
A. L. Noble has recoverecl so umi io now able to ride out.
Prof. Haanel, of Coburg Universitv s visiting at Dr. Cocker's.
Mrs. P. V. Skinner, of New York, is visiting at A. A. Gregory's.
N. R. Waterman, of Bay City, s u tlic city visiting, und reeuperatlng. R. E. Frazer, of Cheboygan was in tlio city visiting his family, this weck. Mrs. John L. Burleigli, accompanied by her daughters, has gone to New York. Geo. Kelley, of Grand Rapids, has been visiting his brother in this city the past week.
Miss Mary Ferdon, who lias been absent seyeral weeks visiting friends, bas returned.
Mrs. John Jones and daughter, of Nsh ville, Tenn., former residents, are vislting in the city. Eugene Mutsehel, of Wines .t Word.-n's store, has gone on a trip arminri the lak es lor his liealth. L. 0. Itiller, of the Ho wel I Repablican, offlce last Monday. D. .1. Oakley, of Detroit, was in the city last Wednesday. He reports business rushed to death at present.
Julius V. Seyler, son of A. D. Seyler, is home from Dana's musical institute at Warren, O., to spend the vacation.
Prof. Dickie, of Albion college, in the city Monday, on his way to the teinperance meeting at Wliitmore Lake. Rev. J. E. Davis, of Brooklyn, Macomb Co., 94 years old, is visiting his son, Lorenzo Davis, of Ann Arbor town. CoL Ira R. Grosvenor, of Monroe, is soon to take up his residence in this city, for the purpose of educating his sou. Dr. W. F. Breaky was elected flrst vicepresident of tlie state medical association at their session in Bay City last week. Judge elect Joshn, of Yptüaati, lmsbeen la the city this week. He says the lawyers are all very friendly and smiling now, while the Judge tells just as many good naturetl storles as he nsed to before being elevated to the bench. John H. Maynard, a former popular mercliant of this city, but now a resident of the golden state, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maynard, on North División street. Mr. Maynard, afterspending some montos here, expects to take a trip to Europe, with his wife and daughter, who now accompany hini, pending the coming winter in southern France. He still thinks there are few places whieh excel, or equal even, old Ann Arbor in beauty.