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Business Locáis. Wanted- A good Germán g!rl for general liouse-work by Dr. E. U. Pope, 28 Jefferson street. iw Lost- Between Saline and Ann Arbor, on Gravel road, Monday, June 13th, a good Scarlet Lap-robe. Fiuder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. iw Joe T. Jacobs has a new "ad" this week, iii which he sets fortli a determination to make one of the grandest hosiery sales that has ever taken place in the city. Itead what he says. Good farni liorse for sale cheap. Inquire of J. Ferdon, 68 State street 1042-43 Don't forget t sec the hom chair in Koch & Haller's show window. 1042-43 For a Ladies Waterproof Cloak cali on Joe T. Jacobs, the clotliior. w nr i mi nuvr n traan ,inj'j v j"wl i w i i i ' will be sold at 8% cents at J. F. Bchuh'i ' Hardware Store, 31 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. The Golden Star Gasoline Stove is the best and bas all the late improvements. Sold on ly at J. F. Schuh's Hardware store, 31 South Main street, sign of big padlock. Wines & Worden have a very large assortment of gloves and hosiery, ycry cheap. We have just received a large line of new carpets in the Iatest patterns. WINES & WORDEN. Wines & Worden carry a very fine assortment of cloths, cassimeres, cloakings, denims, shirtings, ticks, flannels, &c. Black and Colorcd Cashmeres and I5untingsat mm 4 worden. Spring dres goods in large varieties at WJNES A WORDEN 3. One of tbe most desirable assortments of ppring prints, very nice, at WINES & WORDEND. We have ooe of the largest assortments of bleached and unbleached cottons in 4-4, 42 in., 5 4, C-4, 7 4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 ever in Ann Arbor, at satisfactory prices. WINES & WORDEN. If you want a good gent's shirt, cheap, 0 tO WINES 4 WORDEN'S. For one of the best assortments of laces, edgings, neckwear, &c, cali on WINES & WORDEN. Silk and lineo handkerchiefs can be found cheaper than at any other house, at WINES & WORDEN'S. Black silk, colored silk, trimming silks and satins at prices that defy competition WINES & WORDEN 'S We sell a good Huck towel for five cents. WINES & WOUDEN. Tibic liinens, napkins, towels, curtains and curtain fixtures at WINES ik WOKDEN8. We are tbe only house n Ann Arbor where you can find the gennine "Broadhead Jamestown" mohairs and alpacas. WINES WORDEN. T7STRAY. Come into the endosare oí the (ubscrlher on Miller Avenue, on the 29th day of My, 18N1, BLACK AND WHITE PIQ flve or f ix week' old. The owner of the unie Is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take the same away. 1042-i.i c. B. COOK. 'T'O RENT. A house and ban, No. 26 William etreet. Knquire at the Cocriib Office. tf AXTED. SIX BOYS To lern the ttnlshing trade. Enqnire of KOCH A 11 ALLER, 52 Sonth Main sireet. 1038-41 POR SALE OR TO RENT. Two bloeien sonth of the unlvumltr eronnds a honf wlth three lot and barn id fruit. Bnqnire on the premisea of 1033tf J. B. 8TEKRK. TO RENT. A lir.i-. ¦;¦. House at -lio per i.r, one mile ont of the city. Address Box C, Ann ArArbor. "POR SALE OR RENL n ,iTïe,we"'l?lomi property of the ltc T. A. lUviland, located in the flfth ward, wlll bc sold on reaaonablc term, rentcd ur exchanged for other city property. The property embracen land. blackemltn shop and wood hopa. If not oíd In a reaoonable time, the property will be for rent. Por particulare inqulre ofG. H. KHODES, Bxecutor. Anï. ArboV Mich. i.juf "POR SALE. AT A II R. l One of ihe Best Km 11 Farms in Kastern Michigan. Good Soil. 4.ol Kulliliiie WO1 liOoation. For clrcalAr (flving full descrlption eend poetal card to 1010-3 DRA WEK A. t. i lalr, MIrh. An InterestiDg Book NowReady LIFE AND WRITINGS OF Bei L H. Brifta Edited bj Hev. A. A. Livermore, I).D.,and Rcv B. B. Wiluon. It contains a very lifo-like portralt of Mr. Brlgham, a vivid and intereptiug meraolr, to eclher wlth elghteen of hi mot noUhle Historica) LMtmfM. Thli volume haa been looied for with pleamre, and the manr Weatern friende of Mr. Brtgam, and ! otter who appreciate scholarlj and lnterwtlng book will be glad to procurr lt. On large, handaoae 12 mo volume, 46i page, )rlc $1.7... Foi aalc by Ann Arbor booluellera and lest poRt-Daid by the pobllthen, Lockwood, Brooka t Co., Boston, Mass. 1043-41


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