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Q. Frank Mattbewí tías sold out hls paper, the Roscoiiiiiion Pioneer, to Salm & Ward. Ooton s tlie only town in the county tliat is aglttttu a 4th of July celebration. - Centerville Republican. There scems to be an umiHual large number of all kinds of fish along thisshore tliia seasou. - St. JosepU Ilerald. Wm. Gray, a wealthy farmer of idlffll, lost $350 hy a oonfidence man on Kriday of last week.- Litchfield Gazette. Battle Creek has been particularly fortúnate in escaping the various contagious diseases that liave afflieted ourneighboring towns.- Battle Creek Journal. If Michigan were ¦ doubtful state more fat offices would be thrown bei way. As it is no state ghring her republlcan vote has U fcw, very few, Wwfl placea giveti her.- Charlotte Republican. J. L. Waklron has left at Mr offloe a bu neb oí June clover from the farm ot Henry Shug, of Whitewater tmvnship. Grand Traverse county. Some of the stalks meature thirty-two Inches In length.- Kalkaskiau. The Reporter claims tlmf Dundee is erawlirig up on Monrae baad over hand, and tlift tOO without the aid of UM people of tin eounty, itate or n.ition. Ve are glad tliat yon are mi contetlted. - Monroe Commercial. If the Faicueii Kegiater teiis the truth, a cow down there was seventeen days ¦tarrinf to deatli in a log pile out in tli% woods, and -tilt lives. 4a Holden is busy larniing, and bal no time to inrent snch teles, it must be so. Win. l'orter, w hen alter liis cows the otluT nlght, dtscorered a half grown bear in the pasture Meld with about 300 sheep, and calling big dog, they gave it a chase,, tli, li_tii ii ..- UJyJ llluVll [KIL llllll tliitl glH in the swamp. - Inilay City Herald. What does the Corporation board want with $4.500 wheu the villaje s out of debt ? Have they some poor relatives that they want to keep at work at the expense of! lic tax payers, or do they propOM dividing the swag?- Öt. Joseph Republiean. The democrats are getting alarmed, fearIng that Lord Roscoe will be ralklng into their party some mornlng before breakfast and begin to order the servants around. Their Ufe has already been pounded nearly out of them by.bosses and we can hardly wonder that thev are frightened.- Stanton Henild. Dr. A. C. Dutton colebrated bil ijuarter renteiinial in Eaton Rapids last Kriday June 10, it being just 25 years on that date lince lie located here. May lie live to enjoy the balL and more, if he desires, is the wish of the Journal. - Eaton Rapids Journal. Aclergyman receivcd by mail Kriday a cordial invitatiou to make an extended tour ol the New Englaiid Sutes and the coast. The beautiful part of the iuvitation was the draft to defray expenses. The gentleman duly appreciates the givers generous heart, luit will he uuable to accept.- Battle Creek Journal. Prof. Cbas. O. Hoyt lias been engaged b onr school board as tk superintendent of the Wynndotte schools for the coming j car Prof. Hoyt comes well recommended. He bas held the position of principal of the high school at Küssffeld, Lenawee eounty, tor the puft four N'vandotte Herald. The Barnard trial bas been put over a little further in the dUtance. Argument will be heard, we are told. on the 91t inst., with reference to a change of venue. - Money is a wonderful agent in this world ; you can, if you have it, make evenjustlce go slow, and soinctiuus defeat it altogether. - North Branch üazetti-. It requires no propbet, nor the son of a prophet, to predict with absolute certainty the coming of one event, viz: that the little temperance clond which bove in sijrht a half centtirv ago no larger than a Diao'l hand, will soon liold the balance of power Int een the two great political parties, and ( iinand the respect of one or the othcr of them. During the session of the brilery nvestigation commlttee last week, BeMion'a lawyer said he eould show where Bradley got the money that he claims to have received es a bribe. If this be done, and it provea that it carne from Conkltng'i friemis, as the Half-breeds claim, of course it will end the game with hitn umi Platt also, and vice versa. - Bay City Tribune. O. R. Malone, of Mecosta, 10,000 acres of good farming lands in the vicinity of that thrivim; village, for sale at prices ranging from $2.50 to f7 per acre. Malone believes in advertising, as his bilis show, and will probably dispose of considerable real estáte and prove a good man for the town. as he appears to be as f uil of life as an Qgg tull of meat.- Stantoii Clipper. lüsliop (iillespie, in his address to the late diocesan convention in Allegan, recommended the temperance work. which has lately been undertaken in the Episcopal (¦burches in this country, on the_plan "' that of the church of Eiijrland. 'Ibis, we tielievc, does not pledge to total abstinence. It will doubtless effect much good, thoagh webave no faith in anything but tetotali-m to doawy with druiikeness.