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Prof. J. II. Robeson.class of '78, has been reengaged to teach the Port Huron schools. Prof. Pettee contemplates leaving next eek Friday for Massachusetts, where he expects to remaiu the greater part of liis vacation. The committee appointed by the faculty to visit the different high schools of the state, has conipleted the circuit and report all the schools visited as making rau'' vanecmeut. A serles ot operativo exaniinations on the cadáver, by the candidates for graduation in the homeopathie department was begnn last Thursdav morning by Prof. Franklln. This, it is stated, is an entirely new method of practically testing the students' acquaintance with operativa surgery by manipulative examination. The senior medical class of the uiiiversity held a meeting Tuesday evening, says the Daily News, and unaminously resolved to abolish the floral ctistom for commencement day. Goed. Now if the pharmics will join in the good work the question w 11 e thoroughly and completely settled for the right. l üe university base ball nine went over to Oberlin college last week to plsy a game with the nine of tliat college and got badly "taken in." A correspondent of the Cleyeland Leader also hasan account of the carryings on of the club while there that iitither refk-cu credit upon themselves nor the university from which they hail. But believing that the sanctimonious Oberlin correspondent overdrew the picture, and made things blacker than they really werp, we refrain from publishing what lie said. We hope he didn't teil the truth. It is astonishing how the boys will behave when they go away from home. As an instance we quote what the wicked editor of the Milan Sun, who attended the recent Sunday sexcursion, says of them : them: Tbe happlest mortal on the excursión were several Ann Arbor Medica and Llts, who iy chance, became acquainted with some pleasant young ladles ffom Toledo, wbose pnrents were not as cautious as paréate In the country where we circuíste. These Buokeye glrls bad eyed these Laddy bncks on thelr nrst approach to tbe boat. A glance or two from the boys, and aremarkabout tlie weather was sufflclent u form an acqaalntance, and those dangerouB young men paired off wltu the whole flock of Toledo females, amld the wondering beaux wbo prevlously arrompan led said ducks. Tbey feil In for candy and other mild refreshmenls, und tln-n whlle upon the Islands we lost track of thera tlll just as the wbistle blew they appeared coming like old Hchool-mates, re-uultrii alter many years' separatlon. Those Ann Arbor youths nfiiTwanls parted with the damel8 in such a manner ilial the Toledo youths vow tbey will repay them. For some little time the members of the senior elass of the literary department have been agitating tlie qnestion of entirely doing away with Üie presentation of Doral gifte on coiumencement day, and a complete canvass of tbe class has resuited in a vote of 07 in favor out of a total of 87. Of the latter number eight are out ot tlie city and could not be heard from. lt will be geen that tiie tliing isquite uuaniinous,and it is to be hoped that none of the young ladies of the city will so far forget the desires of the class, upon the coming commencement day, as todi.regard tlie request. If any one desires to present a bouquet or basket of flowers to some particular friend at any other time, of course tliere will be no objections, but tlie usual custom of Iloading soine of the boys wiih flowers, when coming f rom the stage with their diplomas, while othen are nearly forgotten, it is the desire of the class to abolish. It has been the understanding in the past that any particular attention to a young lady by a student just previous to graduation, meanta bouquet spon tliat occasion, so the one who could pay the greatest number of '"attentions" to different ones received the most doral ranembráscea, and irai tcrmed the most popular young man in his class. Thls it w ill be seen,did not in reality determine anything of the kind, and often caused the actions of some of the more sensitive young gentlemen of the class to be miainterprcted, thereby placing them in a very embarnssing position. It has often caused hard feelings, too, for one of the least dewrrinf, perhaps, to be showered uilli these favors, while others who were far better studenta, were quite forgotten. Th is movement is by the senior literary class only, and bas nnthingtodo with tlm pliarmacy and medical classes that gradúate the same day. The ancient custom of cremating tbose dreadful old bores, the bane of every student's life, giveu the different appellations of "Physics," ''Mathematics," " Mechanics"and "CalcNlus,' was revived Monday even ing last, by the sophomore and freshman classes, liaving been neglected slnce 1878. In former days the juniors were the onea to oih'ciate at the execution of these reviled monsters, but the courses have been so changed that tliis year sophomores and freshmen both participated in the violent obsequies. The boys only decided a few days previous to thus publicly celébrate the event, so had made no elabórate none moroior, yc iL 13 UUUIUIUI 11 llivy liad done so whethcr they would have had any better display or enjoyed the occasion more. The procession forrned on State street, at the intersection of North University avenue, at about ten o'clock p. m., headed by tlie Ann Arbor city band. It VH iinique, qoatat and provocative of niuch merriment, espccially by those wlio undergtood the hits or '-grinds," as they are tenm il. Some of the costiuues wen exceedingly grotesque, especially the one representing the tall "co-ed," while the co-ed herself, who marched in the ranks a portion of the time, sliowed her bravery by so doing. The illuininated bannere displyed urtistic taste in somebotly, while Che mottoes were generally appreciated, though mauy thought that the individual who got lost last winter was borne down upon rather hard. The procession moved north on State to Huron street, down IIuron to Main, on Main to Washington, up Washington to Fifth, south on Fiftli to William, np William to División, south agaiu toJefferton, thence to State, on State to South [Tnivenlty avenue, and from tii.-ur.. artead the eSBI to the entrance in front of the medical college, trom wbence it proceeaea en reet ly to the place of execution, with the band playlog the deadmarch. The culprit on his way to the fatal spot was supported by twc mourners, drawa in a two-wheel coal dray, and the waüing of the horns, and the 1,479,032 different keys on whicli the weepers in the procession pitched their mournful sounds, was enough to produce asphyxia upon a stuffed man, and so it was no wonder he was black in the face when he appeared for the hanging part of the program. Klaborate arguments were given over his dangling form, the fresbman carrying off the prtae, his effort for the prosecution being especially pompous, ponderous,and salubriously ambiguous,etc. bringing out cheer upon wail from the' moiirners and the horns. After this the COlpritWM shot witli lioman candles and then the fagots under his suspended l'onn touched off and his terrible efflgy reduced by the Le Moyne process, to the dnst from whene it must have arisen. This was the closing scène in the terrible ceremonies, the classes all forming and marching around the burning pile to heighten the efl'ects of his last moments. All classes joined in the procession, and made of the event a perfect success. The boys behaved themselves remarkably well, and the event Is one they will remember as a pleasant one, for a mournful occasion, in their college life.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News