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A Reverend Bicyclist

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The Be. Arttiur Edwards, editor of tlie Chriitian Adroeste, and who is a memIxt of Chicago liicvclc Club, w'rtl lcave Chteajro ti day at '(::!() vin the Brie line fbr New York City. 'Chore lic will remain al st. Denota hotel untU Thnrwtajr, when lic will takr pHMM on Ilic steamer Neiiraka. ut' the state line, for Bngland. He will bc accompadied by his sou, Kobin A. EdwarcK a-red H. and the t vo will rcmaiii all inmmtr in Raime, making a tour of Scotland, England, France, etc. , on their bicyclee. The doctor will rlde a 52-inch and the son a 50-ínch " Extraordinary Challenge" machine, whicli thoy will procure in England opon landing. The tour will be unique and full of interest, and the doctor will keep his facile pen busy en route. The tourists will visit QlaigOW and proceed thirtv miles DOTth in the lake regton, looking at Lochi Kathrlne, Lamond, and Lorg. Thcy will dro down to Sterling. St. Anduws, Mei rose, Koslyn Castle, Abbottsfonl, Tweed, Nicastli' -on-Tync. Vork, and Lecds. l'roceeding they will view Manchester, Sheffield, Conventry, the great center of bicycle inanufactui'e, Stiattord-on-Avon. Oxford, Cambridge, and l.ondon. Theo they will rest for a leu wiek-, takc a spin to Southampton, and sail across the chaiinel. The wheeli will be utUUed agvio to Paris. Krom this patst the doctor is undecided whetlier to procecd north throujih Metz to Bramen, or ioutbward through Spain to " ' u '¦ '¦¦n,-,. vin salling vessel back to England. These courageou.s toarista design to rtde their niacliines all this great distance, perhapt 2,000 miles, making from 20 to f,0 miles daily, aecording to the state of the roads and weather. Youn Edwarda, who la offectionately known as the " kid," is a sli'ht youth w itii a well-knit frame, and is pointcd out a very Bklllful rider on the largetl profetsional men's machine:. OW riders nnhesitütlngry say that the " kid " will bear the fatigue ol the great tour with greater han his father, a middle aged eentlemaD, but both have the skill and plnck to siicicid in this umi unlcrtakini(, and their pioLTc-s will tM watched with gnsl loten The doctor is well supplieil wilh pMSports, and has also become a niember of the bicyele tourinclub, ot England, whicli iMUet ii hand-book of hotels where 'eyclists can obtain rbduced rates. names of bieycle "consuls," and addre-s ot snüthies who make a specialty ot repalriog tlie bicycle. Young Kobin has made threc miles in tuteen minutes tiftecn miles in OM hour and forty-four minutes, wliile it is an ordinary ooconenea for his father to spin twenty miles before breakfast. They both rlde down town daily on their machines trom the doctor's home, Indiana avenue. near Twenty-niutli streel.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News