurauce Corporation 15,fflQ,MJ National, Hartlord 1.30O.MM North Uerroan. llamliuri; ¦2,uiu.lW.# Phu'nix, bn.uklyu.. iJVtfÊM luiierwrlters Aginicy, N. Y 4,OWfH0 , Losse idjusted and prompt p&ld. Politie iuoed at the lowest raleioi premium. 1U2173 CHKIWTIAX W.4 K Batato f Rase; Loland. QTATK OF MlclUOAIi.l'uiiniyoi Washtenaw, At a f skin of the I'rohate mrt for the. Cooiuja Waeh'eiuiw. hulden al the Probate Office, li oi Ann Arbor, on Tuesday.the thirty-ftrut da ín the year oue thougaud eitit hundred tod One. iTe-eni, U Uliaul D. llnrtiiuuii, Judge ol Pi bate. In the matter of the eBtiite of Nancy Lelajid,dr Ci-iue(l. On reating aud flllng the petition, doij verlllrd, of Kmerv E Lilanii, piavlnir that DU; be llccaaud 10 -u!l rtaj tstaie Hhuruuf eaid utTfcereupon ït ia onler. d, that Haturday, tl y il i li dtj of Jud,'. at lei ror t'ir hearluK ol nld !¦ tltion, ai.d tl, ,ii ii, c ht'lreat law of -ald d.-caní and al] othcr peraoDi Uiterested in said entaic, arefr guired to Hpiifur at a seeaion ol sald court, Uieu H be holden al the Probate office, in the cily ol Au Arbor, and show caune, if auy be, wbik prajt-r ot the petinuner shoald uot bu frraotcd And t in lurthur urdercd, that raid pitltinuer g)v ootlce to the peiKone iuturcMt-d In caid tstate, e(!h tatdeocj ol aid pctltlou, and the henriüK thmtif hj rauiiip a topy of tbis order to be publiitiei il the Anr Arhor (Jouritr,n nrwhpati-r prlotcd ui oircnlating In said eounty, thr-r .,u-rrnt lu frt-viuut to eaid day ol hearint pï.) H1LÜAM 1. iiAKKIMjSr' W O noTY. Probate Heclr' _ hstuie r niillani VrtTr. Ü7'ATKOFMIC1IH.,A.N.(Joi:i iif At a ocasión of the Probate Conrt for tbe () ol Wavhlenaw. holduu at the Prolial. city of Ann Aibor, on aturday, tbe iMenty Örslèfl of May, in the year oue thowau i and elL'htv on.-. Present, Willlam D. Hairfnaik Judteol Probate. In Hm matter ol the eUte of Wlllhim Frer,il On rcadin and fillng the pt-titiou. dolj erlBed, r,i . aar, prajiui; thai ailnilttratiun ol wild i tate may be (ranti'd to Kriderick ö. Hiaui , or ponie other guitaljle MnOBa Th.icupi.n It tu ordered, that Monday, tbe twentieth day of June neit, at ten o'clock in tbe Aunoon bc a.-nigned for the of faid peiinon that thi' Iuii8 at law of raid deceaKed, aud all oliff peraoii lDtrtiated In naid estáte, are requiredto fpearat a teaaton of said cimrt.then to be holden al U Probate Ofllcc. In city of Anu Arlmr, aud ho cause, ifany thore be.whj the prayeruf the pelidow shoalil riot ba gnntM. And it ik liirthir ordtrw. that taid nelitioner t'ive notice to the personi int"ested In said estáte, of the Mndeocy of said petiW and ln-ariiiL' thereof, liy cuusIuk a copr oí U "rdiT ,e,l In the Ann Arlior ftwrif,' newsvarx-r prlnteU audcirculatid in iaid coiinty.tlirre ¦occemie weeks previous ti said day ol ln-nriigi. py.) WILLJAM ü. 1IAKIUMAN. Jnducof l-rola". WM. (. DOTY. Probate BeRisti-r. 1W Estáte of II i ruin Whcdon. QTAT 1L OF MICHIGAN. County or Washtenaw, At a e Probate Court for theCtunUJ0 Washteiiaw, hoJdcn at the Probate Office, in 11 ¦ I Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the fourth day i the year one ihouaaud efght hnndred u ¦ Prei-ent, Wlllluni 1). llarriiuan, Judge 'róbate. In tbc nutter of the estáte of niraro WheJi leccast-d. ln ri-ndin and fllin. ,:.. d"T 'erifled.of Williani W.Whodon. th)1D thatauW nttruniint non on file In iIiik court, puruorfiax hi tbe lt ill and testament of said diieased,! ¦ acmltiid to probate, and that admlnu-' vith the wlll aniicxi-'d, may be uranu-d to Jut "¦ racaba, or aome otlier person. 'llni.upon il in ordered, thm Tuesday, the tt lay ol July next, at ten o'clock in il iooD,be assit'ned for the henrlni; of said petitiui ,nd tluit tbe dwiscM, lenteea, and h-ir ' aw ol natd deci'astd. and all other perfOM ijt'T'-sted In suid estáte, are required to aPP Ion of cald court, Uien t bi' holden al f 'róbate Olllre, in the city of Ann Arbor. and W ause, tl any there he.why'thr ptaverof ihe ptlü" houldnotue irrnuted. Aud It In further ordeW, hat said petitloner (?1ve notlo1 to lh' P010: nterwtad tn aid esUte, of the pendeocj of " "títltion, and the hearing thereof, by causing WPJ if thls or.ler to be publihed In the Aua Arl)' , a iH-WHpaper prli.ted and circulated In ia ouiity. win rïnari previocste ui""' 1 hearing. (A true copy.l W1L1JAM D. n ARRIMAN. Judteof Probate. WM. U. IX)ÏY, Probate Roeister. I


Ann Arbor Courier
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