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i; ¦¦. i:.NA, Meroer Co., Mo., May, We have used FeUows' Byrup of Hypophosphites wltli gratifying icsults In our practlce, and recommend i to Physicians u a reliable preparación In Aguc and Intermlttenl Fever. Ulsthebeal thing we knowof. Slgned, J. E. Callawat, M. I). ¦Iohn i,. Qbiplry, m. i . Ai.'1'iils anti (,'ainiisM r Vake from $25 to 80 per werk telling gooda for K. ;. Rideout a. Co., W Barclay Street, New Yoi-k. Send tor tbeir fiiil terms. 1000 How tO Secure Health. It Mema stnage that anyone wiü saffer from derangernent brnupht on by impure blood, whon SCOVILLS SAR8APARILLA and 8TILHNGIA, or BLOOD SYRUP, will restore health. It is the best blood porifiar ever discvered, effeetually euring Scrofula, Syphlitic disorders, Weakneei of the Kidui'ys, Ëryaipolas, M.Jaria. all Nervous Disorders and Debility Bilious Compmiu,, pi tllu uiiOa LdTer, KuliH'.vs. stomaon, Mkin. ,-t,.. , corrects iodiffention. A ñafie h.ittlo' win proyu toyou it.s asa baakh ranever, or it acts liko a charin. i'AI.N PANACEA ram pain in Man and Beast. ('se extOroall; and iiitemajly and Dnd relief. DR. ROGiai'S VEGETABLE W0BM SVlil P inetantly dctruyi wornis and reaeretiooft A Coiiijli, Gold or gore Tliroat should be sropped. N solta in an faewrabie Luitg Düeattor Con tuwtpticm, liimw.N s Ükiin ¦iiia!. Tboches art mtiiiii tn ffive rrlirf i„ Atthma, Bronchiti Gouafu, Catarrh, Contumptin and Throat uiteaset. Forthirty yeare tlie Troche have h en reoomuiendpd by physioiam and alwayi give perfect natisfnotion, Tuev are nol nr untrii1') but ha ving be d teitted by vida and Bom-Uni ue !it M'ariy an mire Beneratioa, they have a't iim d wi il perited rank atnong the lew Hapie remedien of tbe aL'e. ' Sjnnh-i n and Singt n u.e them lo olear ai d ip-i: tli.' 'nir, gold at tw,iit-livr oenta ¦ ("'. everywher. I007-S8 Motliers! Mollicrsü Motlicrsü! Are you disiurUd al nicht and btoken of y.'tir rest by i M;k i-liild Miffeiit.g and cryiriK with the excruoiating pain uf cutting uorh? [f an, io al once and pet a bottle ofMRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHl.Mi SVlil I'. It will relieve tho poor little suffurur immediattly - depend upon it; (hare is no miattke aboal it. There is pot a iBOther oo earïb who bas ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it will regálate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the ehild, operatinK like magie. It is perfeotly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best fcniilc physicians and Danei in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. loo: PILES ! PILES! ! PILES ! ! ! A. San Cure round at I.ast. le One Nrcil SulTVr. A Mire care b' the Blind, Bloeding, ttcbIngand (Jlcerated Pllet lias been diacovered by Dr. Williams (an [ndteo remedy i.oalled IJr Williams' imliaii Olntment. A box hucured the worst chronic caaes oi 'i and 80 yean standing. No one need sulfer livr minutes atter applying tliis wonderfn! soothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments, and Electuaries do more hann than good. Williams' OiiitincDt abSOlbs tlie Iiimor, allays the Intense Itchiog (partlcuJarly at night after gettlng warm In bed), acta as a pultice, gires instant and palnlett relief, and is preparad only for Tiles, Itohin the priate parts, and nothlag sise, Keail uliatllie i I n. J. M. d ll tihcrry , of Cleveland, saya about I)r. WUliasas'In(lian Pile Ointment: "i b;ie used scores of pile cures, tput it aflbrds me pleasure to say that I have oever round any thlng wnich gave snch immedlate and permanent relief as Dr. WUUams' Indian Ointment." For sale' by all druggists, or malled on receipt of pnce íl. 00. JAS. B. DA ISá ( O. Wbi.loale Druggists, Detroit, Mlch., Agenta. 1038-81 Fur sale 1 II. J. IIiíhm n .V: ( O, I'hysician claim Hope and Halt Bitten are the beet


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