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Trof. Horforil Baklng Powder. F. H. Aikins. A. A. (urgeon, (J. S sriny, says: "In iliis powder, au acid pbospkittr, of lime takes the of eream t.irtar ir alum, :i il 1 whiie the whllesl nd rnó lectable biseull cao be made wlth it tlmt r have ever seen or la-lnl It tiirnifood ricli in pliospiiate, s. much neeilcd in the aniiaiil cionomy and 8 largely discarded ia our iine'y Bifted Bour. Pmf. Horsford's hlfrh repuUition U adequate 8urety for iibw-noe of alum or ny other deleterious or niako-w t-iurht injfndtent." Prejmlico KilN ¦Eleven ycars our daughter suffen :i tx-il of nii-'i ;. onder il of the best oftho worst) physii: lans, who gave her dtoease varlou iiuüips but no relief, and non N raatoird t" na in rood liciiltli hy as rftnple H rerntdy s Hop I { 1 1 i - , tlmt we liail ohed t for Iwo year;1, before usiiijj it. Vv'e earneatly hupt; itinl pray one elM wUl Ir t t litir -i.k suffer as we tliil, on account "I prejudire against sci 'rniy a niedieine as Hop Biltei - ' - The l'areiit.s. - Telegram. WcmkIoiTiiI Power. VI14n me!i' me pertorms. nueh urn'tirtantly iloinjr, it nmy Iruly bc s)iil tn havo wiMiili'ïful power. A rui pciiici in Montgomery, 't., bad suffered for cirlii c:u- Irciiii the worel of kldnej rltseHses, and had been liolly incapacitaba l'orwoik. lic mi: "One box made a new man of me, aml I liucerely believeil will restore to bealth hII thal rc similarly affticted." It is nou u linth lnjiM'l and dry form. - Danlniiy New. .Soumi Ailtld'. Dou't wreek the constitution bjr tukiiijf quinine, arsenic and other powerfnl medicines, when Um l.lon Mstorix .nul Livr( l'ad and Botlj and Poot l' laster will posilively cue thfl "N case ol eliills ai.ll malaria] lever. Tba clieapesl Lreatiucnt ever offerwi. Tl"' wbole comblned reinedj for dollar. For sale lij' (lrugjists. K ís r su.jnaw, M11-I1., Jan, li, is-l . Mr. v. I!. ITookb: li:ut Sik: - Aliiit lbo li rst of Dminber 1 was Uikun witli a very evcre attack of rheumattsm In both 01 mv kneeí. I was recommetHied to ne Duiie'i Canji'ikmimki) IehicA. tcancheerfulljr reooramend it tn èrery one iroiibted witb 1 lictini atisin. B. Ml; AIO . Km .v, Ncvcr uk a i --i )¦(! . persol] uhal lie wants to eat luit lel hlm take a fe o( Haxtkk's Mandrakb Bitters and iiis appetha will be hII rtffiit Ertee, 2C ¦: j per bottte. 1Ii:m;i .V JOHMOMI Answv VMiOn. I.iMMKNT is au externnl reinedy tor man aml beaat. Tbroat affectlons and broncblal di t. lili. 1l Illlll..t1.ttt)t ty h DOWN'S Ki.ixih. At'fíits and CBTMen Hake from $'5 to $50 per week talling oodg for E. (.. Rldeout V: Co., 19 Barclnj gtreet, New Vnrk. 8end t'nr éatnloglM and tenas. l(X)0--"iii lífscncil Proa Dcath. William J. C'outíhlin, of Somèrville, Ma., saya ; " [11 the fall of IS76 1 was taken witli a violent bleeding ot' the linios, (olkwd bj a -evere couh. I was so wi'ak at one time as to be uñadle to lcave uiy bed. Tn the Bummer oí' 1877 I waa admitteil tu dio city lM-pitul. W'liile tlieru the doctors dá I had a lióle in my left lung as big is a halt' dollar. I was so far fíone at ÓM timo 1 hat a report went around that I was daad. I t up hpe, hut a Frieod Uild meoí'ÜR. V.i. Hall' 8 Bai8AM FOR 1HÏ LCNQS. I yin a bottlc when to my surprií and gratification I oommenood tu te. 1 het tor, and to-day I feel in better spirits thsn 1 have in the pust three yeais. I Writt' this lloninrr eveir nne ifflicteH with diseased Lunes will tw induced to take 1k. W'm Hai.i. 