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Growth Of Mormonism

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If Pn.f. Coynei of the Salt Lajka ooBegiate Inatltote, ipeaki tiic tnitli, and we oartainlv have no ria-oii M doulit liiin, the -iMincr government takes hohl uf the throttlé'of Monnouisoi, and off is wlud, ilie bette lor tliis natiun. Ben II uliai thiit gentleman lald In ¦ reoeni lt.! ( 'ni'iliiiali : It lilllirult for " pple In the ci.-t to ri-li.' h'iw . iof Miirmniiioiii. li kaap la tin Held from slx to eight luindrcd mlMtosarin and Iy mUÏÏoa doilare yarly 10 in proetantrict. Weirly um-fhird of ih t.'rntnrjruf tnefnlted Stnteils fnlly orpanUlly under the doioination of tlic Mormoni". Over Utah they hoJd ttwolnU -wy; they re nuuttora in Arinna, M.iho. ind WiOflUOR; while In Montan, Novan und Colorado ilify tri' ftald to be secarfDe the balDl jower. If tbc forenuMBt doemt d' wotetblnjt tcward craabing tli vile reptlle, and tbmt right toon, Lhe titm . nol dlnte ui ulnii t til liv t"" nMirifíil tO íií-íi. Wliy tliis dcl;iy in ilcaliii}; wilh ui-li au fiioniioüscrimi' Wljyilo the powenbwil ate to tako liolil ot tlicw pcoplc and in w 'iv ¦' mi pil tlirin lo olicy the lawgof nr (DiiMlry f Wliat Influente Is it that ];irj the strong arm of our (roveniux'"1 ' 1 1 1 re aic a péopTe li 'injr in upen violation ut' all Hm IWI it (vüialioli; defving rcli¦rion, gnoá moráis, und our gaver ninenl i'.iih and erery ODjB al the same tiliKf. And -'iM-i'iitiictit sits idly nul llütlmi; ty DOt only iillowint tliein to gsther strength, power and nlinencc, hut rico_!;ning tliem by allowing thelr repraaeotitUve to sit in !)]¦ Iower liuiise ot OOUglWÊ. U tlicir n way to tcacli tht'tn that W8 have laws In thia .iiiiitiT. nul that ai lang ai thy ar c thereul, these lawk ninxt be obi 11 ' Shall thev go on 1,'athenny: stren'th and power in OW midst, and nolhini; be done f Wlien i tumor or otlier exCFK ence gath¦ r Ujion the liody ot a man, whieli it allowed to jiiow will not only produce deformlty iut eadanger llfej be will leave no cfibrt untrieil to criish it in it s incipieocy; hut if thii tails, and in spite it all etlort it keep! on :iowinjr, ba will have the ibarp tteel ot the -iiri'ou Hg it out, even tbougÜ lils life pays llie forleit. He had rutherdit; tlian !!¦¦ n.)!,! ii i i i.v Whmnf.ji. .".'.i:.1:: ner. It allowed the thn; to he horn in minder, and gïOW up in hlood, rapiña and Crime, It has never taken slep or stniek i blow lookinf toward Mpawaaatag the disgosting tumor, or even made au endeavor 10 check it. If the potraaoenl carcaai of poljgatoooi Mormanbin is so strong our governtaenl dare not touch il, or if tliere are intlueiue.whieh reuder the autliorities d( lieaie in regard tothe choking proces, wouM it not be ueii tor the initeii State to cut ott the territoiy in whieh it llourihes, and Iet it go by ItaelT. Let it not lie .iid that our government harbora and protect a thing so vile. Tliis natlon slioulil do something to ptotott its mn (BOd name. Slie can Mtef tfan Um Icnïtory tlum ti Imitrrr stand tpotuorto thisvile, slimy, lütliy excresctucc lied Uormontom. Kvirv niwioaary wh gatátórü to induce people to come to this topracKonnanUBI, tad tlius break our laws, ougllt to ba pruclüimed au outlaw, and le allowi'dto return to this country only uj)on ooiiclltion qJ voluiitarilv iuncuderiii bim the ninhorttice fur proper punisbniiiit. II.. '.v ïmii-li longtrwUl tliis vicebeallowed to r:itliT strength Win Mdrmo&iun eVMtaaUy cause tlio deatb of this greut nation ?


Ann Arbor Courier
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