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CH'JRCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Churrli. Riv. S. IIabkill, Pastor. S.iWüith Krvlcet, n' . a. m. aml jU p. H. l alter mornlng service. Prayei I :ursilay evcniiij; at 7VÍ oVlock. ('iitliolic Cluiroli. Riv Katiiiu I'iirli, Pastor. UïMi., ) A.H. High 1 % M. Vesper, I l'. K, Sunilay School, '- Pi M. ('oiiirrt'ationiil ('Imrcli. Kn W. H. K. ik.m, l'aslor. S.iW' itli services, io'$ A. M. nmt 7'i l'. H. St1ml.1v -r!i;.W .itter mornirn; services. . t meeting Thursday cvciunj.' at 71 ._. oVlock. Episcopal Clmrcli. IÏEV. Wvllv IÏALI-. lïector. s ibb ith KiriOM, ioV a. m. anl 7 ' L r. m. SundïJ Schoot i% P. M. lhursday ereaiag at 71 i o'clock. Uenui Methodist ('iiurcli. Riv. C. Helwig, Pastor. Ni.U.aOl , rvicus, 10M . ¦. '"'' 7'í Sun. 1 iy Si hooi, at mne n'clcn k a. fc. mefting ue Weneiy. Lathena riiurcii. Rv. John NeUMANN, Pastor. . 10M A. M. aml 7VJ r.M. SuiKiay School after morniog service. :mrs,iiay eveniiiB at 7% oVlock. Mftlxtdi-t Episcopal Clinnli. Kev. John Alabastkk, Pastor. SÏÏK'v .itr:-"lrnTcr iiu-rtitijf, Thnrsday evcninu at y} oVlock Meeting, Sundaj' cveniDj; 0't. rroftbjteriuu Cliurch. 1ÏEV. KlClIAKD ir. STEE! t , i-. r., r - Uil , A. T. .111.1 j] , 1'. H, Sun.! 1 ! - -. 1 f te r BOrning service. . ¦ imi-tin. Tlinrsiliiv evttoiag at B o'clock. 'S ' i 1 1 People'i Meeting, Suudaj eveoiog ruifariaii Church. Rek. . 'l. SrNitRRLAM., P Smbh i rtï'i a. M.and 7 r ¦. Sniiday School :t i M. StuxWota' Bibli Clan tl ge 15 i-. m. Zlona Liillirran Churrli. U. . Hki.-kk, I'astor. S.ill;itli services ñt io a. M. and 7 F. m. Siind.iy School immtdiatc-ly after service. Kellyíoua tervicM Wtiiiiesiluyeveningat 7 oVlock. USINESS CARDS. JTEME .4 DEM., Ornduatc of Ontario Vcterinary College, Toronto, veteriitaÏy" suegeon, Offloe, Nu. "1 Nurüi Mlifl St.. Op. Oonlt House, Treata all dlMMI of llorst-s, Oattle, and Other 11 uur-M ![¦ -I Animal. Cslls from other towns can he by ti-I' :h1i, whuh will Bave mucb tlrae. ANN A RIK) i, MICU. UH-80 williah biocs, BUILDER. SHOP: (OKNV.U CHCBCH AM OIU.KANS SI'. Ann Arlior. tcfel w. iiTjTicksox, ( ) KF1CK : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Kiilrnnci' liy l"ir-t Niitlonal I!nk. 7 Ctl MILLIAIH IIEKZ, Iloiiee, Sij:n, Ornamental and Fresco FVinter. Paparliw, Gl.iin, OlMiDC, and Calciminlng and work oí '".try dowsrlptlm dunt; in the beat ötyle, aml wnrr:inteI to Ive yatisfaction. Mhop. ¦ 4 Weat tVanhlnston Mtrct't. Ann Arhor, Michigan. tMStf DBNTIST 1 Sfjtt 11AB RKKOYED TO Hit KW DENTAL ROOMS OVBU Jüï T. JiOOIH' STORE. 563tf oscabTöTsöbg, 11ÜUSK, SKiS AND 111 l'lll AÜ51) I'APKK IIAX(,IN(;. NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY STREET. All Work Demo Promptly and Ncatlr. 1(12!) 81 (t to WINANS & BZRRY KOR - - MWmt TA1L0R1N6 Kor the followinc reamonit: Ist. Our work i all firet-class. Mi Mr. Hurry is the only cutter In the State who cn gin m ¦ perita flt tvithoiit trying on. ive Ifjfeat Miortnsat in the State, over u) diflen-nt Mylea to leleci from in ' , , ,md ili-mettic Wootrm ,mi Wt,r,teU. "h. W'f na none bat firet-clasg trlmminsg. H 11. W are ful] 3Ü per cent, Detroit price. WINANS A BBHKY, 1UOT-1058 No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor BEHOLdT ALL THINGS ARE NEW! Nl ¦ ! mi, ¦, ew Prices. Uwd 08 the lVit, CheHp as the Chua; THE CITY TEA STORE In conncctlon with the Old Pioneer BaWery, it NO. 23 NORTH MAIN ST. Kl Vhan you wili flnd a A FULL UNE OF GROCERIES '9 pedantes in the tr u!. . 1 .verytlim;,' m the bkiug liue conuUntly on hand. 33II3 DSLI7E2ED 10 AN7 PAST OF TEZ CIT7. Tliatikful for past patronure, we wonld etlll eollclt your favor. A. K. HALL, -0 %M. n. L lüiANill. GET TUE lti:ST Fire Insurance i-1 x 1-3,()(K),OOO-%B Scctirily held I'or the protection of tlie polfcy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK ReprawBta tbe folkmlng flirt rtm compa ni.s. cit whlch one, the .I'ina, lms alone pald i.V.,000,000 fire losses in sixty j [."."¦'lor.l 7,400,000.00 Button l-mliTwritcru 2 uniiui ri Kninkliii, 1'lilhi.lelphia JMo'oMOO ; '¦¦ Am,-riM. n. y .:::;;;: imKmil UmdtH, A-.uranee Corporation 15.80Ü.0U0.00 National, Harttord i.i,,.., ,. Nnrth ( ..rn.,.,, lla,„.,ur ZT.ZT. Ï.5Ï ).., , l'hu-nlx, lirrioklvn... inSn l-nder riten, Aency, N. tZZZZT tfoOflUOM Lomm UberaUy adiaatod and pranptly puní, i oilcies Iwued ut the lowert ratesof premium. ïwin anMui uh.


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