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.Miss Clan Hodges, of Detroit, is visiting iii this city. Prof. Hamilton, of Oliio, has returned liome for the vacation. Miss Ella Lord, of Cliillicotlie, O., is visItlttg Miss Clemmie Houghton. Mrs. A. G. Mount, of Virginia, is visiting at lier brother's, J. II. Ilicks, of Lodi. Palmer 8. Stewart, of Detroit, was ,a. caller at the Coirier office last Wclnsdy. L. B. Kellogg, of the 5th ward, has been ill sevoral weeks, but is able to be out once more. Qeo. B. Remick, of Detroit, was the gaatt of John F. Lawrence over the Sab bath. Mrs. P. Ryan, daughtor of L. C. Risdon, has gone to the Battle ('reek sanitariuin for her health. Misse8 Millie Knowlton and Addie Knight returned home from Vassar collega last Friday. John Murloch, who lias been seeking relief from rheumatism at Mt. Clemens, has returned improved. Mrs. R. E. Frazer and children are to ¦pend the summer at Cheboygan, returnin;; in time for the opening of school. The genial Burleigh, John L., is.a candidate for trustee of Hyde Park, a Chicago suburb. He will make an excellent offleer. Lyman S. Wood, of Lodi, has taken up hls residence in this city, and in so doing has made the most sensible move in his lifc. B. Frank Bower, of Detroit, was in the city yesterdny, making a pleasant cali - as his calis always are pleasant - on the Courier people. Prof. AV. II. Hutts, of the Michigan military academy, has returned home for the suminer vacation. He will retain his position in that school for another year, receiving an Increase of salary. Hou. En J. Taylor, one of the directors of the Kent t'urniture company, of Grand Kapids, has taken up his residence in this city. JXr. Taylor, ït will be remerabered, was chairraan of the university investigating committe whlch found Dr. Rose innocent and Douglass gullty. President Angelí requestcd his appointment on this committee. Mr. Taylor will be a valuable acquisition to the Congregational chun h of this city.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News