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Iíattle Creek is to Speed lier horsillesh July .r) to 7. Thlrteen lizards f rom on e uell in Jaoksoii. U-g-h ! The Adrián car works are now illuminated by tbc electiie 1 i lit. Tlie storm signáis lutve been changed from Eaat Tawas to Au Salilp Cadillac in to start a hospital on the ooperative plan. Good for Cadillac. The mayor of (rand Rapids Loes alKint the city Sundaya and makes the bad boys who play ball 'quit it. The annual sessioii of wnrkingmen's benevolent association of Michigan, convened in Marshall this week. Dowftgtec aspiics to mttr works. The Times says "the town lias beconie Mum tlian a simple hamlet" Tracy & Clark's planing mili at White CIoikI was destroyed by fire last Saturduy. Loss, $4,000; no 'insurance. It is statcd that Manager Rich of the Ionia house of correctiou has resigned. Others will probably follow. The new postofflee building at Batí le Creek is an eye sore to the citizens wbo are afraid it will tunible down. The river at the various mili booms at Alpena, which were fllleil with sand by the breaking of the dam last spring, are bcing dredged. A corset factory at Jackson is Mld to furniab ISO pirls with stnployment at good wages. Oonwquently Utehen mecliaiiics are scaree. Take heed! vlllage, tta mUm east of Jlatlle ('leek. lieretiilOre knOWO as S 'hile's Station, s ironi lirncel'oitli tu be kimwn M Wheatfield. ..ifi7ï„};i,lrn!i.ftïi':i!iiüf;;i;,iv1K ed last 8atHrday by belng ernshed bétwoen two sections of his train. St. Mark's church of Grand Rápida has an industrial school for little rils, and over 100 have received Instruction the past term, whieh closed June lst. The Toledo & South Haven road, now running from Lawtou to Lawrence, is to be extended this year to connect with the Chicago & West Michigan road. The Holly Advertiser thinks the farmers in that section had great cause to feel blue before the recent rains, and that their prospectó are Btill far from fiattering. Some of the desks of the conrt house in Berrien are to be made from a black walnut log used as the maiii shaft of the flrst mili built at Niles, about 50 years ago. The salt association of this state have boosted the price of salt to the following figures: fine aud packers to 95 cents per barrel, solar $1.25, agricultural $4 per ton. The Courier saysthe three laading munufactories in Wyandotte combinad probably give employment to 1,500 men, whoee wages amount to neariy $00,000 per month. The new county of Montmorcnoy does not jwsseiis a postofflee, store, public building or newspaper. It has just been organic(l, baving been previously attached to Alpena county. Last Friday Fred F. Ixe, aged about IS years, son of a wealthy mül owner of Kast Saginaw, was killed by falling under soine passing cars on whicii, it is supposed, he attempted tojump. Mt Clemens wants the new insane asyhmi ; so does several other cities. Reed City is working tooth and nail, and being centrally loeated, with railroads running criss-cross, it is a good point. Grand Rapids is niaking huge preparations for the 4th of July. She Intuida to have the entire regiment M. S. T., has invited the governor and hisstaft', and is tryitig to secure Senator Conger as orator. If the citizens of Monroe will donato a site and take bonds of the company for three years, an eastern companv offers to orect a glass faet#ry in that city, costing $90,000, and wliicii shall em'ploy 200 hands. They couldn't raise only four peoplc wlio wanted to celeJrf ?- '": ¦ mi, nuron. vVhfit unpatrmtic people ! Duck 'em in the creek, or do something to rouse their dormán t patrintism. Let the eagle scream. Prof. Robrrtsnii halbeen superinteudenl of the HiOtdale high schools for twenty years, BeTenteen "f t lic number being consecutivo. At the last comme?icoment there were 22 graduates allowcd diplomas1 on which they are admitted to the unlversity. If you meet a man with an air of triumph about him. a tone of coiiscious superioritv, and holding hls head up like a steer In the corn, you can wager he ia from Eaton Rapids and can teil you all about the victory of the Eaton Rapids band at the state tournament. The Iludson paoptfl haTc jast noncluded that their mineral well is a big thiug, capable of enring peopli: by the droves, of all diseases flesh is heir to, and visión of "Hudson, .Mi'h., the famous water euro," Hoat past the visión of