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A vcry Mght voto n-as polh'd lat Saturday in the enatorlal eoateat, nd Mr. Du pew lacked bot alna votes of reeelvtega nuijority. President Gartield's family ha KWght tlio fashionably invigoratiug air of Long BraDch, and es-President Grant and famly ure tim thcrc. Sicit'tarv Jamei tili parroei the polley of oUpplag off KlparflouOM route?, and economiziiif; in ways in his department Prora all accounts tiiere will bc cnough laved to make the depsrtmeni -! i - sustaioing. It is to lic boped so. There hM been considerable r itenicnt thnmghout Franca tbc pa-t week, bi of a riot at li&rseDlea betweea Frencfa Hd Italian laboren. The fceitiig tbroughoul Kramt: MM !¦-¦. 11 ery bitter against the Itaihui reddenta, but wiiy. and what it is all about DObedy HMM to know. Tlic flaim has always been maili-, ainl dlapoted by iew, tbat all editors must be of a neceatity largad bralned. Ithardlyaeeau ¦ [iuie LDlS. a i ;i Hl rvlnl In that of the late Hou. Jolm N. Ingersoll, the vcteran juurnalist, wlMwe lirain weiglied "i.'i'j oancea, one at the largert on woord. The imuie of Gr.'iut and heder ereitdenble etrthusiam tering tlic rani)aigns of 187'-] and 1876. It 0%ld bo a litth' itranga if botli sliould be ekoavn to represent New fort in the l'niled States -enate in place of Conklinf; and JMatt, wouldirt t? The legislature of that tttte might fO farther and faro uoi TIn sublime porte - not old port- ha. rappnsMBd tho local pntofltoaifl Conttantinojile, and calis lipón tbc BOVafl U) llbolish all their respective, postotliccs in the interior Of Tnrkey, 'bccauseof the fa ilitics uhich they allbrd for the tiansinissioii of rcvolntionaiv npjical.-." Who woold'nt he a Turk And wnh x 'VuiWjbmii f 'l'hc l'ost, of Grand Üajiids, Wkjt: The Rer. i'. Croaby kdTtei temperanoa men lio.-c heartl are in the eause to walk right into the Hqnor saloons in theii' neighborBocd nd ij i" the proyrMon, "Vou are , ii. i ¦¦ ' nednc acifug on'ilib adv Ice it would be prudent for the temperance men .iiMdiT whether they beloug to the of muscular liristian, and, if tbey do not, to take I preparatory cours' of Inilian clulis and dunib bcll-. Tlie Kt. C3MMM Monitor this Hltltble item : "The tact that Michigan publisliers wcre unable to get existinr libel lam ainemlcd at the recent session of the leffislatun-. i laid at the door of the senate jtidiciary committce. which was composed of I]-"M, Patteraop, Dickerman, I 'air and ( apli, all lawj eis. They tbotiRht the present barbarous laws (?ool enouglii and in inch opinión they were sustained by all the shyster attorneys in Michigan." If the fjreat men of our country would keep their frreatness any lrnrth of time, they would do well to -;iv tm to the newpapei interviewers - ijpt reporters, they are two distinct -pee c-. It is a noticeable fact that inanv of them get into sad trouble by Qnbardenlng tbeir minds to this class of ;iaper men who in a few hours aftel ;ive the whole conversation to the public. Old Weller told Samivel to bevare the riddert; some one onrht to teil our public men to beu are the interviewers. The ex-prisoners reunión, in sossion at Detroit since Tuesday, closing yestenlav. was a perfect success. The attendanee was verv lare, and the sessions of great interest. Some of the mottos spread upon the walls were especially good, and the old tales re-told, and old stories rehearsd and rehaslicd ucic ctra ;i-rantly tlelicious. Men rere pnwnt who had been in V outbero prltont, and do! a prison pen of the war but some one had been theje to report its Ikomra. Such gatherings tend to imite the old veterans with llrOBg btfndl ot friendshii'. The Ilon. Ceo. WiUards paper, the Liattle Creek Jonrnal, evidently don't think vcry much of ('arlvle, the Scotch-English hi-torian. llere is the scorinji that the Journal gives that individual: "The cal, critical and