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The Baccalaureate

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H'liilc it., ilasicai taignage, elegant cHe tion, beautiful pathoi and inv.-iütably logicnl conclusión are tivsli in the minus of stuUents iiml eiti.cns, I uih to IlipplniW I it bv sayin" tliat my InvetÜgattong loto spiritual phlloeopby eonflnn me in tie belief tliat the kind a ml luvlnjr brnignity. tauglit uní pnetloed l)y .Icsus, can be deyeloped in evcry human Mag. .r is it pmriMl for any being to rcatli a vory cxallcd li' gne f hipptnmi uu til iiis tttalmBenU enablc him to look on IgBOnnce aiul ylce in a .-pirit ol' (.¦ompa.ssionate und cliaritable kindiiess, also to lovingly torivc liis jiicinii - and return fiood lor evil. Hy spirit tricnds tca h tliat hciivinlv attainniriit-, or truc s.ilvation, a L'radual growth, which, OOttbtned witli wisdom, enables ut to ovcrt-oine evil witli gQOd, anl to do unto Otben Wt woulil tliat tliev sliouUl do to us Our attaininciits in chritianity are exurlhi wtMêund h tke i Hoc, Imt nut ly the inytlis or isnis, ue beIWve. 'l'liouli J jfieatly viüicrate aiul love .Jcmis, yet, to me, lw was a man, but the liti' Jic lived mM truly ('Ui-!-)ikc 'l'lir miny u -jse sayinirs utterei] liy hiui. and thu fltat aiiiounl of jrixj ditintcrestedlj' dome y kim proiupted lijs dhntpU and (ollovii- irtth much propiietj In';i1I jiiji the ( 'hl kt, Of Sa or oC mankind. My spirit friendl say tlif Christpiinciple U M olil as justioe, Mint M imicli older tlian ihis il;ifu-t as la t great central sim i tlie uiilverae; and, that bera on tliis c.uili, lts benlfioent Influence ni more wrldely dlHuaed by ¦ people rbo ere eii"íulilicil in Uta oei'.. n more tlian 50,000 yi'Hrs ago, tiiun i now upproxiniated by iny known people. iiuitueil wiili tliu riiri.-t principie that, tbi inany gneratiófls, they loTlngly nul cratuHoosly trciirlitcil liips wlth -killed artlsans. impiiived imlciiifnls. and larjiir (Uiittilii'.s of gralll, rare leeda, etc, and diicctid thelr dlstributioii among lest civilizad peopla o( tlu: ti'l0! instructlng liow tu plant aml thi'in. Tlie artftsna ere le grntuitcmsiy Inatrnct tlie better i'ivilizations in the art of niiiUing ainl more comfirtable dwellfnga. These tkipt uf raercy went to Japan, China, India, Sindestaa, Etaly, (reece and .Vindica Savagc and barbaron! people en: tiist Importunad t nottre these beneflcenl gift by the tender of trhikeU rli ., IjuI, iKraiunallv, the superior skill and power ut the sbip'l erew would coinpel Ihein to au aeerptanee Of Iheir Ixiiefaciiou. li mi this ngelk people wbo ratultously taaglit tli Greeks, Romana and Egyptiana tlietr u)iequaled skill in sculplnre and inany of what are now ealled the lo-t artB. Tilia is the true Cluisiprinclple. tne nuiU r lieations of sueh men are the trne. saviours of th( world, whether they be Naurenei or AtlHiitians. l'lra-e do nol inler that I think Jesus honowed OM wliit fnnii these or any ollier people. 1 1 is divine nlleraiiee.s were, to hiin, original and as frMa and pure as are the iraten thai bubble from oryttal ipringt, and ortliy ot hi.s ino.-t devoted foliowen, as well as mankind. Hopingthat none will Ibrget the Christian and [oving principies m taognt in yesterday's baccalaii reate, 1 am lOTlngly, June 27. 1881.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News