the inhabitants of that burg. An old resident in Grand Rapids arrived thcre 40 years ago with just 27 cents in his pockets. The other day he counted up bit wealth and found that he had 36 cents and two beer checká. And still there are thousands of young men in the eastern states to-day who can't be induced to come west. - Lowell Journal. Newspaper publishers in the sixth confressional district are invited to meet at Ilolly ( junction of the F. & P. M. and O. H. & M. railways) on Monday, June 27, at I o'clock p. m. A programme will soon be published for the forniation of a district pres association. The cali is signed by Frcil Sloeum. temporary secretary. A water spaniel reseued from drowning a little two-year-old girl, named Chevalier, at Decatur one day last week. The chlld feil into the water accidentally. and the puppy plungcd in after her and palled her out, and then howled and cried until he brought help for the in-ensible child. We presume it would take money to purchase that caniiic. On Sunday night last, a little before midnijfht, the street lamp in front of 1) St. John's residence blew up with a terrilkexplosión, literally tearing away every part of the concern into atoms and throwing lire twenty-tive feet up into the air, but fortunately doing no other damage. The cause of the expUBion is unknown.- Clinton Newá. Clinton having had three principáis for her schools witlün one year, the News takeB up the matter and gives the school boud :i little sound adviee. That i:]t st:ites that sevenü spplicatlWM from several tried men who were known to be successful, had been reeeived. but that the board had endeavored to be economieal. had hired inexperienced men because they could be obtuined for less galary, and in every instance the cheap man had proved a fallure. It advocates a more liberal poliey on the part of the board. The following are the salaries to be pakl the judge of probates In this state, a ie eentlyfixed by luw; Wayoe oonnty, $3,500; in couuties not lessthan 70,000 Inbabitants, $2,000; in com lian 70,000 and over 10,000, $1,500; in coiniti - than )0,0)0 and over :0,000, $1,2(; In COUBtle less than W.OOO and over 20,000, $1,100; in countics less than 20.1HH) and over 15,000, $1)90; in counties les than 15 000 and over 10,000, $7r)": in counties less than 10,000 and over 7,500, $00; in counties less tlmu T..VM) aod over .1,000, fl.'iO; in counties leae than 5,000,8 cents for eaeh inlmbitant Last Saturday night a terrible lire occurred at Lu'lington, sweeping almost the entire city. It commenced in a bakerv and swept througu from one building to another until there was little left to destroy. The flremen, with an imperfect set of apparutus, wcrr' enürely inadequate to conteml with the flames. Anxoug the losses are the office of the Record newspaper, the Methodist church and parsonajre, ulso the ('onreiralional and Episcopal cliiinhes, aud teniperance hall. The loss matei] at 9100,000 In Mie aggregaie, lut mat figure up more. Tlie buildings were all of wood. The bank building was saved. The insurunce is lijrht. In the Calhoun circuit a deeply interestIng law case, involving $300. OOÓ or $400,00(1. was declded, briefiy as follows: The matter in dispute had relation to i! hites of W. II. Sibley and H. J. Perrin, deoeated. The Sibley ettata was by will, iitriisted to five trustees, said i amounted to bet ween }!300,()00 and $500,000; only one of said trustees qual i fled and that one was II. J. Perrin, henee the management thereof was centered in tuis one trustee, who durinjr hls lifetime refused or ne;lected to ronder an account. Joel IYrïin, iclministrator of the II. J. Perrin estato, ia now ordered to render an account of the administratorehip of II. J. Perrin in the said Sibley estáte by Mis. Pisk, Inte wifc of Frank Sibley, deceasel. who vuthe sole heir of the aforesaid Sibley est Certaln provisions of the Sibley will provided a specific annuity for tbi htr nmUl he should arrive at a certain agv, :t wliich jieriod he was to become sole heir to lus estáte, provided the trustees appointed in the will ihould bc sati-ii nis capacity to properly usc and manage the same. The heir married and lr-ft po issue, aiiJ lils wtfe. now Mrs. Fisk, brings tliis snit as the legal heir. The suil kal been decided in her favor, uid the case now goes to the supreme court.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News