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Fishiog la vcry fa&hionable uo atnong the boys. Mrs. Barbara Beek, of Lodi, m buried last Friday. Day laborera on thu stri'ctn now meivfl $1.50 per day. The store of Al nek it Schmiil haaieceivod a coat of iiaiut. Mayor Kapp has been :k1i1l'(1 to the comniittee on uriii: Shoritt' Wüllace has appointcil Qeo. . ürown as deiuty. The poor fiiud of Out ( ily was adoed last month HUC Durlng the month of May, 81 HWltl wenmadf l).v iolice. ('anal Street, in tho littli war.l, is to be staked out and surveyi 1. 'l'lie ruport of tlie' vily [im.-iimi roí any, slioweil I hal.u on Ii;im] Of9873.7i. Plowar Sonda; service lor oíd aiul jmng :ü the I nitai ni churelí n t Snmluv moranr. Penteont d;iy waaobserved lai UoncU] n botii tiie i-rinnn I.utlierin cliurches of this city. The ü :mil Coagngtttona] etaircbet are to liokl unión imituM unlil the lat of OctolMT. Tho rwulm of tha late ltimy w. Bofen liave been forward.-d to Búllalo for linal interment. Itisted that the ii-ii eotamlaaioran placed flT.OOOeel fry in the lakcs aboni ( !n 1 sea, recently. Last Satunlay Mrs. Achato Wliitaker, of the town of Linui, tlictl of general dt-bility, aged 84 years. A. J. Millnrd lias redfned lus clerkalilp In the po8toffice, and is now OOBJMCtod willi the Cook liouc m m One of tlic best' entertainment ever fuiven the [IBHUfu ol' Aun Arlior at univriMly liall to-nijrlit. The pulpit of the Episcopal church in iiiis city , wm eosapied by Rcv. J. II. MaKoffln, TDcxttr, last Babbath. The gutter on the north side of Ann treet, OJipneHfJliu ooort house square, has been ordered pavcd hy theooutioil. Chris. Millmaii and A. VV. Porter have been recommeiuicrt as deputy marshals by Oliief Clarken, and oonflraed by the comicil. Very littU wool OMMM into market hen. The farmers are not ploased with the price and prefcr to holil tlieir clip in the hope of a rlse. Look out, boys ! The council lias liccn remindcd tliat tiicrc is au ordinance relativi- to rkling veloclpetles upon the sidewalks. Rev. J. II. Bayliss, I). D., of Detroit wül occupy the pulpit of the Mcthodist church in this city on Snnday in exehange with Um [astor. Look out for the eclipse of the mom. In moriow Bjgftjfc It Wül be total, and last aboot thrre homn, coauaeiiotaj; at aboat 11:30 p. in. The Chelsea Herald saya that Mr. R. Kimpf lias moved to Aun Arbor to edúcate liischildren only. and wil] still continue bis business at tliat placo, Henry C. Clements, formerly of tlii.-city, and Miss Luella llnvcv, at Kay City, were niarried on Thursday of last week, at the brhle's parcnl's rt-iJence. Next week Saturday, Juno l.sii,, tiie Baptist churcli propose togi vean excursión to Detroit by rail, and from thence by boat i the St. ('lair river and lake. K.-v .1. AliibiiskT, of the M. K. Cliurch, announced in his last Sunday morninfl ¦¦ tii:it )io tBtended to use the revised te.mfln, hereafterM authorltv The Detroit Evtning News of last Saturday, said that Dr. Cocker had been mentioned as a inasible president of the Northwesteni iiniversiryatEvanston, III. fate 'le 'S " eWily ?¦ l"' W I'urick McCourt, whohas mMM in the townshipof NorthfieM 2T ycar.-, li, ,1 la Tuesday morniii-. aged tij yeai last Thureday tnm the Nortlilul.l Catholic church. Ion't stop be 4-pause comes alonp. boys. The future president, senators, m. e's, etc, have alrendy iK-gun to eoax the pennies from "tlH-Cnv." and to lay them way for the eventful day. The 1)I1 appropriating $25,000 lo -stallish a training silioul in connection with the normal school at Ypsihuiti, kat lassed both houw of the lejrislatnre, and will witliout doubt becoint' ¦ few. Mt. Clcmens, with the true spirit of enterpris.;, and holding tl,P rOm licalth of its lople above ever-thng Im, proposes to exp'iid $30,000 in buüdlBf a system of scweragc. Srnsihlc Mt. daarna. Bevml 0f our soldier boys s,o wn in tka nM pttoa peoadortag tb war havo Mí.'iiiit.,i tlicir intention of belqg pnaeatAt the reunión of exprnicrs oí war at Detroit, n the llat, Md and Md in-t. Qeo. Clark, who had been a hostl.