's Balsam roi tuk Lonos and Le cinvinced that oonoatnptioD can be cured." Sold by Diuirgists. 1826-78 A ( 'oiig-It. Cold or Sorc Throat should bé ttopped. Negleol FrequeDtTy re snlts in au [neurablt Lung Diteate or I 'on snmption. Bbown's Bronsbial TRoen ES ure cniniii te giet nl'uf in Atthma, íiiiikIiíiíh. ('nu.jlix, l'nturili, Coniumptin- and Throat Uiteaêet. For thirty year.tbe Truche have b en recumuieudid by phyuiowM and always n'ivc perfed iatiafaotion. They to bot new or untried but having been tested by wide and con.-tmt u.-e tor nearly an entira fteiieiation, iIkv have a'taincd well merited rank amonff the few staple remedien of tin1 aj:e. ',( Speaker and Singm n-r th m tö olear and gtreogthen the Fmat. Sold at twenty-five a box evcrywhere. 1007 Motlit-rs! ¦oOnrst! Molhcrsü! j,v lyt.niuj at iiiyht and broken of your rest by a -lrk criljil s'ineMi n a.,d cryinj; with iha eicruciatiog pain of cutting U'etli ? If s', l'o at once and et a bottle of.MRS. WIN8LOW8 BOOTH[NQ 85TRUP. It will relieve the poV little. surterir itiirncdiatt ly - de end opon it; theri! is no mist ke about it. Thcre b not a iBOtber on carth wliu h s btbt osed it, wlio will not teil yon at once that it will regúlate the bowelx, and give rest to the inother, and relief and health to the child, operating liko magie. It is perftctly safe to use in all casis, and pleamnt to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best femile physicians and DUrsee in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. 1007-58 PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! A Surc Cure FoiiihI at Lnt. No One Need Suffer. ure fbr the Blind, BleecHu'g. Itt-liingand Ulcerated Pile? lias beei hy Dr. Williams (an Indian remt'dyoallcd Dr WílTlams' Indian Ointment. Á single box liActired theworel ch ron le cases oí -i'i and :o ycirst;iii(liiir. Koone needtuffar tive minutos ittrr applylog Ihis wonderfu! soottiiug Mu'dicinc. Lotiona, Liutrumanu, mid Electuuriee do more liariu Williams' Ointment absorba the tumnrt, alluys Um lutenae Itchlag (partlcularly at night after gettillg u:trm n bW), acts m a jioltici', givea in-tant and pftinleat reliof, aml iü íireparcd only tor l'ilcs, itching of the private part.-, and aotblng ebe, Rêad wliat the Ilon. .1. M. Cofflnberry, of Cleveland, nysaboal Dr. illiainx" Iiidian l'ilc Ointiiii'iit: 'i have of pile cures, tuit it atVonls me ptaasiire to cay ihat I liavc never loinid anv UUng which gave SDcbimmedliUeaod pwrauieiit reliefaa Dr. Williams' Indian Outtment." For sale by ill drugists, or ma i U-d un recelpl of prfce il.(M). ¦ IAS. K. DAVIS&CO Wholesale Druggriíta, Detroit, Midi., Agente. 1028 For sale by U. J. Bkown iV I Physiciaos oJaim ilopsand Malt Bitters are the best. XPR0FESS0RtA 1 Bso Matlr frouu i'rofosur üomordw' At-lil Photphmtn. Keroiiiiiipiil'd by Iradlnr phyulcisnn. Mke ll;htr blaeult, rakn, rt., umi l healthler titan unlluary lialtlue FowIn can. 8old at a reaxonabl pri. ¦. The Hartford Almanac aml Cuok Umik MBtfne. Kilmford Chtmictl Work, rroTldence, R. 1 md Ml k S t. , Chlcaco. 104S.79


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