- Allegan Tribune. Fred. Berg and H. P. Crain, wbile workin on a scaffold Monday at Mr. Crain's neu house, met with a serious accident. Th. M-allold as about eigbteen feet high and both of them getting on one side of it tipped it up, precipitating them both to the ground. Mr. Crain struek on bis head and shoulder and sustained quite a serious in jurj'. Mr. Berg w;ls more fortiinate, but severcly Injured his back.- Dundee Reporter. A local sensation was produced recen ti y in Napolen by a young lady marrying a yoilúg man while engaged to another from whoni, it is reiMrted, she borrowed fHO to lmy her marrying outfit, and from whoni -he bad acoepted an engagement ring. Both her luvers, and after advising with her friends she took the man she loved l'he rejected lover got back his ring and money. and says the result suits liim. - Jacksou l'utriot. A large crowd congregated at Whitmore I.ake on Snturday and Sunday to atteod tlie lllWlllam held there. Of course l'lyinouth l'urnished her quota, as it alwavs does MpOB imYrtant occasions, and we H not doubt that all eame away happier and better preparad to guccessfully fight lil'e's battles tlian V hen they went. ' If not. are not snch gatherings responsible for more evil tlmn good. and the pnijectors censurable?- Plymouth Review. We do not indícate wbo is at fault, but tbere is a fault somewhere. There are enough noxious reed, burdocks, yellow doek and thiattee, arrowing In the streets of Pontiac to-day, if kfl to go to seed, as is the proapect now, to stock every garden and farm in Oakland couuty; the destruction of these things now would not coat perhapa $10.00, whereas If left to Wed, it will eost the people in labor and expense a huudred times that amouiit.- Pontiae Gazette. i.rai gttM oooaplaloti in .vmj local¦ t iheep lying with "grub in the head." D. E. Lattin, of Elbridge, has lost üttei-n, and Mrs. Croff, of Ieavitt, eighteen. Tue sheep apiear somewhal dumpish.but eat up to the time of death. At length Mr. Lattin 'oncluded to make au eaminal ion. ( i!i tpUUlnf ipvn the heads ui -i veral sheep he found trom one to three grubs n the head, ut the upper terminus of the nostril YV'ho will give us the cause and the remedy. - Hart Journal. One day last week four oí the ptkef playing fraternity of this city caught a sucker and proceeded to skin hun. In this they succeeded to the tune ot' twentj -i dolían. The chicf ot' the jrnng had the money layinfj hetiind him aml when thcy started to look tor it, lo! t wasuone. Sonic one had stolen it. This broke up the ame nul each one of the sport? firinly bellere that one ot' the otben fot the money. Af ter they see this item each one will (hrther believe that one ot' the Otilen gave the "snap" away. - Charlotte Kepublican. x.uplc of weeks aro, llerbert Llpdyke, eneineeron passenger engine Nu. 151 1 was lald off frotn liis run ander Btisplcion by the offleers of the rond th.ii Be was r mcmber of the Brotherhood of Loeomotii gineers, this road poaUlvelv refusiug to empioy aiiy member of that order gince the bijr strike. Itrveatigatlon of the allegaüon-, however, show (hst Dpdyke is uot a nieniber of tliu order, and th at the reporta were a con.spiraey to injure liini and gel lii.s engine for some one elsc. It is nnderStood fefl will re.-iune liis engine agaln ere lonr. - Qraat Uke Xews. Look out for swindlers! .J. S. Pretcott, who lives ten miles west ot bare, tells of a fellow who went liy the name of Siimpii-, whostopped at liis house la-t week Wednesday. and w th a very plausible story, ¦ucceeded in telUajr, hini a bogus f3 ticket in the Lousiana state Iottery, and eame near swindlinr several othcfc.. The tr is quite long and rather interestlng, luit whnt we have airead; told oughl to wam any of our readers l'rorn beinj; slmilarly ¦Windlad. It we had ipaoe this eek to teil the whole story it wuuld not prevaal the gudgeons froin biting at the nezt temptlng balt that came ' Kapids Journal. Irvinp Fellows, of Ilives, a da] indulged in mati iniony, ainl alter the ceremony repaired witli the bride (o the re-i denos of bla father in that township. where he nassed the nicht Kor soms raaaaa i Was SUpposen lic woiml I.hIl'c al the re-i dence of Jasper Snyder, in Blaclcman, aml late at night a party of younger burghen surrounded the lattiVs dweMng and made the nigtrt hideotu with a Ion? charivari. When the faets c.Tme to tlie tarfaoa [rriog uas deüghted, while the mook serenaders, all and Ungular, deny havmg been away from home on that especial nijrht. - Jacksou Patriot. Oil Tuesday last a deer tasad itsappearance in the villaje frooi the wooda, and skipped down Clinton streel l the harbor, where it took to the water. The people on tlie strects and the men employed at Nlcholl's rnill, together with several boa! were on Round lake, toined in au eflfort to capture the animal. He swain to the nmth shore of the harbor. artMN he was met by a crowd of about twenty men, who bj the aid of those in boatscaptured htm and conveyed liim in trlumpn to Mr Ni.lioll's