-r in 11118 cily for nearly a half-century, and as such known by many people of this section Uied a few days slnce. He serve.l in tho took liouse barn for over 2r, years. . "" ! iliat the e'liorul l 'uioii km Iii'imi lo a greát expOBM lO give our people to-night a grand entertainment. It will be wcll jroitb patronizing. The rain wliirh ÉMQMIllw] H-t Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, was vury vu 1mc, tilthough the weatlier wassoniewhat ooVl It dul a "heap"of good, and it is ' extended genenlly over the ttate. Work has coiumenced on the opera house improvements. If tbc present plans are caifM out, and we are assured tliey will be, it will be when completed one of the linest buildings of tlie kind in the gtate. One Of tlie einlnuikinents at tlie eXttVOr lion tor Manly & H imilton's bulMing r:icl in hi-t Mondar and noavlv lmned ¦ Qenam nuaed MHhrvhowu trorldng Hiere. He was sorae scared but not miih li hurt. Last Monday the liorses of Mr. Chappel, a farmer of Superior, becanie scared whlto near the observatory, in this city, and ran away, demolishing the carriap to wUek they were attached and geverely injuring Mr. Chappel. C ïtizens of the 3d waril are remonstrating with the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad becausi' of their action in rendering Felch street impassiblc. The council is aski d t compel the rad tolive its agrwtneni and tx the street. The Allegan Tribune tuau keep posted on this new revisión. Hear him : "The uan who don"t pay the printer gets no eneouragement from tbc new revisión of the Testament. He will go to the other place, worae than fímitm " The opening meeting at the Whitmore Lakc tent Meeting was licld last Monday cvening, with a fair audience. Tlie scrmon was preacliod ly Hev. Wm. George, of Dundee, who took for his subject : 'Jesus bfthe niidst." Calvin Townsend, who was one of the irh ]iionocis of tliis city, but who returnd to New Yoi k state several yeare since, dicd at his home In Rochester, N. Y., on the 5th uit. He was well known to inany of ur older inhabitants. The Methodist church of Augusta is to have a strawberry and ice-cream festival next week, on Thursday, June 10, in the fternoon. at Mr.Geo. More's grovo. There vill be swings and othcr aniiiseineiit.s, a food time is expected. In about three weeks the Langley elecRic lijjlit company expect to begin active opertiong. They havealreadycommeneed putting tlit old ex Baptist cliurch in propet tbape for thcir ust, andanengine hu ban The tattatf society el the Pnabytoriu cimivii win gira luirá mU iá Üm rri.l.nn- of Mis. Siickct, r.irncr lluron and Btete siiccts. ,.n Wednewky ermilng, Jnn 15th. Struul.criioe, kv-ucuul HIMl Cake Wlll lic served during the emüng. It lias heen ¦ vcry liad ,-vk fortlic biiiid tournamcnt at Lansiiig. ThU county is repreMSted hy Uu bands iVora Ypsilanti and Chelsca. Mcs.-rs. Frank Minnis. H.-nry Otto, Henry Rara, and V. McOmbt r. Of t!n city. have also been in attendance. The Gregorv house was again elosed last week Thursday, owlng to the inability of Messi-8. Jeuell & Son to meet tlie nptMMi It was leased for a period of three yeare. It seetns as tli.uili Ann Arbor ought tobe ab'e to support at least three flrst-class hotels. 