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GET THE BEST IEAD ALL OTHEBS ' Every Style & Price. Guaranteed Unequaled . FOR OPERATION. ECONOMY. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improreaents.and Conveniences found !n , no others. AlwaysiReliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Pop Sale in Every City and Town In the TJnited State. And by Joh Ai.u Arliur, Mlck KW1-11H.I ' Battle Creok, WichïgaiVI MAXÜTACTCBMM Ol' THE OKLT GINüIM T H R ESHERsT Traction and Plaln Engires and Horso-Powers. Mut Cüplrt' ThreaherFactoiT ) hllshftd UtkeWalii. i 1848 Q 0 YE ARS íííSt'SÍSS'arSSí; manwroment, or location, (o " oarJt itp uu ' inuuJ vourruHty givm on all our goode, STBAM-POWEH SEPARATOK8 tnf ft Trartian Kiminc wad Plaln utam ever Been In thtt American luarkeC nuUUnda o pecioi Utf 01..Í moraionatu f . r 181 . toreth( r ith jrlor qvatitUt {n roiuinui. i.i and mafrWah not dromed of by othir makan. Foül_8i? " Seii?torm f rom 6 to 18 bon cup:u-ity, fr tteam or hort povw, 7,UUO,UÖO (romareHnrtxyartair-trinn conirtïintïy on havT, from whirn w bnilt uie incouiarallo wood .wirk oí our uuiublnery. TRACTION ENGINES maU. 8, 10, 13 Ilerao Power, f ¦ƒ Formen ud Tbresbrmpn n Invltwl to lniwtiL'iito thip ). :iiiK Muchinery. llar Kent fn. Adtlma NICHOLS, SHEPARD k CO. Battle Creok, Michigan. r.2 EVERY ARTICLE The bes! of is kind, Bought lor Cash From lirs! hands By eumptMi'ni Iwyers, And gwmteri As good as represenled. Only onc pvice lo all, Marked in plain fipres. All m inüfd io aft. Correspondente solicited. M. S. SMITH & CO., Jewelers and Importers, Cor. Jefferson anil Woodward Ave's )i:ti;oit. iu. h! downs VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR H Is a cure cure for Coughs, CoMs, H B Whooping-Cough, nd all LungB 1 Diteaies, ben taken in teason. I 1 People die of consumption simp-H U !ƒ because of neglect, when the g Htlmeljr use of this remedjr wouldB _ ¦ luc LiiicO UicMi ul OUCQ I M'ifty-one yearê of con-H ¦ 6tant use prove the fact that no H cough remed ha tood the testfl like Itoirng' JElixir. B I'rice SLa (Oo. and SI "O per botU. Fur 8kl Ever) wliere. Dr. Baxter 's Mandrakel Will Jaundice, Djspepsia, M Liver ComplainU, Indigestión, y and all disease arising frora Hiliousneu. Price 25 et, per bottle. For Stile KTi-r-y t,#ra. llKXllï . JOHMWHMI ÁRNICA AND OIL ¦LINIMENT For .Van and limst. ¦ The mot perfect liniment eer ¦ compounded. Price 25c and 50c. J HorSoET.rywh.r. _____ 1016-07 Health Is Wealth. Dr. K. ('. WwtV Skïii i'kkatmknt ft êpt'CiflC Tur 11 . V rv on llvn' iioryrh" 'i. Imp ..iiffire Ot'l caaed bi .-¦¦. or over I : cnce, which leudv to mlsery, decav and dfah. box will curt receñí i Mllar a box or alx bxe for Uve dcllaif ii] prepald od recipt ni pies. We íx Noxo- ro rtir1 ny cam;. Wlth rach Ordt r pauled with flvt dotlare, w III nend ti onr writtfn (fi -i u ii th'1 trentrnt-iii doei nol tffecl ¦ i hy Itrown & Co.. Solé Authori .r Anit rbor,Mich. JOHN w ProprifUrn( Chicaco. Til. Frizelle A Co., Whobile AsrOnt. Detroit, MIch. 0#9 STKI'III-.X I'iíATT, ANrricTiiiEii or ïilli ana Low Pressure Boilers Jf all kinds. SMuKlí PIPES and all SIIKKT RON WORK. 214 216 and 21 ( reitt. betweeni'lilrdaml Poonl ¦ iM', MICH. Ri'pulrini; done, ltlvot íiml Boiler 1'lntr fr u.l.-. . icdi-lOM


Ann Arbor Courier
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