barn. Mr. o. S. Washburn purcha-eil him of the four persons who clainied the cap tu red animal, and has him now in au approachable frame of' mind. - Charlevoil Sentinel. Monday morning two men through here bound tor the Kalama.oo insane asylum, with a cray man in tlieir charge, 'l'hey came in from the west on the F. & P. M. train and In cnungix the G. K. & I. train, each took hold of an iron "comealong" tastened to his wrist and dragged the poor fellow on his back like a hog. His bat blew off, and one of the men picked him up by the liair of the bead when he put it on. The Insana man made no resistance and was ([niet. In bet, seemed to be In a stupid condition. We could not learn who the partics were, or where they came fioni, but tlieir brutal oonduct excited the disgust and indignatiou of all sjjectators at the depot ity Clarion. The legislatura has practically adjouraed, haring appropriated f i,8l3,37i for the extensión andcoDduct of our penal and charitable institutioiis and the routine expenaea of the next two years, that aniount beiBg about $3U, 000 less than the appropriationof 1879. Outside of their indefensibie refusal to submit tlie prohibitory amendmeo4 to the people and tbeir unconstliutional action Dpon the Ilowell job, they have passed iriany ood bilis and dcclincd topass mant hiui OOM. Thu reluatiou OÍ Uic Uix muddU tú Ove experts was emmently wlse and if liov. Jerome'i selectlon of the commissioners shall prove judieious, there ireason to hope that we shall flnally of the prlmitive and COStly sysicm which we have long slnce outgrown.- ('assopnlis y:lant. There is a certaln ttmm ui om poii here that have as solid a disrespect for the marriajre laws as could possibly jiermeate the saintly brain of a. conürnied Morinon. They get married when and as often as it is convenient, without the troublé of sreking our courU of ehancery for a d A youiijr lady and gent cauie from Canada a little over a week ago and were married by one of our justices. This youn;; lady s not to succeed 23 years oíd and has four husbands in this immediate Ticlnlty, and has never been divoreed from any octliem, Some of these husbands have taken otber wives, and the crowd of law breakers keept growing. In relation to this we have but to say that this state of affairs is not creditable to our coramunity, and those em powered to offleiate should take into eonsideration that they have duties ttUe trom P Meting the tem, - Marine City lii'jiorter. A ilecided couipliment was paid to our schools by the faculty of the uniyersity in sending out a committec of one, Inttead of two as usual, to examine uto the condition of the s-hool, Huis .showin that the reputation of our graduates who are airead; there is of such a high degree of excellence as to almost satisfy them la advame as to the character of the, woik that is beinjr done. But a more unmistakable compliment was paid by Prof. W. II. Payne liimself. who said that althodgh be wat very iflad that lie had come, yet he considered the visit entlrely ¦nnecesaary exceptaba matter of form; and he should most heartily recommend the continuance of the school upon the special list of schools whose graduates are adrnitted to the university on diplomas. I.ike all other visitors he also expressedgreat mrprlse at the nnusiial size ot our graduating class and ¦hooi generally, in proporüon t" tSe populRtion of the place. - Kenton Independent. The census bureau has compltted the returns for the cereal producís of the a year, compriiing the erop tor 17(1. HV presume it to be a correct return and its iccuracy liecomes, in this state at least, of indejendeiit impórtame, b ie report lor .Michigan is at varíanos with tbc report of tne secretary of state for Michigan. By the United States census the wheat erop of 1879 amounted to M447.611 bushels for the country. Thll II about 18,000,000 bushelsbelow tbc cstiniatef the agricultural bureau at Washington, so that the latter soure of Information i also discredited somewhat. Six states, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan Minnesota nd Iowa, f uruished two-thirds of the ei op. Illinois produced ( round numbers-) öl,000,009 bushels, Indiana 47,300,000. and Ohlo 46,000,000, while Michigan ranked fourth w ith :,SÜO,000 bushels, followed by ' nesota 34,'00,000, and iowa .U,ÜO0,000. Dalifornia, Missouri and rVisconsin were ;he only other states with more than 20,000,000, the tirst having 28,000,000 and the other two '25,000,000 each. This is important to our state for it credits it with standing fourth tutead of sixth or geventh as lad been previously reported. But with :he carelul flgwet of the census bureau before us, showinir ¦ total wbeat product )f 86,687,097, the bureau of the secretary of state at Lansing ought to be able to tbrow some light on the cause wMch made the supervisors' returns to hit office aggrt 30,983,340 bushels for th.' same wheat pro


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