'J'he colorad nlizciis of tliis city are making mumHi for a grand jubilee here on Kinancipatlon Day, the lst of August. They have liad one or two preliminary meetings and contémplate a Mlebratton that wlll throw the Fourth of July way in the shade. The following ainounts on the dlfierent fumls were audited and ortleml paid by the council Monday eveuing: First wanl, $35.45; Second, $9.68; Tliird, $306.66; Fiah, $1; Sixth, $49.13; general street fund, $203.01; ccinetery fund, $27.46; contingent lund, $286.91. The vestry of St. Andrew's (Episcopal) ili'inh at a meeting held May :iih, rendered a vote of thanks to Mrs. II. L. Sackctt, Mrs. Caroline Conkling, Miss Carrie Beek with and Fred. A Beckwith, Esq., heirs of the Seaman estáte, for the donation of $500 to the olMpel building fund. Dr. Archibald Maclean, of Leadville, Col., wat marrted laat Tuesday, to .Miss Jenriie Condón, of this city, at tin 'lfii ( of the bride's parents, on South Univ. i ity avenue. The Iiev. F. C. Coolbaugh, of Grand Hapida, offlcmt.xl. The couple lelt at once for their future home, in Leadville. A competitiva drill for tho captain's badge of Company A, was contested for last Monday ni-lu, Uy JStessre. Martin and and Diitz, umi won by the tonner, though there was so little diflerenec that it was difticult for the judges to decide. The companyare talkingof procurin a badge for Corporal Deitz. ¦ The eounty legislature meets this next week. It is to be hoped that during their session we may have a rain storm, that they may see In what a leaky conditlon the court house roof is, especially around the towcr. It should be flxed at once. The buildinir is too nice to be destroyed for tbc want of a " stitch in time." The stockhoklers of the Ann Arbor savngs bank held Iheir annual meeting last Mondayevening. A semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent. was declared, and the following offlcers chosen for the ensuing year President, Chrlutlan Mack vlce-prestdent, W. W Wlnes; oashier, Charles E. Hlseocfe. A TSïiK'U ,'{lrls"aI1 Mack, W. W. Wiiies, R. Deabel.' Vf' B.s'mlthT"" """'"' H1""r m At the udministrator'ssale of the Buchoz propertj Wedncsday, the homestend M Detroit street brought $2,100; the old Ilawkins property, consisting of a good liousc, barn anü flve acres, $2,950; the building used as a roeat-markct nortli of the Buchoz block,$900; and a strip of land adjoining Prof. Pattengill's residence, $50 The Adrián district, (wliich im hules tlic western part of thlscounty) Sunday school Instttata is to be held at Dundee, on Tuesday .lune 14th. It will continue throuli two days and an excellent program has been gotten out Revs. Alabaster, Campbell, Hiidson, D. It. Shier, Dudning and Mrllwain, of this county, are down for addrcsses. Because of the wetweather "Temporáneo Day" at the Whitmore Lake tent meeting was post poned for one week, until Tuesday, June 14th. Prof. Dickic, of Albion college; Prof. T. P. AVilson, of Ann Arbor, and Wm. Wade, of Detroit, will be among the speakers. So please don't forget It. Next Tuesday June 14th, Temperance Day at the Whitinore Lake tent meeting. Tlie Sunday excursión wuo't a payinff concern - not exceedingly. It strikes us that Suuday is not the day for such things. We know tliat In the large cities, when great numbers of working people are ouly allowed that day toget out and breathe the fresh air, they have been very popolai but they are rapiilly deeÜDing in popularity even there, and there is niucli less an excuse for them here. C. E. Worden- son of Chas. II. Worden, our popular dry goodsman- left last Tuesday for San Francisco, Cal., to take charge of the braach drug house which Frederick Slcanisul lh-txoit, lias tlfMhhori in tliat city. Mr. Worden takes with him the erj beet wMhet of a very krge circleof friends in Michi-ran. and ecpMfalIy in Ann Albor. We betpoak tot him a cordial reception by Sun Francisco bosioeM uien. The county history lias an occasional st.irtlin and rich develojmient. For instanoe, it saysthat Jacob F. Bross wasborn in Germany in lst.", "and from 151 to 