
John lloldsworth, of Detroit, scnt last Suuday n tlic city, willi lïiemU. Ilon.Tlios. ff, Palmer, of Detroit, who graduated 86 yean ago, is in the city thls Weck. Abrum Wiiics has sold out ut VpsiUinti. and moved back to Ann Arbor w tli his Isimily. ReY. Nathaniel V,.st, dl Ciiiciiiiintl, O., :i of 1846, Itltllrtui] cninmenceiiient iiiis week. l'mf. Delos Kuil, of Alhioii olleg, and fainily, are in the city, visiting hia f I t-il of former davs. Obaa. M JbUM lelt Cm his B0W home in Baat Sagtaaw, List frütty. Be wili be mlmd IVom uur luidst. Ili ii A. HaUli, wlin dow makes his headquarters at Battle Creek, lias been in the citv pust week. Dr. W. H. Smith, medical cl is of 78, now Incaled it st. ciair, apent eomiaenceBoeat week in the city. Mrs. U. J. Kelley, of Alpena, is spcniliiijr ¦ few dyi In tlio city, the guest of Mis. EL A. Beal and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer. Trof. S. F. Oanmg, of Havana, N. Y., is stopping in our city, the guest of Mrs. Dr. K. 1. Pope, on Jefl'ersou street. .Mr. PUeewaj, of the Brlgbton Aigu, ra In the city this week visiting fiieuds and taking in the commencomciit exercises. HtaPatn Etchells, of Tucson, Arizona ttititory, has retiuned to her uncle's, T. C. Etchella, in Dexter, to ramain for some tiuw. C'arl Hfiulrickson arrived in town last öatuiday niht, ttATÜlg made the circuit of mvi ral of our western states since leavlng the city. Win. G. Doty, our gentlemanly probate register, went over to Manchester last Friday to attend high school alumni meeting, and retunied last Monday. Hn J. K. Fields, of Alpena, accompanied by her daughter, Ettie, has been pooding ciimmriicenient week at the home of her hrother, H. A. Beal. IUh Mary K. Farnsworth, of the sixth wajrd, who graduated froin the high school laai i-iir, has gone to the Adirondac rejIod to recupérate, belog tn quite poor healtli. F. C. üoff, of Cleveland, was present dutiHg coniniinccniint. to witness the graduation of his son, F. II. Goff, and exi alauelfai being tbit maeh ptoaeed W i t Ii mir city. ¦ Hert " Hi'iiion luisbeen spending a few da] - at the bome of lus father, Qeo. Qetdon, ot I'ittificld, and In visiting Ma many old tiicnds in and about the city. "JJert" stands his years well. l'rof. John Baatwood, of Bothany college, W. 'a.. has been in the city the past weck, and togetbet with his parents, of tuis ;ii , hnve gone to their sunimer residenoe, at ('harlevoix. Hev. A.S. Kcdzie, of the Grand Haven Herald, made a pleasant cali at the Coiriioii office, las! Thuisday. The Herald is the only Kiifilisli rcpuhliciin paper pub[Uhed in Ottawa counly. llrnry S. llallis, class of '7(1, on the Detroit Post. and Tribune stair, was a caller at the Cm iuku oltii-e last Wednesday, and talkril over old ilays in Aun Albor, fora feu momeiiN vel y pleasantly. Prot .1. K. Schaberle, of Litz, Pa., con1 with the Lindou Hall Moravian ïauag Ladiw' Seminary, of that place, accompanied by hia family, will spend tlie suiiiiner vac.iliiiu in this City, with his father. Myron 11. French, ln wal manled on Thursilay, Jane Utth, at Wattslmry, l'a., to Mi- Della E. Page, at the home of the bride! parenta, retarned tma his wedding tour la-t Tue-d iv. Mr. F. isone of onr rising young attorney's and we gladly welcosae hlm back In the capacity ofa marricd man. "Maj they lie long and bc happy.''
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
George M. Henion