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The irvmnasiiiiu fund now amotints to aboul 13,600 Chas. 1'. cülrhrist, elass of '70, of Vermillion, ü., and Miss Hattie L. Ives, were mmxried reoenüy. H. .M. Shtwson, '77, will be the suporiiitcndent of schools at Houghton. Lake Superior, the oemingjmr. V. S. Townsend, '81, will goto St. John's (Episcopal) military academy at Svracuse, N. X-, as master of Kreneh and English. Last week's Item In relatfon to M. K. Perkins' securing a position on the New York Trilmne as incorrect, so we take it all back. A. B. Priee, a post gradúate, will hold iortli at the Central University, Pella, Iowa, al proifmnr of rlietoric and English, the oomlng year. L. C. Huil, '77, for the pastyear at Coldwater, has beca cboaeo priadfiti t' th Detroit liigli school In plaoeof I. M. Wellington, resigned. Prof. V. II. Paync, of the university, left la.-l Tucsday morii iiijr for ('inriunuti, to 811periutendexamhiatloni held in thatcity for admiaslon to the university. Prof. Harrlngton has gone to St. Louis, Mo., for the MOM jiurposu. John W. Paync, a gradúate oí the literary department, class of '58, who accompaüicil the engineering class undpr Prof. Davis. hik' in camp tbc past few weeks, was drowned In Wliitmore Lake last Friday. His icin.iins wi'rr taken to Niles for interincat. The ('lironicle board niet lat Monday evening and resolved to allow the new board not to exceed $150 with which to ( 'omnicnce business next season, and to ffin the balance of nearly $500 to the univi'isHy gymnasium fund. This will liiaU.' :i i;..i..l 1 i ft for tliut fuiid. wliicli i4 gTadnallj growlng. The last C'hronicle for the j-ear, which appears to-day, isa doublé nuniber, and conUrfat matter of great interest, es])ecially to the literary gradnatea and utadenU. The boys havi' met uiili graat success the past ycai-; Iml llny have a elear conscience, for they have wrked lor success, and giTen Ilif proceeds to an extcllent project, the gymiiasiiiui. 11 tliotiglit that WOrfc Wfll ba cotiiiiiciiced OB llic Huw library building very soon BOW, the regen ts having power to expend :U,00 tliis year, and $70,000 next year. They have decided to lócate the building near tlie center of the campus, east of the niaiii building Ware & Van Brunt, archilecls, of l!oton. h.-id thuir plan accepted, providini; thcy modify it Somewhat. Mr. H. C. Hagalér, Of La Salie, 111 , bas sent to the gymnasium fund the sum of vliicli addecl to the $250, previously doaated by him, nukèa $1,000 as his gift' As ihis gentil man is not an alumnus of our univeii(y, the gift ought to set some of the alumni thinking just a little. Mr. Hegeler'i only interest in our university is llic tact that be bas a daugliter who is a member Of the junior class, but he has atcinlcil Germán universities where they :ivc liyumasiuins, and fully realizes their beneltt. The C.iiniueiiccinciit Aiinual. issued by .¦-sr-. 'illis Boüghtoa and lan ('aiiJiier, li.itli of tfce literary department, met vith iinprecedented suecess. The two edilona,onTuceday theotherThursday, conained all ot tbe addraaaea, pena, histories, iropbapUe, etc, etc., aad vu just wkel rerybody ilnelrnii. i-.n.]; artide was publahed complete, from tlie original munii, Tipt, without aliridgenient and in convenent torta for preservation. The two genleineii who oonceived and carried iuto eciitiun this roject, worked diligently, and c-ervcd the uccess they met with


Ann Arbor Courier
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