1858 was trcasurer oi tlie baard of regento of the university ol Michigan." Slartliiifr, but not truthful. It also acenses Leonard Grelnerof bcimr treasurer of the school board tlnce 1877. It turns onr Birds into üurds, aml ents up niany otlu r curiuus ¦ A reaolution w ited ti thecommon conncO liy 1,I. lirsimer, and as we lindemand, adopted, proridtng fortheputtinjr up of the Mm of streets on all corBtf. Wlii. li s a thing much to be desircd. Unlessa person isthorouffhly familiar witli Uit' city lie has to consult a map to tind out the names of the various streets now, and forstnngen it san intolerable nnisance to be continually inquiring. By all means give us the guide boards. Whata whopper! The daily Xews of laai Tuesday said : "Aftera severe hail storm last Friday, near South Lyons, hail stones three feet deep were found at the foot of a liill, andtlic next day at 11 o'clock a wagon lo:id cóuld have been taken up." Now wehareallcoBfidenoe in friend Uouscup, bnt when hertatea that "hail stones turee feet deep " feil In this viciuity without joggling over the court house tower and tumbling in the university dome, we shall have to tako oxooption to tho Dtntoraont. The common council of this city has been pwitmned ly the adniinistrator of the estateofChtt. Kitson, llr. M. Duffy, to relunil the money paid by Mr. Kitson asliquor license for the coming year. The re(juest was referred to the license committee. Some of the councilmen take the ground tfaat t oulcl be aolawful to grant the request, iliat the council are not to blatne for the stopping of the bueiness, and like anyother business venture it must taku ite owii risk;. We have received from Geo E. Morton, secretary of the deaf-niutc association of this state, aninvitation toattend theannual excursión, to be given July 4th, from Detroit to PaUta-Bay, on the steamer Alaska. It is expected thatoxcursionsof mutesfrom Cleveland and othcr cities bordering on Ufa Erie will be at the island on that day, and a {,'encTal jollification be had by the children of silence. Any information respecting the excursión can be giren by the sccnlary. (.co. K. Morton, IC Grand Hiver "The fiinny BUUl'f wife oufjlit t WHH crinadme. - Xcw V,i k News. Then the banker's wife ougM to car easbmere, and the vin-ci imisirhmV wile (iriindie. Yonkers Oazette. And the larmer's wife gros !irain.- Mtnkegan Chnmide. Then the pop-maker" wil,. should wear poplin. - M:ir.-h:il Siatesman. And the bankrupl's wile lboold wear crash.- Lansing EtepubUean. Then the prlntert wife should wear print.- Lowell Journal." Then the ¦beep raiser's wife should wear bunting ; and the. lisherman's wife netting. 'l'lie Northwestern Christian Advopateof a recent date bad tlie following item, which will l,e of interesi; to many of our readers i "liev. U. B. Pope, of Trinity, has been havinfra real jubilee with old friends and n latives in hls Chicago parsonage. Among llieni was liisbrother, Hev. Parker P. Pope, pastor at Sidney, Ohio, who preached an excellent sermón in Trinity last Sunday evening. The {rroup includcd also Mr. Geor;e Keunard of Carey, Ohio, who recently wedded Miss Ada Paul of Delaware. Ohio. The bridé is daughter to Rev. Dr. Paul, our old and loved friend of Oentr.l Ohio conferi-nce, nnd sister to Mrs. Kev. l;. 1!. Pope." An unusually brilliant wedding took place atDexter last Wednesday, beinr the marriage of Miss Fannie K. Hall, Of tlmt place witli ThoBMI S. Ewing, formerly of Dexter, but now of Reading, Hillsdale Co. The services were conducted by Rev. Jas. H. .Magoffin, at St. James churcli, at 1% o'clock p. m. DirecUy afterwards a receja tion was held at the residence of Mrs. P. W. Brass, grandmother of the bride. A number of gucsts from abro.ul were present, and the gatherfng though not extremely Muinerous, was one of 'intímate friends, who made the occasion a pleasant one for the younjr couple to look back upon when they slmll become aged and gray; a thlng whicli all their friends hope may be tbelr lot, with kind fortune smiling on theni te. The meeting of the Washtenaw county pomolo;ical society, held at the court house last Saturday, was quite well attended, and a very interesting meeting for those who ¦¦.