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Two Kinds r Girls. There are umi kinds of girl One Istbe kind that appears best abroad - the jrirls that aregood for partles, rides, visite, balls, etc., wboftp ehlef deli;lit in all -urli thinjrs. The otberis the kind that appears I lióme - the JTlrls ibat are n-ctul and obeert'nl in the dinfng-rooin, the i-irk room, and all tbe i at home. TIn-v tliil'er wldely ia charactcr. One is freqiuntly a toniient at home ; the other s a !!- One ig a niotb, ootMUDiing everythlnj; about her; theothet I8un5em, nspiring life and gladnoM all along the iMtliway. Now It dews not necossarllj follow that there iball be two classes 'of girls. The right mddiflcatíon would modliy thcin both ;i liule, ainl unitc tlifir char.icUT in one. By the timeJy naeof Follow-' Compound 8yrup of IlypoplioNpbitt'S, 1 lif ri , jfain thelr vior.and the Braln become clear and powerfnl. IqdUytlon and habitual Costiveness almt alwaji rtoe from weakness of the nerve and of tinstomach and bowU. In inch raso, Fellows' Syrup Hypophoaphltet ha pioved itelf ot the Krcutcit nrrfoa by Inductiug healtliy peristaltic action of the intestiiiexs. The evacuations won beoome copious and I healthy, without prodnedng the . 11 purr:itive medicine. Huutitctl Mc. A W'orkingroaa tays: "Debt, jioverl suffcring haunted me for reara, pur] iv a -irk laniily ainl large lüls for dootoring, which ilid do good. I as completely dlscouraged, uiitH one year ajrn, by thendviie ot 1 1 1 ' pastor, I procured 1 1 j Bitters and coipmencrd ttielr uso. and In one iimiuli we wert all wel], anti none ol na have boen sifik ii ().iy gince; na I want to gay lo all poot men, ven eau keep yoar hmlllei dl i year with Hop Bitten for les, iiiaii one doctor' rbrft 11 ChrlKlan Advocate. i( ï td ;t Wen. Thonsands of pcr-oiiN ik conetantty troublod uitli i oonbinatioo ol iüDiscawil kidneyi mui coatlve bowe ilicir tormeaton. They ahould know l iilni -Wort. acls on IbtM MfMtta Ilic sanie time, i ausing tliem to tlirow off Ilic poisons thiit hnve Rlojrged lln'in. and bo iiaewlng the whole man. llundrcU test i f y t tlliS. - PittMtllll' I I A Kind Ait. It' any ol' yonr neifrliliors or l'.nnilv are Mlfierillg trom tlli' wastllic; intlllellre Ot" d8case, t'iiinish Ihciii witli a tree ot' hopa añil malt bitters, whlcli will nourlsh, sust.iin hikI i-ii'c tlicin. Sound Ad Ue. Don'l uVi'ik the oonnltutiony takiiig (niiiiii'. araenlo and etter ptnnrfri modiPJOMi wlieii the I.iun Mfiliiriii nul LlVre Pad and Body and Font Plasten will posItlrely cure the worst oase of chills and nmlarial lever. Tile ehenpest treatinent ever offercd. Tlie conibined reineily for one dollar. Pox sale by drupgist. l'liy--iciaiii oliiim Hops and Malt Bitters are tin; Ut. Ncver ask I dyieiir peMOII wbal lic wants [o eat. hul let liim take a teu doêea ni i : v ¦ i f .wiiii i k i' i'.iiiii'lils api. elite will he all ri-lit. Tri. cents per liottle. BUIT .V JOHHtOH'8 AUNKA II. I.immknt is au externa) reraedjr tor man and lieasl. Throat afteetions and bronchjal diseMOS are relieveil imniediatcly tlie u-e ol I)in' Ki.ixut. Agentg and Canvassprs Malee frena %i to 5) per week telling roods for B. (.. Rideoui S Co, 10 Barclay Ureet, New York. Bond for their cataIorue and ternis. 1000-M Henrj's Carbolic Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. Besure you get Hknby's CaRBOUC Sai.vk, as all others are but iinitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. I)r. irecn's Oxygrenateri MUm Is the bost remedy tor Dpapenm, Bilkraanegs, Malaria, Indigestión, all disorder! of' the stomach, ai.d diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver, skin, etc. DURNO'S CATARRH SM FF cures all affections nf the mueus mcrabrane of the head and throat. DR. MOTT'S LIVER l'ILLS are (he best cathariic. A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat should be atopped. Neglect frequently re sults in au Incurable Lm,; Düecue or ( 'msumption. Brown's Hkonchial Troches are certain to givt relief in Aslhma, Bronchitis, CouoIls, Calairh, (knmiMptive and Throat Omaie. For thirty yeare the Troches have been recomruended by [ih}icians and always give perfect MtUfaotion. They are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and consUnt use for nearly an entire generation, they have altained well merited raDk among the few staple remedios of the age. J'uUk ,, '¦,' Kinqers u-e them to clear and streriKthen the l mrr. duiu , o...T u.. cents a box everywhere. 1007 58 Mothers t Motlie rs ! ! Mothers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the eicruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, po at once and get a bottle of' MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTiiING 81TRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately - depend upon it; there is no mistke about it. There ia pot a iBOtber on esrth who hos ever used it, who wiH not teil you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like ruagic. It is perfcctly safe to usc in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and ia the prescription of one of the oldestaod bestfemle physiciansand nanea in the United Sutes. 8ld everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. 1007-58 PILES ! PILES! ! "PILES ! ! ! A Sure Cure Fouml at Last. He Oue Vd Suffer. A surc OOM for Hip Hlind, Bleedlng, Itcliingand l'Icerated Piles lias been (lisooverl by Dr. Williains (an Iridian remedy l.called Dr Williams' Indian Olntment Á single box h8ciired the worst chronlc cas a ct ¦" and 30 years Standing. Noone Bed suffer flve minutes after applyinf: tbll wonderiii! soiiUiiiifT medicine. Lotions, lnstniinents, and Electoaries do more hann than good. Williams' Ointinent absorbs the tumors, llayttbo ímU'mm; Itching (particularly at niglit after gettlng warn in bed), m-, a l'oltice, gives instont and paiuless reliei, and is prepared only for l'ilcs, itching ot the private parts, and dófhlDg elae, Head what the Hon. J. M. ('oltiiil)erry, of Cleveland, says about Dr. Willlam dian PU Ointinent: "I liave used acore of pile cures, but it affords me pleaaura to say tliat I have never foiuid ;inv ihiiif which gave snch mmedi.-ite and permanent relief as Dr. Williams' Indian Olntment" For hy :ill druggists, or malled on recelpt of irie $1.00. I AS. K. DAV1S Ji. CO. Wholesale Druegista, Detroit, Micli, Agcnts. 1090-81 For Mie In H. .1. BnoWn i; Co.


Ann Arbor Courier
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