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Un. Levi Bishop, of Detroit, was in tlic city last week. Hou. Cbu. S. May, of Detroit, WM in the city the first of the weck. Rev. II. C. Stanley Is dolng missionary work in the northern part ot the state. Wm. E. Depew and Geo. W. Turn Buil, of Chelsea, attending court this week. Capt. E. P. Allen, of Vpsilanti, has been iti attendance upon court several days this week. Mrs. M. Day has been atteiidiii_' tinstate tempcrance coiivention at Kast Saginaw this reek. Airs. Allen Aruistrong ne Muud Moore, ai Santa Fe, New Mexico, is visiting her parents and frlends n Dexter. Chas. H. Worden and wife have gone to Dunlap, Iowa, to have a three weeks" visit with their sou, Dr. A. L. Worden. A. Spauldiug and fajnily left this city ydstcrday, for Kan aai Uity, BTuj ïit-ie they intend to reside in the future. C. K. Backus, of the Detroit Post and irioune, uas Deen in tlie city the present week, visiting his fathcr, Dr. Backus. üeo. C. Page and wife,of Dexter, startcd last Tuesday night for Junietta, Nebraska, where they go to visit tlieir son James. C. E. Worden's address will be for the present Pan Francisco, Cal., care of Palace hotel. He left Tuesday for hig new home. Jas. H. Lewis, traveling salesnian for a Boston paper flrm, spent last Sabbath in the city with his brother Cyrus A. Lcwis. WSm Fanny Jones, of Dexter, was in the city last week, and made ainong other calis a very pleasant one at the Couriku office. Mrs. J. Oscar Garmon, of Hastingg, Neb., (formerly Miss Mary L. Burnett) is vi-it ing her párente and miiny friends in tbis city. John Schumacher has been to Cleveland, on business, and hasn't had any piscatoiial pleasures, as has been announced in some of the city papers.