¦ pri'bc'iiii. nu: ii niL-rowers thougllt that this scason peach erop would not rr.-icli aore than ouivtiiinl Mie jrield ui' last year. The Crawiord paaeh seems to have IQffered most from the hard winter, while Jlill 's Chili was the least njured, and was considered the hardtoft peach of any. The trees seem to be txliaustcd by the long and severe winter, and also by the dry weather of the past spring. Many of the trees budded, but the blossonis blasteil and feil off. The dry weather has also had an injurious ellect iipon all small f ruits, though recent rains have improved their prospecta a little. The office of corresponding secrctary en -atrd, and Eiuil Hanr, of Ann Arbor, was chosen as such officer. The followiiif,'rontlcincn were electeilUeU-iiatrs to the suinnur meeting of the state horticultura] society, to be held at Benton Harbor, June 8 to lOth: J. J. Parshall, J. D. Baldwin, J. Auslin Scottand Emil Hanr. of jLon Albor; B W Hurr, at Manchester. Dr. Edwin H. Muxson believes that parents wlio .siciilice the liealth of theirchililreii that they may appear in fushionable attire, Ut responsible for many deaths. ilesays: "To prevent diphtheria, tluii, and 90 finally extermínate it, every man, wonian umi ehild, throughout our land and the wvrld sliould bc brought to obey Mm "( life and licalth. Parents sliould regular] y teté, properly clothe and duly restrain all cliildren, before theycomc to the age of understanding and accountability. This alone would do mueh. A late prominent physician of Paris cstimated that 3,000 children had died in that city, during the 30 years of Iris practice there, from short sleeves, short pants, and other kindred imprudence in the dressing of children. And I ani fully eonvinced that as lurge a proportion are Mcrifleed, In towns at least, in this country, from the same cause - all for a wicked Buhlon, And from careful obsciviition, in tli9 country and abroad, lam conlident that at least as many more are earried off by improper food, and trngolarity in taking it ; together with poisonous caiulics, anil otlnr unwholesome and indi'c-tililc tnisli. ibat no ohild or otlicriHTson shoulil eat.'1 Some timesince a medical student name d C. A. ömitli was arrested by the board of hcalth for violation of quarantine, on account of sinall po. Dr. lircakcy inlbnns us that tbe prosecuting attorney had tlic prisoner disoliurged on the {fr(lln(i tliat there was no specitlc penalty for rtofottag (uaranline. 80 it would scem that a board of health lia no power to aecomplish anything. If this be a fact, it strikes us that there is little use of a board. Kverybody MkM to have danser ayerted by the establishiiuntof wlicn contagious diseases are prevalent, luit if tlie board of health lacks powur to enforce the quarantine, what's tlie good of having itestablished f This board ouglit also to have powers conferred ujon it to conipel ieoile to abate nuisanees. The eommon council and tlie peóple, ought to wake up to the duties of this board, and now that we liave one that is trying to accotnplish something, lend a hand. The membcrs find the task ari unplnaM and tliankless one, tosay the least, anil tliose tdlO Mk the good hualth ami good name of our city, should lend their influence, if nothing more, in sustalning the board of health In its endeavor to prevent contagión and in oonipellini; thé n-moval of nnisances.