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Led Into Temptation

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:i miserable, racgod object m tht boy v:ik, ifndlng íorlornly atiiong the boxes and barnls ai the groccr's storo, waiting KHIM busy clcrk ihowM tuke his order r givi 'hiv u mora un, miU tlie laiiy w lióse carrlage waited outside and lio wasgiving raen u the master oí thsliop lie ver s.iw hlin at all. !Su thc two wnrlils to wbieh these belonged do pass cach otJier I ll ihe not liten very bugy ïa list of thedi slie watited, he would bve notioed her [u.i-m; lyinf on i he oountér; would havuseen asmall, dirty, irkcd hand puahing along stealtliily, i', and in a tla.Mli the li;ind and the peand, and When the lady turned lo takc up her iin)crty it was gone. Tlu-ii tliere was a comaotlon ; but after al] thc elerki hml looked beliind every box and barrel and notbin' OMM ") it, üouie one rcincnilM'icil Mcinu; thc nifrged boy, and at onaj everv tem ot knowledfíe concerning hiin -vrm di he was un ccasional tlu grocer said, and usually bl a -tale liat', but hccdiild only promthe polkeby adanriptíon as he did not even know in whal part ol tbr city he Ured. Bot uhen thc lady had been at tor souic Uours and had detalled her rneiicls, aiut u plni,.(l Kjrel boy, as of nnheard uc[j aviiy, uit' grooer a cieiK caura imií-ii hc-r tIimt tiiry bad discoviTPii wtnrfttbe boy lin-il, ud Uit at once ordered out her car:iiid wltli the derk insideanda pólice111:111 00 the box, starled lor tlic remoto aunrter ol 'Uo. ¦¦¦! Dn 1 nnd vlcious, the young ragrant livel or i'ïithor exiated, lnce there aeemecl nn possi. iy to (Misure vltality in dilapidated región. .iixious to regain her juirsc wiili Rs goodly rol 1 of bilis, mul bavettM offender panisned to the fiill cxtcnt ot' thu nislie gathered ber line ralment about lirr and followed the pólice offioer and the clefk uii a long, riokety ftlght of stairs and alongadark poaMge, until they carne toa door tliat w,i Mpcncil enoagh to admita littleaii-, and through which thcy could see LUliUd interior. There wiis a wouiau -olmost a Rkeleton - lyinp uioii a mitwradi In-r white, uan lacr was plnched w tii approaeblng death, and standing beside her was the rarged boy, the tears rollíiií: down liis lolled eheeks. They saw this, and more, for in oue thtn hand the woman held the erimson i)lush puree, with lts gold I' nul. and slic was talkiiiff to the boy in a. load excitad voi c "Oh! Jimmy! Jinitnv! liow could you ! Aft all i,rone lhroafh,tOO, and 1 just a-takrlag you, Jimmy, and all you had, my boy, was your good ch.iracter, and folk mijrht say we were poor, but they never could Bay we did a bad thing till now. Ob! .ïinimv. Jimniv. liow eould vou ?' 'It was for yon I did it mother," sobbed the boy. "öure jou were starvin' befar me eyes." 1 what's starving to stealing, Jinimy? It's never a Uta 1 11 eat that's boosht with such a price ! Teil take it back ir 111 j;i't up off mydyingbed, amigo there with it." "Oh. mothtr. what'U I say? What'll I say ? y! This is what ye'll say ; that you mi ncver ntsed tO bt a thief, and that in :m evil hour the temptatiou overéame yon. Uutget on your knee, Jininiy, first, and I bil attcr me, our Father.' - "O-u-r F-a-t-h-e-r, " begu the boy, crying and sobbing, aml lie tullowetl liis mother till she 8toi]-il, falntly: " 1-c-a-d - us - pot - into - teuiiitation. - Say it again, Jinimy." "Letd - us - not - into - temptation - " The niothcr"s voicc WM very weak, but It iuKlenly gnw tíraagtr: "Bat de-Hver u-s (rom e-vil." "Oh. Jimniy boy, siy it ügain." ' -Del ver - lis - trom - evil." "Amen'."' MtdtlOW, graclous voice. The sick motberwai t leartbe great surprise of all to h . but the boy screametl and clupg to 1 It's tlie lady, mother- the lady that had the money "' Bat the lady was wipinr tlie tears from lier uu II eves mti sliM JKHMtVi"., .JlJfi' ed ai t never had been before, and she realiel that he had never asked how her bór lived ; nevet knew the hunjrer and sorrow that drive their vlctinis to crime. Slie uit the pune id her pocket and she gentfy rêpYltnanded the boy. but she took oí In i and provided for the dying mother, and louml i bone for the desolate orpban. She had never been ntentionally cruel, But evil is wrought by want of Uiooglit ah well hm wimt of lieart.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News