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A celebrateil preacher maket tbe recoutmeiulution of Aycr's Pilis a matter of re. ligkMU duty. When people are blllioot and dysptptic, w liat tliey ned is th Qoa, pel of lleiilth. 1 11 sueli cases, tb best cread to swallow oonclati of Utc thlrty lugar-contod artiolea ln :i pJH-box. Prof. Horsford's IJakinif I'owder. Baron LIebig,the eminent Oermu Cbem-t. s:ud: "The IJakinir Powder of I'nt', """""V ' - ' 'Jieone of ibe weiirh Mertand st benefreéni , . „,7.. bu been made in recen) times. A (Jiiostion. Wbetlier it paja to allow tb írl rtagea of liscasc to reduce the system, cauílnir a leu;: liiicss, ind larga doctor billa, when Mops and malt bitter.-, wili prevent and curo yon. A-k lor g (rea bottle. Cure for Malaria. Oon't sil out and expoce yourstlf to tlic olgbtair and iret malaria, but it' yon do. wear tbe Lion .Malaria and Pad and Hody and Fooi Plasten, They will cure you. Tbe whole treatment (brone dollar. Por sale by DfuggiaU, A í.reat Enterprise. The Sop Bitten Matiutaetarinn Comí]inny is oneof Rochetter'igreatesl bivuiieaa enterpriaes. TheirHop Bittere have reacbed bevond all precedent, having frono tlieir intrinsie v.ilue (band tlieir way Into almost t'vci y hoiisebokl in tbe land. - Qraphic. Ponder on tfcMC 'l'rullis. Kldney-Wort is nature'i remedy forkldney liver dlseiuea, piles aiul cokistlpation. llmeni ornmooui In Uw mino li a rare Indlcation of diaease. T.-ike Kidney-Wort, Torpld llrerand kldneya poicon tbe blood. Kiclney-Wort revlrei tlicin and deanaea tilt -VStrtll. llr.ul.K'iir. blliotti attacks, d(zdnM, and -t appetlte are oured by Klndey-Wort Sec uUv. Good Advioe. wc adrlM erery faully o keep Downs' Kuxir alwayi on hand. It is tbe bart remedy fur oougha and ooldi ever offered lo the public. Por deanstng thatyitetn of uil morbld matter and vailing off dlseaaea, do BaedIcine poHewei taai efficacy m Baxtkk's MANDRAKE IilTTKHS. i Lttrlmentforhortai Hsxbt & JohjtARMH ANI On, I.IM.MINT s UUeqntled. lt can Bpr&lnt, Bruiaea, mul LameBen, at onet. Kutatoof fredcrltk A. Spaallaf, OTATK OF M RlIIGAN, Cuonty oí Wiuhunaw, 88. At a f esüion or the Pvobate ('uiirt lor Couuty 1 WanhtcuHw, holden al the l'robat iftlc-. In tbe City of Ann Arhur. on MoDÓty, tlic tlnrn-euth dy of tlu'ie, iu the yiar ooe thuiiHaiid oluht huiuircd auc) eí;bty ooe, PrÍMUt, Wlliiaiu 1), llairlmau, Judi;ü of Inthp matter of the ette of Fredcrlck A. BpwM .1. Vulii.y M. Bpaaldtag und PolHp lia.iiex. remore f the lat willand terttamem fato d 1 1 :i- d, colín.' Into ctturt and rapnsonta that tlu-y ut dow pre' pared to rendei ttiuir aiioual accouut au sucli u.aootora, 'Ilicrciipon lt in ordcred that Tuoday, the flrth day cf July next, at ten o'clock in tor Hoon, b xMlimed for xwnlDlug nuil tllowlns -u, , aciount, and that tbe n.n-.c-, levateu and luir at lw of niii rlonnioi1.in1 1 othr paraos litwesii'd In aid. emaii-, in raqoind to appao ai ii MMtOD ol KaiU court, then to bc holden I the Probate Oftlci:. In th'' OltJ or Ann Arbor, Iu ald couniy. .;nd nhow caiir-e, ir auv ihere lc, wnv latd ariount ahould not he allowed. And it i hutbei ordert'd, that nid XeCaUX flT DOttCt 10 thi' - Interevted m aui eatat6t oí tb1 pondi said account, and ihu hrariiifr thereof, by ranxtn.a ropy of thi onlr to Ihj pabllahed in lh Ana Art..r Oaurui , .i nu ip j j t ¦ j priutiid and circ-ulailng in ad i'onniy, to - pnvloui Iu id day uf lieaiii.K. {. iroe copy.) CriLIJAM D 1IAKK1MAN, ¦! adce ui Pi i WM. 0. DOTY. Trohati; BwkMT. WM IS UOR SALK OU TO BBNT. Two blo'k" s:iuth f the nniviTnity n i willi i ii o(a umi lm ii aad [r:ill. Kn.uir tl.r p I 11 STKKKK.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News