conteniptililc ('urlyle U gVttiog to be miderstood ;it last. ílis bullyinj; ;iml MWtolt opon what-vr he chose as au object ipf bis venoin, togetlnr with liis stiltcd aiul ontlandish Eaglilb, li.i c Bttde Un popular with a criain cías ol rcadrrs who like such tliings, but liistnry will frive liiin liis true 1 1 .1. Kvrn DOW Ul remark upon "Sparks Blography of Washington " thai "th IMb of Vf&tilíügpOa reni.iins (o lie writtfii nuil tliat be would be taken down íeveral - iiimtri!, und only serves to show the insolent conotit of tfdtiútc Nortli Hiiton. Subtract sneer, sgOtiMB, vulgarsin, ainl init,t-i-u froni ('arlylc aml he is rcilucrd U a miv ordinarv-pccinicii ofhis The telegraph of last Wednesdaybi tlic Intelllgence t a scandal ut Washinglon, In wliich Iwo eontemptible foreign villians, one belonging to the Frencli and the otuer to the Spanish legatton, plied a young lady with champagne ut a faühioiinble party, and accompUkhed her ruin. Tlil time the asaociated pres.s man had enough to suppress the nanies of the injured girl and lier family. He sliall n a Ion;; ( redit mark. Such recitals M and IMfMltog eaoogh without humiliating the wronged ones by spreatling hroadCMl ilicir names. The miserable dogs ho aocomplishi-d the deed, and then bragged ¦bont il. deserve the gallows. Yes, hanging would l)t Mttlg thern down easy. Talk about the ent Mpn-e and long-headKlMM ofpeoplal win the western country Ontdoe lliu world. Uut a few days sinre the -u[Mriiitendent of the census, Oeneral Walker, ifceived a letter from a lady in one ai the western states giving the nnme ui ;i long lost brother, and asking liiin jusi to flanee over the list of names of the people of the United States and send her the address of aid relativo. But few people would have been (ar seeing enough to have thoogftt of tht As there are ouly about 50,ÜU0,000 names to glancu over, aud as the name OM tl eaivhing tor on a list is almgPI ihe last one, it is thought that the may possluly receive the ilesired information aloiit the time Mother ShiptonV prophecv MM to pass. Tlny usel to langh about Zaeh Cliau dler's "twUtlng the liriüsh lion'.s tail," bot i all had lo admire the twist wliieh brought lö,5K),UOü to the people of thia countrj' in tlie -cttlrun ut oí the Alabama award. A short time ago the Hon. John ben-v, of l)etnit, arose in his -eat in the imtional boue of reprcsent.iliveimd ]oke in veiv pitia language about our lisliennen at Fortime Uay, and they called that. "tVMloj the Briti-h lion's tail," llao. Hul we ucilice that il had tlie ¦Heet of MÜCteg aid lioll gbft Up 90niC $75,000 to the poor tisliermen which his subjects had atteniited to appropriate to themsilves. l'ity that we couldn't havt! soine umie twistin. It certainly lias 11 goed elleet upon the lion. The sociftlists and Uisiuark do not agree very well in Cl III HU II J, and the man wilh au iron hand has had IÓI3U very stiinent UkWl enaeted, and is putting them in l'oree. one luw l'orlii.N the collectinn ol moncy for the -iM+ilMs labor party, or to hold DMCtingi for rtiurmlnntlon ot theii II Ihousand men have been banihed from the eities of Herlin aml llamburg, nearty all of wliom liave left fainiüm, bot tor these their brother socialista are forl)idlen to taia inoney f Of their relief. The property tt tliose expelled i i'ontisrated, and the IMMt vi-rorous ires are adopted gainst them. Over sixty newspapers devoted to the propagation of soclamnc ttieoncs nave wrn snppnssed. Notwitltanding all these draw baokl and disCOUrafMMDtl, soehilisni in a mild and leM ohjeetioHable form has I dozen in the'Uerman parliament, and they hope to have more at the next eleetion. They differ from the Riissian nihilist In that they are tryinr to aeeom jili-h their reform, M ¦ MMMl thing. by peaceable metluuls and arirument-, rather than by the use of the assassin's


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